Stockholms universitet

Viewpoints about multilingualism - implications for teacher education


Datum: tisdag 16 mars 2021

Tid: 13.00 – 14.30

Plats: Zoom

Adrian Lundberg, universitetslektor vid Malmö universitet, gästade Institutionen för språkdidaktik för ett digitalt högre seminarium.

På de högre seminarierna vid Institutionen för språkdidaktik presenteras och diskuteras pågående såväl som avslutad forskning, både av våra egna forskare och forskare som gästar oss.

Adrian Lundberg

Högre seminariet ISD - tisdag 16 mars 2021

Viewpoints about multilingualism
- implications for teacher education

Adrian Lundberg, universitetslektor vid Institutionen för skolutveckling och ledarskap, Malmö universitet.


In this presentation, Adrian Lundberg reports on his recent research about teachers' theoretical understanding of multilingualism as a phenomenon and their thinking about potential pedagogical actions with regard to multilingualism in education. His approach is based on an ecological model of teacher agency and a social and dynamic view of teacher beliefs.

With the overall purpose of advancing the discussion about the way education and research may contribute to the change for greater social justice and betterment for all students, Lundberg's results allow a discussion about implications for teacher education in Sweden and beyond.

Lundberg, Adrian (2020). Viewpoints about educational language policies: Multilingualism in Sweden and Switzerland. Malmö University.