Stockholms universitet

Dominic PowerProfessor

Om mig

I am a human geographer primarily concerned with the interrelations between culture and economy, the geographical foundations of business competencies and competitiveness and the economic geography of innovation, entrepreneurship and contemporary economic change. Within this broad concern I have focused most of my energy on the cultural and creative industries and the cultural economy.

My work on the creative and cultural industries and the cultural economy has occupied me since 2000 and forms the main plank of my research. The background for this research lies in the fact that in recent years there has been considerable growth in the importance of non-manufacturing based forms of production to the performance of many Western economies. This shift away from manufacturing has not simply meant a shift to a service-based economy. It has also meant that many economies have become increasingly reliant on the production and export of activities and products traditionally considered ephemeral aspects of nations’ cultural lives; and that cultural and creative inputs have become important aspects of how all firms create added-value and differentiate themselves. This work has involved research both on the general parameters of the cultural industries and economy and sector-specific research on the music, design and fashion industries. I am motivated not only by an interest in the spatial dynamics of these industries but also an interest in how the conditions for their success, competitiveness and innovation are wound into evolving global flows and chains. I am deeply concerned with how these activities are anchored in, and affect, regional economies and I have been actively engaged not only in academic research but also research for urban and regional policy.

Originally from Ireland I have a BA Hons in Politics and Sociology from Trinity College Dublin, a M.Phil. in Politics from Oxford University, and a D.Phil. in Geography from Oxford University. After my D.Phil. I worked at Durham University as lecturer and then Nottingham University as a lecturer. From 2000 until 2016 I worked at Uppsala University. 2013-2019 Board Member of Konstnärsnämnden  The Swedish Arts Grants Committee; 2014-2019 Board Member (Strylse ledamot) of Per Ganneviks stiftelse för kulturella ändamål


Selected Publications:

2023 (Republished) Anders Malmberg & Dominic Power (2005) “(How) Do (Firms in) Clusters Create Knowledge?” Industry and Innovation, 12:4, 409-431, DOI: 10.1080/13662710500381583 To mark its 30th anniversary, Industry and Innovation has selected a collection of 30 impactful research articles published in the journal

2023 Cities and Society podcast, University of Oslo

2021“Peripheral visions: the film and television industry in Galway, Ireland” Industry and Innovation. 28:9, 1150-1174, DOI: 10.1080/13662716.2021.1877633 (with Patrick Collins, National University of Ireland Galway) Industry and Innovation Best Paper 2021 Award; Presented at DRUID 2023 Conference.

2021 Borén, T. and Power, D. (2021) A brief review of regulation for creative and cultural industries. (CICERONE report D3.3).

2020 “Attentional Social Media: Mapping the Spaces and Networks of the Fashion Industry”, Annals of the American Association of Geographers,Volume 110, Issue 4, Pages 941-966.  (with Matt Zook and Ate Poorthuis)

2019 ‘True Clusters: A Severe Case of Conceptual Headache’. In, B Asheim, A Isaksen, M Trippl, (eds.) Regional Economic Advantage. The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. ISBN: 978 1 78643 767 9 (with Anders Malmberg).

2019 “A co-evolving cultural cluster in the periphery: Film and TV production in Galway, Ireland”. City, Culture and Society. Available online 11 June 2019. Patrick Collins)

2019. “Positioning and ‘doing’ geographies of dissociation”. Dialogues in Human Geography, 9(1), 88–93. (with Oliver Ibert, Martin Hess, Jana M. Kleibert, Felix C. Müller)

2019“Geographies of dissociation: Value creation, ‘dark’ places and ‘missing’ links”. Dialogues in Human Geography. 9(1), 43–63. Ibert, Martin Hess, Jana M. Kleibert, Felix C. Müller)

2017 Putting people at the centre: Dynamic mapping of Norway’s cultural and creative economy. Kunnskapsverket Rapport nr 10-2017. (the Norwegian National Centre for Cultural Industries) ISBN: 978-82-93482-23-9 (PDF) (with Mark Spilsbury).

2017 “Ett ekonomisk-geografiskt perspektiv på intermediära processer och ’kuratorer’” in Borén, T. (ed.) ”Urban utveckling och interaktion”. Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi. Ymer 2017, årgång 137. (with Johan Jansson).

2015 “The world tweets Norway: The Norwegian music and fashion industry in global social media”. A Report published by Knowledge Works: the Norwegian National Centre for Cultural Industries.

2014 “Geographies of field-configuring events”. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 58 (2014), 4, 187–201 (with Bastian Lange and Lech Suwala)

2014“A Response to Scott: Creativity, Creative Cities, and Policy for the Third Wave.” Regional Studies, 48, 2, 579-582. DOI:10.1080/00343404.2014.891011.

