Stockholm university

Demography is an interdisciplinary science that focuses on the study of the population, its size, composition and change.

Populations change over time through the interaction of three central demographic processes: fertility, mortality and migration. In demographic research, this focus is expanded to include processes related to family dynamics, health and integration. Demography is a quantitative science in which advanced statistical methods are used to analyze large data sources, often register data. In addition, the subject of demography at Stockholm University often has a sociological focus, in the sense that our research focuses on the relationship between population processes and various social, economic, cultural and political factors.

People crossing a street
On this page

Family Dynamics and Fertility

Newborn baby is put on a scale

Formal Demography

Illustration featuring diverse cultures in society

Migration and Integration

Immigration terminal in an airport

Mortality, Health and Ageing

Hands of old woman.