Stockholms universitet

Anna Westberg BroströmPrefekt

Om mig

Prefekt, Universitetslektor

Avdelningen för förskollärarutbildning och förskoleforskning

Jag är prefekt för institutionen (sedan 1 augusti 2023), docent i barn- och ungdomsvetenskap samt verksam som lektor på avdelningen för förskollärarutbildning och förskoleforskning. För närvarande handlar min forskning om integritet som förskoledidaktisk utmaning.

Jag handleder doktorand Magdalena Hulth vars inriktning handlar om sexualundervisning i förskolan. 

Tidigare har jag forskat om scoutrörelsen som kulturellt fenomen och om barns perspektiv på att vara scouter. 

År 2017-2018 var jag anställd som expert i Skolverkets arbete med revideringen av förskolans läroplan. 


Barns perspektiv, scoutrörelsen, män i förskola, sexuella övergrepp på barn, integritet i förskolan


Undervisar på masterprogrammet i förskoledidaktik. 



Barn, sexualitet och förskolan som institution

Avslutade forskningsprojekt

Konstruktionen av barndom och ungdom - exemplet scouterna



I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Child sexuality and interdependent agency in sexuality education texts for Swedish preschool practitioners 1969−2021: three discourses on children’s sexual play

    2023. Magdalena Hulth, Anne-Li Lindgren, Anna Westberg-Broström. Sex Education


    This paper provides a discourse analysis of 12 Swedish sexuality education texts intended for preschool practitioners and published between 1969 and 2021. Using Fairclough’s framework, we identify three discourses about children’s sexual play in relation to children’s sexual agency in the texts: child sexuality as encouraged and entangled with adult sexuality; child sexuality as conditioned by what is perceived as normal or abnormal in children; and child sexuality as repressed. These three discourses mainly appear chronologically, but also overlap and connect with one another. When analysis begins from children’s position and a theoretical understanding of children’s and adults’ agency as interdependent, it becomes possible to see how the child is construed as agentic, and how the adult role changes from encouraging sexual play to regulating and monitoring behaviour so that it does not occur. Over time, discourse on young children’s sexual play has changed our understanding of both adults and children. Adults are increasingly construed as less knowledgeable in relation to young children’s sexuality, and young children have become understood as more dangerous and in need of having their sexuality constrained and civilised.

    Läs mer om Child sexuality and interdependent agency in sexuality education texts for Swedish preschool practitioners 1969−2021
  • Observed Children at Play: Complex Relations of Agency in a1930s' Kindergarten

    2023. Anne-Li Lindgren, Sara Backman Prytz, Anna Westberg-Broström. The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 16 (1), 115-133


    In this article, we juxtapose Norman Fairclough’s (1992) Critical Discourse Analysis with the history of childhood in order to analyze children’s and adults’ agency in a Swedish kindergarten during the 1930s. We use a primary source, a child observation, to study the role of initiatives, i.e. actions, in a situation where the children were playing kindergarten. The main question posed concerns the new insights that we can gain into children’s and adults’ agency when studying initiatives as a form of agency involving compliance (Gleason 2016). The article shows that demonstrating how to comply with a situation could be part of how a child could contribute to, and build, a shared preschool identity, formed by an interdependence that included both children and adults. The focus is not on whether or not a child could play an agentic role in relation to adults, but rather on how the collective decision-making involving children and adults was affected by their respective capacities to contribute. In addition to the analysis of social interactions, we suggest that similar sources, i.e. historical child observations, could be used in creative ways for transnational investigations of children’s and adults’ everyday lives in early childhood institutions.

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  • Samtycke, känslor och möjligheter att agera: barnsyn och barns aktörskap i sexualbrottsförebyggande litteratur för förskoleåldern

    2022. Helena Bergström, Anna Westberg-Broström, Magdalena Hulth. Barn 40 (4)


    I artikeln analyseras svenska bilderböcker som gör anspråk på att förebygga sexuella övergrepp. Syftet med studien är att analysera böckernas barnsyn och syn på barns aktörskap. Analysen visar att böckerna beskriver övergrepp i vaga uttryck. Ett huvudbudskap är att principen om samtycke ska gälla för barn, men utan att kopplas till sex. Samtycke uppnås genom att känna efter och agera utifrån egna och andras kroppsliga integritetsgränser. Barn positioneras som utsatta gentemot vuxna, samtidigt som de ska förstå att de kan agera nästan jämlikt. Vissa budskap riktar sig direkt till eller om vuxna; att de måste lyssna på barn. Analysen visar att böckerna har ett fokus som inte framkommit i studier av internationell utgivning. De svenska exemplen kan ses som en bred socialisation för att förebygga sexuella övergrepp mot barn, men också mot vuxna.

    Läs mer om Samtycke, känslor och möjligheter att agera
  • Swedish media discourses about child sexual abuse in preschools

    2018. Helena Bergström, Anna Westberg-Broström, Christian Eidevald. Early Child Development and Care


    The framing of news promotes certain interpretations. The representation of a problem in public media thereby affects the idea of what to do about that problem. This article analyses discourses about child sexual abuse (CSA) in preschools, occurring in Swedish printed media 2014–2015, and interprets the effects that the discourses may have on the social practices. ‘The discourse of the best interest of the child and preschool as a good place’ and ‘the discourse of equality as an ideal’ dominate the material, although narratives describe CSA. Solutions to limiting CSA are discussed only rarely.