2014 “Place-based brands: product origin, brand channels and global circuits in Shanghai”. In Branding Chinese Mega-Cities: Strategies, Practices and Challenges (Eds) Berg, PO, Björner, E. Cheltenham UK/Northampton MA USA: Edward Elgar  (with Johan Jansson, Uppsala,  and Xiucheng Fan, Fudan University China). 

2013 The Immersive Internet: Reflections on the Entangling of the Virtual with Society, Politics and the Economy. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndsmill Basingstoke. 

2013 Final report from Rådet för kulturella och kreativa näringar:

2013 Pilotsatsningen på inkubatorer i kulturella och kreativa näringar utvärdering. Rapport för Tillväxtverket. Februari, 2013.

2013 ”Quality, difference and regional advantage: The case of the winter sports industry”. European Urban and Regional Studies, 20(4) 385–400. (first published on July 5, 2012 doi: 10.1177/0969776412448089) (with Atle Hauge, Högskolan i Lillehammer).

2012 Nordic Virtual World Network Final Scientific/Expert Report –NVWN Summary and Implications for Policymakers. Nordic Innovation Publication 2012:25. Oslo. (with Robin Teigland, SSE Handelshögskolan Stockholm).

2012 “Creativity and innovation in the Scandinavian design industry”. In Paul Jeffcutt and Andy C Pratt (eds.) Creativity and Innovation in the Cultural Economy. Translated into Korean and published by Communication Books, Seoul. 

2011 Priority Sector Report: Creative and Cultural Industries. 2nd Edition. Luxembourg: European Commission, Publications Office of the European Union.

2011 “Constructing brands from the outside? Brand channels, cyclical clusters and global circuits.” In Brand and Branding Geographies, Editor: AJ Pike. Cheltenham UK/Northampton MA USA: Edward Elgar.  (with Johan Jansson)

2011 "Emerging Themes in Economic Geography: Outcomes of the Economic Geography 2010 Workshop." Economic Geography 87(2): 111-126.

2010 “Consumer contribution to product development in the nordic sports industry: Passionate consumers pose benefits for and challenges to companies” in Pirjo Laaksonen & Henna Jyrinki (eds). The Roots and Fruits of the Nordic Consumer Research, Proceedings of the University of Vaasa. Report 163. ISBN 978–952–476–332–5. (with Tanja Kotro, Petteri Repo, Hans Olav Bråtå, Svein Erik Hagen, Atle Hauge)

2010 “Consumption, culture and creativity”. In A Handbook of Local and Regional Development. Editors: Andy Pike, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and John Tomaney. London: Routledge. (with Allen J Scott, UCLA). Best Book 2012 award from the Regional Studies Association

2010 “The difference principle? Shaping competitive advantage in the cultural product industries”, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 92 (2): 145–158.

2010 “Fashioning a global city: creating and maintaining global city status in the fashion and design industries, the case of Milan.” Special Issue of Regional Studies, vol 44. No7, 889-904. (with Johan Jansson)

2010 Creative Business - 10 Lessons to Help Build a Business Your Way. Volante, Stockholm.

2010 Priority Sector Report: Creative and Cultural Industries. European Cluster Observatory and European Commission DG Enterprise and Industry (with Tobias Nielsén)

2009 “Culture, Creativity and Experience in Nordic and Scandinavian Cultural Policy”. International Journal of Cultural Policy. Vol 15, no.4, 445-460.

2009 "Book review: Cooke, P. and Lazzeretti, L., editors 2008: Creative cities, cultural clusters and local economic development." Progress in Human Geography. Vol.33, 866-868.

2009 Users’ role in innovation processes in the sports equipment industry – experiences and lessons. Nordic Innovation Centre, Oslo. (with Hans Olav Bråtå, Svein Erik Hagen, Atle Hauge, Tanja Kotro, Mikko Orrenmaa, Dominic Power, Petteri Repo)

2009 “The Spaces and Places of Swedish Fashion”. European Planning Studies, 17(4): 529 - 547. (with Atle Hauge and Anders Malmberg)

2009 A Penny for Your Thoughts - 10 lessons to help you invest in and grow with a creative business. Norden, Oslo. (with Tobias Nielsén and Margret Sigurdardottir).

2009 “Creativity and innovation in the Scandinavian design industry”. In Paul Jeffcutt and Andy C Pratt (eds.) Creativity and Innovation in the Cultural Economy. Routledge Studies in Global Competition. pp200-216. Routledge, London. 

2009 Book Review: ‘The Warhol Economy: How Fashion, Art, and Music Drive New York City, by Elizabeth Currid’. Economic Geography, vol 85, no 1, p101.

