Konferenser och seminarier

Nationalekonomiska institutionen arrangerar veckovisa seminarieserier, konferenser och evenemang, med gäster från hela världen. Du hittar mer information om våra evenemang nedan.


Våra seminarieserier

Brown bag-seminariet

Tisdagar kl. 12.0013.00
Samordnare: Jay Lee


Torsdagar kl. 13.0014.15
Samordnare: Joonas Tuhkuri, Horng Chern Wong och Laura Montenbruck.


Casselrummet, A703, plan 7 i Södra huset A, Stockholms universitet

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Organiseras tillsammans med Institutet för internationell ekonomi.
Onsdagar kl. 12.0013.00
Samordnare: Thomas Mikaelsen och Ehsan Sabouri Kenari.

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Aktuella evenemang och seminarier

Du hittar vårt aktuella program i nedan flikar och i vår kalender:



Hösten 2024


5 september: Laia Navarro-Sola, Institutet för internationell ekonomi (IIES), ”Lowering barriers to remote education: Experimental impacts on parental responses and learning”

12 september: Anne Sofie Beck Knudsen, Köpenhamns universitet, ”From interdependence to independence: Cultural change during the second industrial revolution”

19 september: Mikko Silliman, Aalto-universitetet, ”Education, gender, and family formation”

3 oktober: Christiane Szerman, London School of Economics

10 oktober: Jarkko Harju, Tammerfors universitet

17 oktober: Lindsey Raymond, Microsoft Research/Harvard University

24 oktober: Nava Ashraf, London School of Economics

14 november: Girija Borker, Världsbanken

28 november: Philippe Aghion, Collège de France

5 december: Nathan Wilmers, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

12 december: Vittorio Bassi, University of Southern California

Brown bag-seminariet

10 september: Jacob Lundberg, Institutet för näringslivsforskning, ”Top income taxation: Efficiency, social welfare and the Laffer curve”       

24 september: Maren Holthe Hedne, Oslo universitet, ”Is green technology skill-biased?”

8 oktober: Jim Markusen, University of Colorado at Boulder, ”Exploiting complementarity in applied general-equilibrium models”

Måndag 14 oktober: Jakob Beuschlein, Stockholms universitet

22 oktober: Ossian Prane, Stockholms universitet

19 november: Tim Bayer, Göteborgs universitet

3 december: Sandra Kurniawati, Mannheims universitet, ”Regional and sectoral effects of commodity booms: Evidence from Indonesia”


22 augusti: Chiara Latour

Offentlig disputation

6 september: Nicklas Nordfors, ”Essays on development and the environment”

4 oktober: Charlotte Lucke, ”Essays on labour supply and inequality”

11 oktober: Miika Päällysaho, ”Essays in labor, public, and health economics”


Tidigare evenemang och seminarier



22 februari: Lorenzo Lagos, Brown University, ”Collective Bargaining for Women: How Unions Can Create Female-Friendly Jobs”

7 mars: Matti Sarvimäki, Aalto-universitetet, ”Refining Early Childhood Education: Finland’s Two-Year Pre-School Experiment”

14 mars: Josep Pijoan-Mas, Center for Monetary and Financial Studies, ”Dual Labor Markets and the Equilibrium Distribution of Firms”

21 mars: Oskar Nordström Skans, Uppsala universitet, ”The Heterogeneous Earnings Impact of Job Loss Across Workers, Establishments, and Markets”

11 april: Abi Adams-Prassl, University of Oxford, ”The Economic Cost of Rape”

18 april: Sydnee Caldwell, University of California, Berkeley, ”Wage Premia and Worker Search”

25 april: Matthew J. Wiswall, University of Wisconsin-Madison, ”Early Childhood Care and Cognitive Development”

16 maj: Eric Chyn, University of Texas, Austin

23 maj: Monica Morlacco, University of Southern California

Brown Bag-seminariet

5 mars: Giulia Vattuone, SOFI, Stockholms universitet, ”Women in Top Academic Positions: Is There a Trickle-down Effect?”

