Stockholms universitet

Karin Helmersson BergmarkProfessor emerita i sociologi

Om mig




Research Projects (2000-)

Nutidens addiktioner och livet online 2016-2019 Vetenskapsrådet

The idea of an evidence based practice within the social services 2016-2019 funded by RJ -the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, with Anders Bergmark et al.

MMORPG – samhällsproblem eller framtidsliv? (MMORPG – social problem or future life?) 2008-2013, funded by FAS - Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research

Kvinnor, hälsa och rusmedel (Women, health and substance use), 2009-2012, with Jukka Törrönen et al., funded by FAS - Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research

Alkoholkultur i förändring? (Changes in the cultural position of drinking), 2007-2012, with Jukka Törrönen et al., funded by the Finnish Academy of Sciences, NAD - The Nordic Council for Alcohol and Drug Research and FAS - Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research

GENACIS – Gender, alcohol and culture – an international study, colloborative project a) within the EU with funding EC QLG4-2001-01496, 2002-2004 with Kim Bloomfield et al., b) globally within IRGGA (the International Research Group for research on Gender and Alcohol, 2000-present with Sharon Wilsnack et al., funded by NIAAA, WHO, the German Federal Ministry of Health and Swiss national funds c) nationally: Swedish part of the project funded by the European Commission, (via SoRAD) the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs (with Robin Room et al.) and the Alcohol Research Council of the Swedish Alcohol Retailing Monopoly 2005-2008.

Use and misuse in Sweden – experiences, attitudes, opinions 2003-2004 funded by RJ - the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation.

Women and alcohol – gender, change and modernity 1997-2002 a programme (forskarassistent – assistant professor) funded by SFR – the National Research Council for the Social Sciences


I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Internet Addiction

    2016. Karin H. Bergmark, Einar Stensson, Anders Bergmark. Jacobs Journal of Addiction and Therapy 3 (1)


    The body of Internet addiction research articles has grown rapidly during the last years. Critics claim that the bulk of this research is more confirmatory than scrutinizing, in spite of weak evidence for the label of addiction. A study on excessive Internet use in Sweden has been cited repeatedly in Internet addiction studies. The present study takes a closer look at these citations and combines the presentation with a systematic review of methods and theoretical approaches in Internet addiction studies, published between January 2000 and July 2013.

    Läs mer om Internet Addiction
  • Parental mediation of digital gaming and internet use

    2013. Lina Eklund, Karin Helmersson Bergmark. FDG 2013, 63-70


    In this study the focus is set on parental rules for digital gaming and Internet use. First a review of the field is presented followed by analyses of adolescents’ media use and parental strategies for regulation. Data was derived from a Swedish survey of parents—Predominantly mothers—of adolescents aged 9-16 complemented with data from a separate survey of adolescents aged 9-16. Analyses are presented using gamma coefficients for bivariate correlations and linear regression models for multivariate analyses. We conclude that parents in this study are involved in their adolescents’ gaming and Internet by restricting access to these media. Boys and young adolescents are controlled more than girls and older adolescents. Mothers made use of restrictive mediation more than fathers. Parents harbour quite negative views on gaming which might interfere with a more active role of parents in mediating their children’s gaming

    Läs mer om Parental mediation of digital gaming and internet use
  • Virtuella rum

    2011. Karin H Bergmark. Framtider - tidskrift från Institutet för framtidsstudier (1), 26-28

    Läs mer om Virtuella rum

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