2008 “Cyclical Clusters in Global Circuits: Overlapping Spaces and Furniture Industry Trade Fairs.” Economic Geography. Vol. 84, No. 4, pp423-448 (with Johan Jansson)

2008 “Labour Market Dynamics and the Development of the ICT Cluster in the Stockholm Region.” In C. Karlsson (ed.) Handbook of Research on Innovation and Clusters, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. (with Mats Lundmark)

2008 “An Economic Sociological Look at Geography”. Economic Sociology. Volume 9, Number 3| July, pp3-14. (with Patrik Aspers and Sebastian Kohl)

2008 “The Contribution of Universities to Innovation and Economic Development: In What Sense a Regional Problem?” Paper for special issue (issue editors Susan Christopherson, Jonathan Michie and Michael Kitson) of the Cambridge Journal on Regions, Economy and Society. Volume 1, Issue 2, pp233-245(with Anders Malmberg)

2008. Leva på Kultur: Preliminära resultat från en studie av kulturella näringarCIND 2008:1, Uppsala. (with Johan Jansson)

2008 The difference principal: shaping competitive advantage in the cultural product industries. DIME Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe (DIME) Network of Excellence, Intellectual Property Rights Working Papers Series.

2008. “Outside in: peripheral cultural industries and global markets”. In Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt and Brynhild Granås.(eds.)Mobility and Place: Enacting European Peripheries. Ashgate, London. ISBN: 978-0-7546-7141-1.

2008 “L’accès au marché des produits culturels suédois: réflexions depuis la « périphérie » ”. In Leriche F., Daviet S., Sibertin-Blanc M., Zuliani J-M. (dir.),L'économie culturelle et ses territoires, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, Toulouse. ISBN: 978-2-8107-0000-4

2008 “No man’s brand - Brands, institutions, fashion and the economy”. Growth and Change.Volume 39, Issue 1, pp123–143. (with Atle Hauge)

2007 “Competitiveness, local production systems and global commodity chains in the music industry: entering the US market”. Regional Studies, Volume 41, 3,  pp. 377 - 389. (with Daniel Hallencreutz)

2007 “Labour Market Dynamics and the Development of the ICT Cluster in the Stockholm Region.” CIND Research Papers 2007:1. CIND: Uppsala. (with Mats Lundmark).

2006 “No man’s brand – Brands, institutions, fashion and the economy”. CIND Research Papers 2006:3. CIND: Uppsala. (with Atle Hauge).

2006 The Image of the City – Urban Branding as Constructed Capabilities in Nordic City Regions. Report commissioned by the Nordic Innovation Centre. Oslo. (with Johan Jansson)

2006 “True Clusters / A Severe Case of Conceptual Headache”. In B. Asheim, P. Cooke and R. Martin (eds.) Clusters in Regional Development, Regional Development and Public Policy Series. Routledge: London. (with Anders Malmberg)

2006 Nordic Design for a Global Market - Policies for developing the design industry  in the Nordic Region. Report commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers Department of Cultural Policy. Copenhagen.

2006 Creative Directions – a Nordic framework for supporting the creative industries. Report commissioned by the Nordic Innovation Centre. Oslo.

2005 “(How) Do (Firms In) Clusters Create Knowledge?” Special Issue on Knowledge Geographies. Industry and Innovation, Vol. 12, No.4, pp. 409-431.(with Anders Malmberg).

2005 International Competitiveness and the Experience industries. Visanu (Invest in Sweden Agency – Nutek – Vinnova) Report 2005:15. Stockholm. (with Niklas Gustavsson).

2005 “Music and creative profits”. In A. Bennett, B. Shank, J. Toynbee (ed.) Popular Music Studies Reader. Routledge: London. (with Daniel Hallencreutz). ISBN: 0415307104.

2005 “Competitiveness, local production systems and global commodity chains in the music industry: entering the US market”. CIND Research Papers 2005:2. CIND: Uppsala. (with Daniel Hallencreutz).

2005 The Future in Design – Final Report on the Competitiveness and Industrial Dynamics of the Nordic Design Industry. Nordic Innovation Centre, Oslo. ISBN: 91-506-1793-1

2005 “On the role of global demand in local innovation processes?”. In P. Shapira and G. Fuchs (eds.)

Rethinking Regional Innovation and Change: Path Dependency or Regional Breakthrough? Series: Economics of Science, Technology and Innovation. Springer: New York. ISBN: 0-387-23001-7 (with Anders Malmberg).

2005 “Cultural industry cluster building”. In P Oinis and A Lagendijk (eds.) Proximity, Distance And Diversity: Issues on Economic Interaction and Local Development. Ashgate Publishers: London. ISBN 0754640744 (with Daniel Hallencreutz).