19 mars: Elin Molin, Lunds universitet, ”Severe Health Shocks and Financial Well-Being”

9 april: Max Mähr, Mannheims universitet, ”Tenure(d) Gap: Affirmative Action in Academia”

30 april: Ossian Prane, Stockholms universitet

7 maj: Anne Katrine Borgbjerg, Århus universitet

14 maj: Ehsan Sabouri Kenari, Stockholms universitet

21 maj: Nils Landén Mammos, Stockholms universitet

28 maj: Jens Wikström, Göteborgs universitet, ”The Value and Cost of Private Health Insurance under Universal Coverage”

4 juni: Eric Klemm, University College London

Jobtalks januari–februari

11 januari: Lukas Leucht, University of California, Berkeley, ”Patronage and Performance in Tammany Hall’s NYPD”

12 januari: Miguel Ortiz, University of California, Berkeley, ”Hate, Fear and Intergroup Conflict: Experimental Evidence from Nigeria”

15 januari: Clara Sievert, Harvard University, ”Supernatural Beliefs about Illness and Use of Modern Medicine: Evidence from the DRC”

24 januari: Viola Corradini, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ”Information and Access in School Choice Systems: Evidence from New York City”

25 januari: Laura Montenbruck, Mannheims universitet, ”Fiscal Exchange and Tax Compliance: Strengthening the Social Contract Under Low State Capacity”

26 januari: Jesper Böjeryd, University of California, Los Angeles, ”Should I stay or should I go?”

29 januari: Arnaud Dyèvre, London School of Economics, ”Public R&D Spillovers and Productivity Growth”

2 februari: Florian Grosset, Columbia University, ”Complementarities in Labor Supply”

9 februari: Guangbin Hong, University of Toronto, ”Two-Sided Sorting of Workers and Firms: Implications for Spatial Inequality and Welfare”


20 maj: Nicklas Nordfors

11 juni: Miika Päällysaho

14 juni: Charlotte Lucke

Offentlig disputation

21 maj: David Jackson


Vår 2023


16 februari: Chris Roth, Cologne University, "Home Price Expectations and Spending: Evidence from a Field Experiment"

23 februari: Marianne Bertrand, Chicago Booth, "Predicting and Preventing Gun Violence: An Experimental Evaluation of READI Chicago"

9 mars: Jonathan Kolstad, Berkeley, "The Social Determinants of Choice Quality: Evidence from Health Insurance in the Netherlands"

16 mars: Jonathon Hazell, London School of Economics, "Bonus Question: How Does Incentive Pay Affect Unemployment Dynamics?"

23 mars: Jerome Adda, Bocconi University, "Health Beliefs and the Long Run Effect of Medical Information"

30 mars: Francesco Amodio, McGill University, "Labor Market Power, Self-employment, and Development"

13 april: Kory Kroft, University of Toronto, "Imperfect Competition and Rents in Labor and Product Markets: The Case of the Construction Industry"

27 april: Luca Repetto, Uppsala universitet, "Scars of War: the Legacy of WW1 Deaths on Civic Capital and Combat Motivation"

4 maj: Rachel Griffith, University of Manchester, "Soft skills and the wage progression of low educated workers"

11 maj: Roland Rathelot, CREST, ENSAE, IPParis, "How can AI improve search and matching? Evidence from 59 million personalized job recommendations"

24 maj: Alan Manning, London School of Economics, "The Wage Elasticity of Recruitment"

1 juni: Andreas Moxnes, Oslo universitet, "Growing Together and Apart: Scale Economies and Specialization", joint with Björn Thor Arnarson, Magnus Tolum Buus, Jakob Munch and Chong Xiang

8 juni: Petra Moser, NYU Stern, "Inequality in Science"

15 juni: Yves Zenou, SU, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, "Toward a General Theory of Peer Effects"

22 juni: Arthur Seibold, Mannheims universitet, "Privatizing Disability Insurance"

Brown bag-seminariet

7 februari, Linda Wu, University College London, "Behavioral Responses to Estate Taxation: Evidence from Taiwan"

21 mars: Zhiheng Xu, Stockholms universitet, "The Battle for Speed: A Race to the Bottom or a Race to the Top?"

