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Epistemology of the Humanities - English version

The purpose of the course is to reflect on the theoretical foundation of cultural sciences.

The course aims to reflect on the epistemological foundations of the cultural sciences and humanities.

Questions raised include what the epistemological interests of the cultural sciences are, and which phenomena they study. What do the humanities do when they produce knowledge and how can this practice be theorized? What are the social implications of scholarly investigations into culture? Indeed, how might we define “culture”? 

The course aims to highlight and address expected learning outcomes for the master level: students should be trained to make judgements about the social and ethical aspects of science and show insight into the possibilities and limitations of science.

Against that backdrop, the course deals with the cultural sciences as a context in which research problems and knowledge interests arise. It explores what can be said to be specific in approaches to the study of man, society and culture common within the cultural sciences.

The course also aims to train students to articulate the role of the humanities in the production of knowledge for society. How are societal issues and concerns transformed into research problems for the cultural sciences?