2004 The Cultural Industries and the Production of Culture. Co-edited book with Allen J. Scott (University of Los Angeles, USA). Routledge: London and New York. ISBN: 0-415-33101-3

2004 “The geography of Swedish pop creativity”. Reprint of sections from Power and Hallencreutz 2002. In A. Amin and P. Cohendet Architectures of Knowledge: firms, capabilities, and communities. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN: 0-19-925333-1 (pbk), 0-19-925332-3 (hbk).

2004 “Review of Voices from the North: New Trends in Nordic Human Geography, edited by Jan Öhman and Kirsten Simonsen” Economic Geography, Vol. 80, No. 4, pp 415-17

2004 T. Haraldsen, S. K. Flygind, K. Overvåg and D. Power (2004). Kartlegging av kulturnæringene i Norge - økonomisk betydning, vekst- og utviklingspotensial. ØF-Rapport nr.: 10/2004. Lillehammer, Nærings- og handelsdepartementet/Østlandsforskning. ISBN: 82-7356-544-0.

2004 “The emergence of a post-industrial music economy? Music and ICT synergies in Stockholm, Sweden.” Geoforum, Volume 35, no.4, pp.425-439. (with Johan Jansson).

2004 “Working Through Knowledge Pools: Labour Market Dynamics, The Transference Of Knowledge And Ideas, And Industrial Clusters”. Urban Studies, volume 41, no. 5/6, pp.1025-1044. (with Mats Lundmark).

2003 “The Nordic ‘Cultural Industries’: a cross-national assessment of the place of the cultural industries in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden”. Geografiska Annaler B, volume 85B, number 3, pp. 167-180.

2003 Final Report: Behind the music - Profiting from Sound: A Systems Approach to the Dynamics of Nordic Music Industry. Nordic Industrial Fund – Centre for Innovation and Commercial Development, Oslo.

2003 “(How) Do clusters create knowledge?” DRUID Summer Conference 2003 on Creating, Sharing And Transferring Knowledge - The role of Geography, Institutions and Organizations. (with Anders Malmberg).

2003 “Working Through Knowledge Pools: Labour Market Dynamics, The Transference Of Knowledge And Ideas, And Industrial Clusters”. DRUID Summer Conference 2003 on Creating, Sharing And Transferring Knowledge - The role of Geography, Institutions and Organizations. (with Mats Lundmark).

2002 “Profiting from creativity? The music industry in Stockholm, Sweden and Kingston, Jamaica”. Environment and Planning A, volume 34, number 10, pp. 1833-1854. (with Daniel Hallencreutz).

2002 “The ‘cultural industries’ in Sweden: an assessment of the place of the cultural industries in the Swedish economy” Economic Geography, volume 78, number 2, 103-128.

2002. “IT and institutions in the structuring of European finance: urban impacts” Economic and Industrial Democracy. Volume 23, issue 3, 335-356.

2002. “Putting Porter into Practice? cluster-building in Sweden”. European Planning Studies. Volume 10, issue 6, 686-704. (with Per Lundequist)

2001. “Working and voting for a world class city? A critical viewpoint on the role of the Corporation of London’s place in London governance”. The London Journal, Volume 26, number 2, pp. 51-65.

2001 “The Spatial and the Economy: a review essay” Review of International Political Economy, Volume 8, number 3, 548-556.

2001. “Information and Communications Technology and the Integration of European Derivatives Markets”. In S. Brunn & T. Leinbach (eds.) Worlds of E-Commerce: economic, geographical and social dimensions. Wiley: Chichester. ISBN: 0-471-49455-0

2001. “Putting Porter into practice? Cluster-building and innovation in the Swedish regional economy”. In A. Maconochie and S. Hardy (eds.) Regionalising the Knowledge Economy. Regional Studies Association: Seaford. ISBN: 1-897721-18-8. (with Per Lundequist).

2001. “Economic Globalization” in J. Michie (ed.) Reader’s Guide to the Social Sciences. Fitzroy Dearbon. London. ISBN: 1-57958-091-2.

1999. NCGIA/NSF/Varenius Project Report/Proceedings: Place and Identity in an Age of Technologically Regulated Movement: report of a specialist meeting held under the auspices of the Varenius Project, February, 1999

1998The Alienation of the Public in the City of London. University of Oxford. Faculty of Anthropology and Geography. D.Phil. Thesis.

1998. “Review of D. Henrich’s The Course of Remembrance and Other Essays on Hölderlin”, The Review of Metaphysics. Vol. LI, No. 3, March 695-697.