4 april: Camila Steffens, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, "Effects of e-commerce on local employment and firms' dynamics"

2 maj: Ronja Helensdotter, Göteborgs universitet, "Surviving Childhood: Health Effects of Removing a Child from Home"

16 maj: Eugenia Maria Frezza, Trinity College Dublin, "Intimate-Partner-Violence and Attitudes in India"

30 maj: Ossian Prane, Stockholms universitet, "Carbon Pricing and Offshoring"

Höst 2023


7 september: Rafael Lalive, Lausanne, "Supporting Job Search Through Online Advice or Cognitive Trainings"

14 september: François Gerard, University of London, "Job displacement insurance in a lower-income country: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Ethiopia"

21 september: Isabela Manelici, London School of Economics, "Responsible Sourcing? Theory and Evidence from Costa Rica"

28 september: Mateusz Stalinski, University of Warwick, "Toxic Content and User Engagement on Social Media: Evidence from a Field Experiment"

5 oktober: Claus Kreiner, Köpenhamns universitet, "Micro vs Macro Labor Supply Elasticities: The Role of Dynamic Returns to Effort"

12 oktober: Jan Stuhler, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, "Immigration and Monopsony: Evidence Across the Distribution of Firms"

19 oktober: Dita Eckardt, University of Warwick, "The Effect of Labor Market Entry Conditions on Job Match Quality: Evidence from Apprenticeship Graduates"

26 oktober: Simon Jäger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Worker Representatives"

16 november: Arthur Seibold, Mannheims universitet, "Privatizing Disability Insurance"

23 november: Markus Poschke, McGill University, "Understanding the Gender Division of Work across Countries"

30 november: Xavier Jaravel, London School of Economics, "Five Facts about MPCs: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment"

7 december: Matt Notowidigdo, Chicago Booth, "Lives vs. Livelihoods: The Impact of the Great Recession on Mortality and Welfare"

14 december: Milena Djourelova, Cornell University, "Experience, Narratives and Climate Change Beliefs"

Brown bag-seminariet

26 september: Carina Neisser, University of Cologne, "Earnings Disclosure by Politicians"

10 oktober: Nicklas Nordfors, Stockholms universitet

17 oktober: Charlotte Lucke, Stockholms universitet, "Incentivizing Secondary Work: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Belgium"

24 oktober: Jósef Sigurdsson, Stockholm University, "Burnout: Risk Factors and Economic Consequences"

7 november: Donia Kamel, Paris School of Economics

14 november: Joacim Tåg, Institutet för Näringslivsforskning, "Chat GPT in Research"

21 november: María Alexandra Castellanos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


12 april: Jens Wikström

17 maj: Anna Linderoth

20 september: David Jackson

Offentlig disputation

16 februari: Jon Olofsson, "An Economic Backbone of Development"

14 juni: Yangzhou Yuan, "Policy, Institution and Misallocation"

1 september: Jens Wikström, "Essays on Health Economics and the Economics of Social Security"

7 september: Anna Linderoth, "Essays on Men’s Preferences and Gender Inequality in the Labor Market"


78 september: NOITS konferens 2023, Stockholm

1415 december: Nordic Public Policy Symposium, Stockholm


Vår 2022

10 januari: Job Talk: Pauline Corblet (Sciences Po): "Education Expansion, Sorting, and the Decreasing Wage Premium"

11 januari: Job Talk: Riccardo Cioffi (Princeton): "Heterogeneous Risk Exposure and the Dynamics of Wealth Inequality"

12 januari: Job Talk: Amanda Dahlstrand (LSE): "Defying Distance: The Provision of Services in the Digital Age"

18 januari: Job Talk: Veda Narasimhan (Zurich): "Decentralization, Rural Development, and Growth: Evidence from India"

19 januari: Job Talk: Barthelemy Bonadio (Lausanne): "Ports vs. Roads: Infrastructure, Market Access and Regional Outcomes"

20 januari: Job Talk: Paula Calvo (Yale): "The effects of institutional gaps between cohabitation and marriage"

21 januari: Job Talk: Ciaran Rogers (Stanford): "Quantitative Easing and Local Banking Systems in the Euro Area"

24 januari: Job Talk: Marco Stenborg Pettersson (Brown): "Estimation of a Latent Reference Point: Method and Application to NYC Taxi Drivers"

25 januari: Job Talk: Valeria Zurla (Brown): "How Should We Design Parental Leave Policies? Evidence from Two Reforms in Italy"

27 januari: Job Talk: Anna Becker (UCL): "Shamed to Death: Social Image Concerns and War Participation"

