Stockholm university

At the laboratory, several research projects are underway that concern both animal and human skeletal materials from Mesolithic to modern times.

Osteoarchaeology is a profile subject within the department where students through their education achieve specialist competence in archaeological skeletal finds. The unit's education is broad and students are trained in both human and animal osteoarchaeology. The subject is located in the borderland between science and the humanities. Osteological data form the basis for interpretations of cultural-historical contexts. The unit conducts both basic and more specialized research on, among other things, people's living conditions and livelihood economics during the Stone Age, Iron Age and the Middle Ages (animal husbandry, fishing, hunting). The research also touches on Scandinavia's fauna history. New research areas in the subject are animal paleopathology, paleohistopathology and oral histopathology.

Related research subject

Archaeology and Classical Studies
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Jan Storå


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies

Laszlo Bartosiewicz

Professor emeritus

Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
laszlo bartosiewicz

Sara Gummesson


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
sara gummesson

Anna Kjellström


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
anna kjellström

Dianne Unsain


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Dianne Unsain

Research projects