1996.  “Review of J. Appleby, E. Covington, D. Hoyt, M. Latham, and A. Sneider’s Knowledge and Postmodernism in Historical Perspective”. Canadian Philosophical Reviews/ Revue Canadienne de Comptes rendus en Philosophie, XVI, 6, December 387-389.

1996Places, Space and Politics: a consideration of the physical environment in Nozick’s Anarchy, State and Utopia. University of Oxford. Faculty of Social Studies. M.Phil. Thesis.

1995Society Building: A Sociological Analysis of Architecture. Occasional Papers in Sociology. Department of Sociology-Trinity College Dublin. University of Dublin Press. ISBN: 1-899187-10-2

1994. “Bourdieu and the Role of Culture.” Social and Political Review. Department of Politics. Trinity College Dublin.

1993. “Criticising Goffman.” Social and Political Review. Department of Politics. Trinity College Dublin.



I am a human geographer primarily concerned with the interrelations between culture and economy, the geographical foundations of business competencies and competitiveness and the economic geography of innovation, entrepreneurship and contemporary economic change. Within this broad concern I have focused most of my energy on the cultural and creative industries and the cultural economy.

My work on the creative and cultural industries and the cultural economy has occupied me since 2000 and forms the main plank of my research. The background for this research lies in the fact that in recent years there has been considerable growth in the importance of non-manufacturing based forms of production to the performance of many Western economies. This shift away from manufacturing has not simply meant a shift to a service-based economy. It has also meant that many economies have become increasingly reliant on the production and export of activities and products traditionally considered ephemeral aspects of nations’ cultural lives; and that cultural and creative inputs have become important aspects of how all firms create added-value and differentiate themselves. This work has involved research both on the general parameters of the cultural industries and economy and sector-specific research on the music, design and fashion industries. I am motivated not only by an interest in the spatial dynamics of these industries but also an interest in how the conditions for their success, competitiveness and innovation are wound into evolving global flows and chains. I am deeply concerned with how these activities are anchored in, and affect, regional economies and I have been actively engaged not only in academic research but also research for urban and regional policy.

Originally from Ireland I have a BA Hons in Politics and Sociology from Trinity College Dublin, a M.Phil. in Politics from Oxford University, and a D.Phil. in Geography from Oxford University. After my D.Phil. I worked at Durham University as lecturer and then Nottingham University as a lecturer. From 2000 until 2016 I worked at Uppsala University. I am currently a Board Member of Konstnärsnämnden  The Swedish Arts Grants Committee.


Selected Publications:

In press “The economy of attention and the global fashion industry” Annals of American Association of Geographers (with Matt Zook and Ate Poorthuis).

In press “Geographies of dissociation: Value creation, ‘dark’ places and ‘missing’ links”. Dialogues in Human Geography.(Oliver Ibert, Martin Hess, Jana M. Kleibert, Felix C. Müller) 

In press‘True Clusters: A Severe Case of Conceptual Headache’. In, B Asheim, M Trippl, A Isaksen, (eds.) Regional Advantage. The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. (with Anders Malmberg).

2017Putting people at the centre: Dynamic mapping of Norway’s cultural and creative economy. Kunnskapsverket Rapport nr 10-2017. (the Norwegian National Centre for Cultural Industries) ISBN: 978-82-93482-23-9 (PDF) (with Mark Spilsbury).

2017 “Ett ekonomisk-geografiskt perspektiv på intermediära processer och ’kuratorer’” in Borén, T. (ed.) ”Urban utveckling och interaktion”. Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi. Ymer 2017, årgång 137. (with Johan Jansson).

2015 “The world tweets Norway: The Norwegian music and fashion industry in global social media”. A Report published by Knowledge Works: the Norwegian National Centre for Cultural Industries.

2014 “Geographies of field-configuring events”. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 58 (2014), 4, 187–201 (with Bastian Lange and Lech Suwala)

2014. “A Response to Scott: Creativity, Creative Cities, and Policy for the Third Wave.” Regional Studies, 48, 2, 579-582. DOI:10.1080/00343404.2014.891011.

2014 “Place-based brands: product origin, brand channels and global circuits in Shanghai”. In Branding Chinese Mega-Cities: Strategies, Practices and Challenges (Eds) Berg, PO, Björner, E. Cheltenham UK/Northampton MA USA: Edward Elgar  (with Johan Jansson, Uppsala,  and Xiucheng Fan, Fudan University China). 

2013 The Immersive Internet: Reflections on the Entangling of the Virtual with Society, Politics and the Economy. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndsmill Basingstoke. 

2013 Final report from Rådet för kulturella och kreativa näringar:

2013 Pilotsatsningen på inkubatorer i kulturella och kreativa näringar utvärdering. Rapport för Tillväxtverket. Februari, 2013.