28 januari: Job Talk: Iain Bamford (Columbia): "opsony Power, Spatial Equilibrium, and Minimum Wages"

31 januari: Job Talk: Ruben Dominguez Diaz (Brown): "Precautionary Savings and Financial Frictions"

2 februari: Job Talk: Karmini Sharma (Warwick): "Tackling Sexual Harassment: Experimental Evidence from India"

3 februari: Job Talk: Joonas Tuhkuri (MIT): "New Evidence on the Effect of Technology on Employment and Skill Demand"

22 februari: Brown bag: Filip Mellgren (SU): "Robust Algorithmic Collusion"

8 mars: Brown bag: Jay Lee (SU): "Group Composition and Group Decision-Making: Evidence from Municipal Council Meetings in South Korea"

10 mars: Arianna Ornaghi (Hertie): "Who Watches the Watchmen? Local News and Police Behavior in the United States"

15 mars: Brown bag: Ash Craig (Michigan): "Spill-overs in Crime: Using Network Data to Measure Social Returns and Improve Targeting of Crime Reduction Interventions"

22 mars: Nina Rousille (LSE/MIT): "Worker Beliefs about Outside options"

24 mars: Brown bag: Celine Zipfel (SSE): "Defusing a Population Explosion? Jobs and Fertility in sub-Saharan Africa"

29 mars: Brown bag: Gabriella Massenz (ENTER): "Bunching of closely held corporations: Targeted tax incentives, persistence and firms' heterogeneity"

31 mars: Matthias Kehrig (Duke): "Good Dispersion, Bad Dispersion"

5 april: Brown bag: Jens Wikström (SU): "Liquidity ctions in Non-linear Health Insurance"

19 april: Brown bag: Anna Vitali (ENTER): "Consumer Search and Firm Location: Evidence from the Garment Sector in Uganda"

21 april: Isabelmarstinez (ETH Zurich): "Tracking and Taxing the Super-Rich: Insights from Swiss Rich Lists"

26 april: Brown bag: Martina Zanella (LSE): "Stereotypical Selection"

28 april: Ro'ee Levy (MIT, Tel Aviv): "The Effects of Social Movements: Evidence from #MeToo"

5 maj: Brown bag: Tiago Bernardino (SU): "Aging, Public finances and Generational Inequalities in Portugal: Can Immigration save the day?"

10 maj: Peter Hull (Brown): "Non-Random Exposure to Exogenous Shocks"

12 maj: Julia Cagé (Sciences Po): "Is Charitable Giving Political? Evidence from Wealth and Income Tax Returns"

17 maj: Brown bag: Petteri Juvonen (SU/Helsinki): "Understanding the Gains from Wage Flexibility: The Exchange Rate Connection Revisited"

Höst 2022

1 september: Stéphane Bonhomme (Chicago): "Relaxing Strict Exogeneity in Nonlinear Panel Data Models"

8 september: Anna Stansbury (MIT): "Better Labor Market Options Reduce Workplace Injuries"

15 september: John Van Reenen (LSE): "Opening up Military Innovation: Causal Effects of Reforms to U.S. Defense Research"

22 september: Chad Jones (Stanford): "Recipes and Economic Growth: A Combinatorial March Down an Exponential Tail"

27 september: Brown bag: Isabel Micó-Millán (UC3M): "Female Portfolio Choices and Marital Property Regime"

29 september: Monica Costa-Dias (Bristol): "Higher Education Sorting and Social Mobility"

3 oktober: Fabian Lange (McGill):"On the Role of Learning, Human Capital, and Performance Incentives for Wages"

4 oktober: Brown bag: David Jackson (SU): "Punishment, Reputation and the Community Enforcement of Norms"

6 oktober: Chris Neilson (Yale): "Teacher compensation and structural inequality: Evidence from centralized teacher school choice in Peru"

23 oktober: Christian Dustmann (UCL): “Knowledge Spillovers, Competition, and Individual Careers"

18 oktober: Brown bag: Francesco Loiacono (SU): "Matching with the Right Attitude: the Effect of Exposing Firms to Refugee Workers"

20 oktober: Marta Prato (Chicago): "The Global Race for Talent: Brain Drain, Knowledge Transfer, and Growth"

27 oktober: Caroline Theoharides (Amherst): "Behavioral Responses to Temporary Migration: An Examination of Origin-Country Fertility"

