Stockholms universitet

Charlotte HolmbergAdjunkt

Om mig


Avdelningen för förskollärarutbildning och förskoleforskning/Section for Early Childhood Education


Mitt namn är Charlotte Holmberg och jag är förskollärare, lärarutbildare och forskare. Jag har en lång och gedigen bakgrund av arbete på förskolan och har arbetat inom svensk förskola mellan åren 1994-2018. Under mina yrkesverksamma år som förskollärare arbetade jag med såväl yngre som äldre barn samt som utvecklingsledare på central nivå. Jag har alltid gillat att mig uppdaterad och har alltid studerat parallellt. Först uppdaterade jag min gamla förskoleexamen med förskollärarexamen enligt det nya högskolepoängsystemet denna kurs ledde sedan till en filosofie kandidatexamen. Då jag ändå var i farten med studierna fortsatte jag med en magisterexamen.Därefter bodde jag utomlands och skaffade även familj men år 2012 blev jag antagen till en statlig forskarutbildning som ledde till en licentiatsexamen. 




Jag undervisar inom Förskollärarprogrammet i olika terminer och arbetar i följande kurser:

pedagogisk dokumentation och läroplansteori, termin2

VFU II, termin 2

språk och kommunikation, termin 4

Dokumentation, kvalitet och utvärdering, termin 6

VFU V, termin 6

VFU I i VAL programmet

Att ha handledning i förskolan




Publikationer i urval/Publications

Licentiatavhandling 2015: Så är det ju - den blir aldrig färdig!





I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Så är det ju - den blir aldrig färdig!

    2015. Charlotte Holmberg, Eva Änggård, Polly Björk-Willén.

    Avhandling (Lic)

    This dissertation is about educators work with pedagogical documentation in Swedish preschools. The purpose has been to investigate how pedagogical documentation is realized in everyday work in two preschools and examine how educators express themselves on purposes, opportunities and difficulties with this approach. This has been important to study since many preschools have chosen to work with pedagogic documentation to follow up and assure the quality of their work. Since 2010 pedagogical documentation is included in the preschools curriculum. The study was conducted at two different preschools where I followed a total of six educators in two preschool departments for two months in each department. Methods used to collect data were selected based on an ethnographic approach. Data collection consists of field notes, photographs, recorded interviews and documentations from preschools and their working plans. The analysis is based on a curriculum theory perspective, and especially important concepts have been transformation arena and realization arena. Furthermore, frame factor theory and the didactic questions what, how and why, have been used to analyze data. The results show that the documentation works where formulated in different ways depending on the frames and conditions. One preschool unit was at a municipal preschool without any special pedagogical approach. Here the pedagogical documentation was in a startup phase and was one of many tasks in the pedagogical work. The other preschool unit was in a Reggio Emilia inspired preschool who had worked with pedagogical documentation for several years. Here the work with pedagogical documentation was the driving force for developing the work. This ideological difference was reflected in what the educators documented, how they documented and how the documentations were used. Pedagogical documentation was partly be seen as a cumbersome way of working among the participants, whether they are beginners or experienced. It is in the nature of the work with pedagogical documentation that there are no obvious answers, which can lead to some uncertainty whether one is right or not. Other factors leading to frustration is that this approach is time-consuming and that the new technologies available require a lot of skills to be used. The study highlights that continuous training plays a crucial role as one of educator’s preconditions to succeed in the work with pedagogical documentation. In this study, one can also see how ethical aspects constantly makes themselves felt and need to be highlighted. The main impression is that the educators, despite the perceived difficulties, felt that it was stimulating and meaningful to work with pedagogical documentation and that they saw it as a tool for developing their work.

    Läs mer om Så är det ju - den blir aldrig färdig!

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