2013 ”Quality, difference and regional advantage: The case of the winter sports industry”. European Urban and Regional Studies, 20(4) 385–400. (first published on July 5, 2012 doi: 10.1177/0969776412448089) (with Atle Hauge, Högskolan i Lillehammer).

2012 Nordic Virtual World Network Final Scientific/Expert Report –
NVWN Summary and Implications for Policymakers. Nordic Innovation Publication 2012:25. Oslo. (with Robin Teigland, SSE Handelshögskolan Stockholm).

2012 “Creativity and innovation in the Scandinavian design industry”. In Paul Jeffcutt and Andy C Pratt (eds.) Creativity and Innovation in the Cultural Economy. Translated into Korean and published by Communication Books, Seoul. 

2011 Priority Sector Report: Creative and Cultural Industries. 2nd Edition. Luxembourg: European Commission, Publications Office of the European Union.

2011 “Constructing brands from the outside? Brand channels, cyclical clusters and global circuits.” In Brand and Branding Geographies, Editor: AJ Pike. Cheltenham UK/Northampton MA USA: Edward Elgar.  (with Johan Jansson)

2011 "Emerging Themes in Economic Geography: Outcomes of the Economic Geography 2010 Workshop." Economic Geography 87(2): 111-126.

2010 “Consumer contribution to product development in the nordic sports industry: Passionate consumers pose benefits for and challenges to companies” in Pirjo Laaksonen & Henna Jyrinki (eds). The Roots and Fruits of the Nordic Consumer Research, Proceedings of the University of Vaasa. Report 163. ISBN 978–952–476–332–5. (with Tanja Kotro, Petteri Repo, Hans Olav Bråtå, Svein Erik Hagen, Atle Hauge)

2010 “Consumption, culture and creativity”. In A Handbook of Local and Regional Development. Editors: Andy Pike, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and John Tomaney. London: Routledge. (with Allen J Scott, UCLA). Best Book 2012 award from the Regional Studies Association

2010 “The difference principle? Shaping competitive advantage in the cultural product industries”, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 92 (2): 145–158.

2010 “Fashioning a global city: creating and maintaining global city status in the fashion and design industries, the case of Milan.” Special Issue of Regional Studies, vol 44. No7, 889-904. (with Johan Jansson)

2010 Creative Business - 10 Lessons to Help Build a Business Your Way. Volante, Stockholm.

2010 Priority Sector Report: Creative and Cultural Industries. European Cluster Observatory and European Commission DG Enterprise and Industry (with Tobias Nielsén)

2009 “Culture, Creativity and Experience in Nordic and Scandinavian Cultural Policy”. International Journal of Cultural Policy. Vol 15, no.4, 445-460.

2009 "Book review: Cooke, P. and Lazzeretti, L., editors 2008: Creative cities, cultural clusters and local economic development." Progress in Human Geography. Vol.33, 866-868.

2009 Users’ role in innovation processes in the sports equipment industry – experiences and lessons. Nordic Innovation Centre, Oslo. (with Hans Olav Bråtå, Svein Erik Hagen, Atle Hauge, Tanja Kotro, Mikko Orrenmaa, Dominic Power, Petteri Repo)

2009 “The Spaces and Places of Swedish Fashion”. European Planning Studies, 17(4): 529 - 547. (with Atle Hauge and Anders Malmberg)

2009 A Penny for Your Thoughts - 10 lessons to help you invest in and grow with a creative business. Norden, Oslo. (with Tobias Nielsén and Margret Sigurdardottir).

2009 “Creativity and innovation in the Scandinavian design industry”. In Paul Jeffcutt and Andy C Pratt (eds.) Creativity and Innovation in the Cultural Economy. Routledge Studies in Global Competition. pp200-216. Routledge, London. 

2009 Book Review: ‘The Warhol Economy: How Fashion, Art, and Music Drive New York City, by Elizabeth Currid’. Economic Geography, vol 85, no 1, p101.

2008 “Cyclical Clusters in Global Circuits: Overlapping Spaces and Furniture Industry Trade Fairs.” Economic Geography. Vol. 84, No. 4, pp423-448 (with Johan Jansson)

2008 “Labour Market Dynamics and the Development of the ICT Cluster in the Stockholm Region.” In C. Karlsson (ed.) Handbook of Research on Innovation and Clusters, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. (with Mats Lundmark)

2008 “An Economic Sociological Look at Geography”. Economic Sociology. Volume 9, Number 3| July, pp3-14. (with Patrik Aspers and Sebastian Kohl)

2008 “The Contribution of Universities to Innovation and Economic Development: In What Sense a Regional Problem?” Paper for special issue (issue editors Susan Christopherson, Jonathan Michie and Michael Kitson) of the Cambridge Journal on Regions, Economy and Society. Volume 1, Issue 2, pp233-245(with Anders Malmberg)

2008. Leva på Kultur: Preliminära resultat från en studie av kulturella näringar. CIND 2008:1, Uppsala. (with Johan Jansson)

2008 The difference principal: shaping competitive advantage in the cultural product industries. DIME Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe (DIME) Network of Excellence, Intellectual Property Rights Working Papers Series.