8 november: Brown bag: Rachel Meager(LSE): "Combining Experimental and Observational Studies in Meta-Analysis: A Debiasing Approach"

10 november: Gharad Bryan (LSE): "Learning to see the world’s opportunities: The impact of visualization on entrepreneurial success"

17 november: Tatiana Mocanu (UCL): "Designing Gender Equity: Evidence from Hiring Practices and Committees"

22 november: Brown bag: Gualtiero Azzalini (SU): "Business cycle asymmetry of earnings pass-through"

24 november: Thomas Lemieux (Vancouver): "Who Benefits from Place-Based Policies? Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data"

15 november: Brown bag: Markus Kondziella (SU): "Recent changes in firm dynamics and the nature of economic growth"

1 december: Sebastian Findeisen (Konstanz): "Family Friendly Workplace Policies"

6 december: Brown bag: Lkhagvaa Erdenesuren (Tilburg): "Heterogeneous response in retirement to anticipated pension reforms"

8 december: Mathilde Muñoz (Berkeley): "Tax Design, Information, and Elasticities: Evidence from the French Wealth Tax"

15 december: Mahreen Mahmud (Exeter): "Economic and Psychological Constraints to Women’s Empowerment"


Vår 2021

11 januari: Job Talk: Augustin Bergeron (Harvard): "The State Capacity Ceiling on Tax Rates: Evidence from Randomized Tax Abatements in the DRC"

12 januari: Job Talk: Martin Mattsson (Yale): "Service Delivery, Corruption, and Information Flows in Bureaucracies: Evidence from the Bangladesh Civil Service"

14 januari: Job Talk: Elisa Macchi (Zurich): "Worth your weight: experimental evidence on the benefits of obesity in low-income countries"

19 januari: Job Talk: Michele Fornino (MIT): "Automation and the Future of Work: Assessing the Role of Labor Flexibility"

21 januari: Job Talk: Sebastian Ellingsen (UPF): "Free and Protected: Trade and Breaks in Long-Term Persistence"

22 januari: Job Talk: Francesca Salvati (UCL): "Health Inequality, Labor Supply and Retirement Policies"

25 januari: Job Talk: Emma Riley (Oxford): "Resisting Social Pressure in the Household Using Mobile Money: Experimental Evidence on Microenterprise Investment in Uganda"

28 januari: Job Talk: Martina Fazio (LSE): "Financial Stabilisation Policies in a Credit Crunch: Zombie Firms and the Effective Lower Bound"

1 februari: Job Talk: Silvia Vannutelli (Boston): "From Lapdogs to Watchdogs: Random Auditor Assignment and Municipal Fiscal Performance in Italy"

3 januari: Job Talk: Michele Giannola (UCL): "Parental Investments and Intra-household Inequality in Child Development: Theory, Measurement and Evidence from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment"

5 februari: Job Talk: Josef Sigurdsson (NHH): "Labor Supply Responses and Adjustment Frictions: A Tax-Free Year in Iceland"

16 februari: Brown Bag: Sébastien Lamproye (ECARES, ULB): "Did Technology trigger the American Dream? Innovation and Intergenerational Income Rank Mobility"

18 februari: Alexandra Roulet (INSEAD): "Revisiting the Contribution of Firm Pay Policies to the Gender Wage Gap"

25 februari: Florian Scheuer (Zürich): "Taxing High-Powered Entrepreneurship"

16 mars: Brown Bag: Ossian Prane (SU): "Imports and the Carbon Emission Intensity of Firms"

18 mars: Emily Breza (Harvard): "Does Affirmative Action Rewire the Social Network? Evidence from India"

25 mars: Wojciech Kopczuk (Columbia): "Accounting for Business Income in Measuring Top Income Shares:
Integrated Accrual Approach Using Individual and Firm Data from Norway"

8 april: Guilherme Lichand (Zurich): "Harming to Signal: Child Marriage vs. Public Donations in Malawi"

13 april: Brown Bag: Anders Åkerman (SU): "Chasing an Elusive Target: Measuring Productivity Effects under Factor-Biased Technological Change"

20 april: Brown Bag: David Jackson (SU): "Reputation in networks"

29 april: Gianmarco Leon (UPF): "Financial Incentives in Multi-layered Organizations: An Experiment in the Public Sector"