    Läs mer om Swedish media discourses about child sexual abuse in preschools
  • Maneuvering suspicions of being a potential pedophile

    2018. Christian Eidevald, Helena Bergström, Anna Westberg Broström. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 26 (3), 407-417


    Previous research has described a discourse where men working within Early Childhood Education and Care are viewed as potential pedophiles. The aim of this study is to describe and analyze how men, working in Swedish preschools, position themselves in relation to this pedophile discourse. Twenty-five men were interviewed about their work-experiences and the result shows two dominating positions: (1) giving up or (2) maneuvering the pedophile discourse. The discourse is maneuvered by: avoiding certain tasks, do the tasks but in ways that minimize suspicion or do the tasks without acknowledging the personal risk, as the tasks are required in their professional role. Thereby, men do not have the same ability to develop professionalism in childcare as women. However, by overcoming the fear of the pedophile discourse, these men create 'new discourses', where men can be viewed as caregivers. The result highlights an overall question, of what a professional approach is when it comes to care for children in ECEC.

    Läs mer om Maneuvering suspicions of being a potential pedophile
  • Child sexual abuse at preschools - a research review of a complex issue for preschool professionals

    2016. Helena Bergström, Christian Eidevald, Anna Westberg-Broström. Early Child Development and Care 186 (9), 1520-1528


    The objective of this research review is to synthesize research published between 2000 and 2015 regarding child sexual abuse, preschool and preschool teachers. The review identifies themes relevant for the preschool teacher profession: child sexual abuse at preschools, suspicions and consequences for the preschool sector, preventing techniques and the preschool teacher as a safeguarder. Furthermore, important types of tensions in efforts to safeguard against child sexual abuse are identified: the importance of listening to children and avoiding false allegations, the preschool teacher as a safeguarder and a potential abuser, and the importance of preventing child sexual abuse and providing qualitative care of children. Implications for the profession, the education of preschool teachers and the need for more research are addressed.

    Läs mer om Child sexual abuse at preschools - a research review of a complex issue for preschool professionals
  • Learning to lead

    2016. Anna Westberg Broström. World Leisure Journal 58 (1), 12-27


    The aim of the present article is to explore how members transit from participants to leaders within Swedish scouting. It is a contribution to the ongoing discussion about the continued involvement of older participants within youth cultures [Bennett, A. (2006). Punk's not dead: The continuing significance of punk rock for and older generations of fans. Sociology40, 219–235; Bennett, A., & Hodkinson, P. (2012). Ageing and youth cultures: Music, style and identity. London: Berg; Davis, J. R. (2006). Growing up punk: Negotiating aging identity in a local music scene. Symbolic interaction29(1), 63–69; Hodkinson, P. (2011). Ageing in a spectacular “youth culture”: Continuity, change and community amongst older goths. The British Journal of Sociology62(2), 262–282], through investigating a different case; that of a youth organization. Both educators, who take charge, as well as participants taking part in scout leadership courses, have been interviewed. The present study demonstrates there is an end to childhood and youth within scouting. In order to stay involved, the participant has to become a leader. Paradoxically, though, no significant difference between being a scout and a leader is however experienced. The only difference is that the member has to be more responsible as a scout leader. None of the informants, however, mention responsibility as their main motive for continued participation. Rather, the main motive for volunteering as leaders seems to be the prospect of remaining scouts. Through becoming a leader, the scout is able to stay a scout and concomitantly; to stay youthful.

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  • "Wild Scouts"

    2013. Anna Westberg Broström. Child & Youth Services 34 (1), 9-22


    The aim of this article is to analyze the Swedish scout program.Socialization is used as a theoretical tool in the analysis. Themethod is inspired by critical discourse analysis. What are childrenand young people being prepared for, how is it accomplished, andby whom? The findings reveal two discourses: doing things as aninvestment for the future versus having fun. In ‘‘the scout factory,’’the movement is the initiator, the leader the performer, and theyoung person the individual who is to become the finalproduct—a responsible citizen.

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  • Young or youthful: the Scout Movement and youth discourses

    2012. Anna Westberg Broström. Leisure/Loisir 36 (1), 53-64


    The aim of this article is to explore the discourses surrounding the contemporary Swedish Scout Movement and young people. The method is based on discourse analysis. Newspaper articles about, and leaflets from, the movement from 2007 to 2009 were analyzed. The findings suggest that scouts are described as well-behaved, decent, sinful, “geeky,” young or youthful. The leaflets demonstrate that the organization wants to promote itself as youthful. It has trouble recruiting young people and tries to change its image by borrowing symbols from other youth cultures. Paradoxically, this approach leads to a conclusion that the Scout Movement's youth are not seen as youthful by their own organization. They cannot signal youthfulness by themselves.

    Läs mer om Young or youthful: the Scout Movement and youth discourses

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