2008. “Outside in: peripheral cultural industries and global markets”. In Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt and Brynhild Granås.(eds.)Mobility and Place: Enacting European Peripheries. Ashgate, London. ISBN: 978-0-7546-7141-1.

2008 “L’accès au marché des produits culturels suédois: réflexions depuis la « périphérie » ”. In Leriche F., Daviet S., Sibertin-Blanc M., Zuliani J-M. (dir.),L'économie culturelle et ses territoires, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, Toulouse. ISBN: 978-2-8107-0000-4

2008 “No man’s brand - Brands, institutions, fashion and the economy”. Growth and Change.Volume 39, Issue 1, pp123–143. (with Atle Hauge)

2007 “Competitiveness, local production systems and global commodity chains in the music industry: entering the US market”. Regional Studies, Volume 41, 3,  pp. 377 - 389. (with Daniel Hallencreutz)

2007 “Labour Market Dynamics and the Development of the ICT Cluster in the Stockholm Region.” CIND Research Papers 2007:1. CIND: Uppsala. (with Mats Lundmark).

2006 “No man’s brand – Brands, institutions, fashion and the economy”. CIND Research Papers 2006:3. CIND: Uppsala. (with Atle Hauge).

2006 The Image of the City – Urban Branding as Constructed Capabilities in Nordic City Regions. Report commissioned by the Nordic Innovation Centre. Oslo. (with Johan Jansson)

2006 “True Clusters / A Severe Case of Conceptual Headache”. In B. Asheim, P. Cooke and R. Martin (eds.) Clusters in Regional Development, Regional Development and Public Policy Series. Routledge: London. (with Anders Malmberg)

2006 Nordic Design for a Global Market - Policies for developing the design industry  in the Nordic Region. Report commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers Department of Cultural Policy. Copenhagen.

2006 Creative Directions – a Nordic framework for supporting the creative industries. Report commissioned by the Nordic Innovation Centre. Oslo.

2005 “(How) Do (Firms In) Clusters Create Knowledge?” Special Issue on Knowledge Geographies. Industry and Innovation, Vol. 12, No.4, pp. 409-431.(with Anders Malmberg).

2005 International Competitiveness and the Experience industries. Visanu (Invest in Sweden Agency – Nutek – Vinnova) Report 2005:15. Stockholm. (with Niklas Gustavsson).

2005 “Music and creative profits”. In A. Bennett, B. Shank, J. Toynbee (ed.) Popular Music Studies Reader. Routledge: London. (with Daniel Hallencreutz). ISBN: 0415307104.

2005 “Competitiveness, local production systems and global commodity chains in the music industry: entering the US market”. CIND Research Papers 2005:2. CIND: Uppsala. (with Daniel Hallencreutz).

2005 The Future in Design – Final Report on the Competitiveness and Industrial Dynamics of the Nordic Design Industry. Nordic Innovation Centre, Oslo. ISBN: 91-506-1793-1

2005 “On the role of global demand in local innovation processes?”. In P. Shapira and G. Fuchs (eds.)

Rethinking Regional Innovation and Change: Path Dependency or Regional Breakthrough? Series: Economics of Science, Technology and Innovation. Springer: New York. ISBN: 0-387-23001-7 (with Anders Malmberg).

2005 “Cultural industry cluster building”. In P Oinis and A Lagendijk (eds.) Proximity, Distance And Diversity: Issues on Economic Interaction and Local Development. Ashgate Publishers: London. ISBN 0754640744 (with Daniel Hallencreutz).

2004 The Cultural Industries and the Production of Culture. Co-edited book with Allen J. Scott (University of Los Angeles, USA). Routledge: London and New York. ISBN: 0-415-33101-3

2004 “The geography of Swedish pop creativity”. Reprint of sections from Power and Hallencreutz 2002. In A. Amin and P. Cohendet Architectures of Knowledge: firms, capabilities, and communities. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN: 0-19-925333-1 (pbk), 0-19-925332-3 (hbk).

