Stockholm university

Posthumanist and Ecocritical perspectives are prominent within the research field of Literary Studies at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics at Stockholm University.

In recent years, research within the humanities has increasingly been dedicated to subjects and materials previously excluded from its disciplines. Non-human beings and phenomena such as animals, plants, weather, ecosystems, and material things have been explored in ways that were formerly reserved for manifestations of human cultures, and human representations of these things are examined from new perspectives. Simultaneously, historically prevalent Western ideas about what is human and what it means to be a human are questioned.

Several of our scholars use posthumanist and ecocritical perspectives to conduct literary research within areas such as new materialism, animal studies, eco- and zoopoetics, thing theory, and cognitive studies. Philosophical fields and movements such as phenomenology, ontology, and poststructuralism are scrutinized by engaging posthumanist and ecocritical themes, for example the Anthropocene, cyborgs, artificial intelligence, and anthropomorphism. Our research is dedicated to different kinds of literary materials, for example digital poetry, picture books, modernist novels, and early-modern French literature.

The focus on posthumanism and ecocriticism is also reflected in our courses, many of which are devoted to or contain elements of these perspectives.

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Anna Albrektson


Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Anna Albrektson

Carin Franzén


Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Carin Franzén

Ellen Frödin


Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Ellen Frödin

Ingemar Haag


Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Ingemar Haag framför en vägg med bokhyllor.

Anna Persson

PhD student

Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Anna Persson

Sofia Roberg


Department of Culture and Aesthetics

Anna Thörnell

PhD student

Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Anna Thörnell

Maria Trejling

PhD student

Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Maria Trejling

Doctoral studies

The postgraduate studies in Literature consists of four years of fulltime studies with employment. As a PhD student you will be contributing to the research from Stockholm University and to the research environment at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics. The doctoral studies include writing an independent thesis.

Read more about PhD Studies


Departments and centres

The research activities takes place at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics.

Department of Culture and Aesthetics