4 maj: Brown Bag: Ines Helm (SU): "Firm Expansion in Imperfect Labor Markets"

11 maj: Brown Bag: Miika Päällysaho (SU): "Labor Market Returns and the Evolution of Cognitive Skills: Theory and Evidence"

18 maj: Brown Bag: Monir Bounadi (SU): "Religion and Mobilization: Evidence from Europe's Involvement with the Hajj"

20 maj: Kalina Manova (UCL): "Firm Heterogeneity and Imperfect Competition in Global Production Networks"

25 maj: Mushfiq Mobarak (Yale): "Normalizing Community Mask-Wearing: A Cluster Randomized Trial in Bangladesh"

26 maj: Slutseminarium: Nanna Fukushima (SU)

3 juni: David Weil (Brown): "Quality-adjusted Population Density"

14 juni: Slutseminarium: Roza Khoban (SU)

Höst 2021

14 september: Brown Bag: Jay Lee & Horng Chern Wong SU):"International Trade and Structural Change across Cities/Gender Ratio and Group Dynamics"

16 september: Natalia Rigol, Harvard Business School: "Strategic Disclosure of Loan Officers and Graduation from Microfinance: Evidence from Chile"

21 september: Brown Bag: Anna Linderoth (SU): "Gender Segregation Across Workplaces: Tipping and The Importance of Social Skill"

27 september: PhD Defense: Nanna Fukushima (SU): "Essays on the Economics of the 1956 Clean Air Act"

28 september: Brown Bag: Moritz Goldbeck (Munich): "Digital Infrastructure and Local Economic Growth: Early Internet in Sub-Saharan Africa"

28 september: Wolfram Schlenker (Columbia): "Pushed to Cross the Line: Multiperiod Pollution Standards and the Cost of Environmental Regulation"

5 oktober: Brown Bag: Ulrika Ahrsjö (SU): "Youth crime, community service and labor market outcomes"

12 oktober: Brown Bag: Pedro Guimaraes Naso (Geneva): "Delegation of Environmental Regulation and Perceived Corruption in South Africa"

14 oktober: Magne Mogstad (Chicago): "How Americans Respond to Idiosyncratic and Exogenous Changes in Household Wealth and Unearned Income"

15 oktober: Disputation: Roza Khoban (SU): "Globalization and Development: The Impact of International Trade on Political and Social Institutions"

19 oktober: Brown Bag: José-Elias Gallegos (SU): "Inflation Persistence, Noisy Information and the Phillips Curve"

21 oktober: Nina Pavcnik (Dartmouth): "FDI Inflows and Domestic Firms: Adjustment to New Exporting Opportunities"

26 oktober: Brown Bag: Marie-Pascale Gri(SU): "Effects of the Child Protection System on Parents"

28 oktober: Jan De Loecker (KU, Leuven): "The Welfare Impact of Market Power: The OPEC Cartel"

2 november: Brown Bag: Alvaro Delgado Vega (UC3M & ENTER): "Which Side are You On? Political Relational Contracts"

9 november: Brown Bag: Xueping Sun (SU): "The Innovation Cost of Short Political Horizons: Evidence from Local Leaders' Promotion in China"

11 november: Sebastian Siegloch (Mannheim): "Direct, Spillover, and Welfare Effects of Regional Firm Subsidies"

16 november: Brown Bag: Lidia Cruces de Souca (UC3 & ENTER): "Gender gaps in the labour market and pension sustainability"

18 november: Giancarlo Spagnolo (SSE): "Theory and Evidence on Asymmetric Sanctions and Corruption: A Chinese Tale of Tigers and Flies"

23 november: Brown bag: John Kramer (SU): "The Cyclicality of Earnings Growth along the Distribution - Causes and Consequences"

25 november: Balazs Murakozy (Liverpool): "Technological Change and Skill Demand in Non-Competitive Labor Markets"

30 november: Brown Bag: Rene Karadakic (NHH): "Health Effects of Information Diffusion"

2 december: Basile Grassi (Bocconi): "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Markup Estimation"

7 december: Brown Bag: Johannes Haushofer (SU): "Cash Transfers for Migration"

9 december: Johannes Boehm (Sciences Po): "Growth and the Fragmentation of Production"



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