2004 “Review of Voices from the North: New Trends in Nordic Human Geography, edited by Jan Öhman and Kirsten Simonsen” Economic Geography, Vol. 80, No. 4, pp 415-17

2004 T. Haraldsen, S. K. Flygind, K. Overvåg and D. Power (2004). Kartlegging av kulturnæringene i Norge - økonomisk betydning, vekst- og utviklingspotensial. ØF-Rapport nr.: 10/2004. Lillehammer, Nærings- og handelsdepartementet/Østlandsforskning. ISBN: 82-7356-544-0.

2004 “The emergence of a post-industrial music economy? Music and ICT synergies in Stockholm, Sweden.” Geoforum, Volume 35, no.4, pp.425-439. (with Johan Jansson).

2004 “Working Through Knowledge Pools: Labour Market Dynamics, The Transference Of Knowledge And Ideas, And Industrial Clusters”. Urban Studies, volume 41, no. 5/6, pp.1025-1044. (with Mats Lundmark).

2003 “The Nordic ‘Cultural Industries’: a cross-national assessment of the place of the cultural industries in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden”. Geografiska Annaler B, volume 85B, number 3, pp. 167-180.

2003 Final Report: Behind the music - Profiting from Sound: A Systems Approach to the Dynamics of Nordic Music Industry. Nordic Industrial Fund – Centre for Innovation and Commercial Development, Oslo.

2003 “(How) Do clusters create knowledge?” DRUID Summer Conference 2003 on Creating, Sharing And Transferring Knowledge - The role of Geography, Institutions and Organizations. (with Anders Malmberg).

2003 “Working Through Knowledge Pools: Labour Market Dynamics, The Transference Of Knowledge And Ideas, And Industrial Clusters”. DRUID Summer Conference 2003 on Creating, Sharing And Transferring Knowledge - The role of Geography, Institutions and Organizations. (with Mats Lundmark).

2002 “Profiting from creativity? The music industry in Stockholm, Sweden and Kingston, Jamaica”. Environment and Planning A, volume 34, number 10, pp. 1833-1854. (with Daniel Hallencreutz).

2002 “The ‘cultural industries’ in Sweden: an assessment of the place of the cultural industries in the Swedish economy” Economic Geography, volume 78, number 2, 103-128.

2002. “IT and institutions in the structuring of European finance: urban impacts” Economic and Industrial Democracy. Volume 23, issue 3, 335-356.

2002. “Putting Porter into Practice? cluster-building in Sweden”. European Planning Studies. Volume 10, issue 6, 686-704. (with Per Lundequist)

2001. “Working and voting for a world class city? A critical viewpoint on the role of the Corporation of London’s place in London governance”. The London Journal, Volume 26, number 2, pp. 51-65.

2001 “The Spatial and the Economy: a review essay” Review of International Political Economy, Volume 8, number 3, 548-556.

2001. “Information and Communications Technology and the Integration of European Derivatives Markets”. In S. Brunn & T. Leinbach (eds.) Worlds of E-Commerce: economic, geographical and social dimensions. Wiley: Chichester. ISBN: 0-471-49455-0

2001. “Putting Porter into practice? Cluster-building and innovation in the Swedish regional economy”. In A. Maconochie and S. Hardy (eds.) Regionalising the Knowledge Economy. Regional Studies Association: Seaford. ISBN: 1-897721-18-8. (with Per Lundequist).

2001. “Economic Globalization” in J. Michie (ed.) Reader’s Guide to the Social Sciences. Fitzroy Dearbon. London. ISBN: 1-57958-091-2.

1999. NCGIA/NSF/Varenius Project Report/Proceedings: Place and Identity in an Age of Technologically Regulated Movement: report of a specialist meeting held under the auspices of the Varenius Project, February, 1999

1998. The Alienation of the Public in the City of London. University of Oxford. Faculty of Anthropology and Geography. D.Phil. Thesis.

1998. “Review of D. Henrich’s The Course of Remembrance and Other Essays on Hölderlin”, The Review of Metaphysics. Vol. LI, No. 3, March 695-697.

1996.  “Review of J. Appleby, E. Covington, D. Hoyt, M. Latham, and A. Sneider’s Knowledge and Postmodernism in Historical Perspective”. Canadian Philosophical Reviews/ Revue Canadienne de Comptes rendus en Philosophie, XVI, 6, December 387-389.

1996. Places, Space and Politics: a consideration of the physical environment in Nozick’s Anarchy, State and Utopia. University of Oxford. Faculty of Social Studies. M.Phil. Thesis.

1995. Society Building: A Sociological Analysis of Architecture. Occasional Papers in Sociology. Department of Sociology-Trinity College Dublin. University of Dublin Press. ISBN: 1-899187-10-2

1994. “Bourdieu and the Role of Culture.” Social and Political Review. Department of Politics. Trinity College Dublin.

1993. “Criticising Goffman.” Social and Political Review. Department of Politics. Trinity College Dublin.

