Stockholm university

Research about Swedish and Scandinavian Languages is multifaceted. It includes historical linguistics as well as the study of language use in our contemporary, multilingual society.

We investigate grammar and pronounciation, texts and conversations, language learning and language development. We conduct research in educational settings, at workplaces, public authorities and in everyday life. Our research produces new knowledge about our history, about society and about us as human beings.

Old book: Code of land law UUB B 68
On this page

Interaction in multilingual Sweden

Conversation doctor patient. Photo: Andrey Popov, MostPhotos

Swedish as a second language

Barn läser böcker i ett bibliotek. Foto: LightField. MostPhotos

Text and discourse in Swedish society

Information center SU different text genres, pictures and media. Photo: Jens Olof Lasthein

The history of Swedish and Scandinavian languages

Handskrit med Magnus Erikssons stadslag från 1350-talet

The structure of Swedish and Scandinavian Languages

About grammar Swedish "Grammatik" in Swedish dictionaries on