Eva ErmanProfessor
Om mig
Eva Erman är professor i statsvetenskap vid Stockholms universitet och ställföreträdande prefekt vid Statsvetenskapliga institutionen.
Chefredaktör för Ethics & Global Politics
Politisk filosofi, med fokus på demokratiteori, global demokrati och globala styrformer; metateoretiska och metodologiska aspekter av politisk teori; kritisk teori och diskursetik.
- Erman, Eva. 2018. The Practical Turn in Political Theory. Edinburgh University Press (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2005. Human Rights and Democracy: Discourse Theory and Global Rights Institutions. London: Routledge.
- Erman, Eva. 2003. Action and Institution: Contributions to a discourse theory of human rights. Stockholm Studies in Politics 95, Ph.D. thesis. Stockholm University Press.
Artiklar i peer review-granskade internationella tidskrifter
- Erman, Eva. Forhcoming. "The Democratic Challenges Facing the Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence." Current History 124 (with Markus Furendal).
- Erman, Eva. 2024. "Why Normative Behaviourism Does Not Improve Political Realism." Res Publica (Online First, with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2024. "The Importance and Limitation of Epistemic Norms in Political Theory." Political Studies Review (Online First, with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2024. "The Justification of World Statehood: Some Methodological Concerns." Cooperation & Conflict (Online First).
- Erman, Eva. 2024. “The Role of Moral Norms in Political Theory." Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy (Online First, with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2024. "The Democratization of Global AI Governance and the Role of Tech Companies." Nature Machine Intelligence 6: 246–248 (with Markus Furendal).
- Erman, Eva. 2024. "Artificial Intelligence and the Political Legitimacy of Global Governance." Political Studies 72, No. 2: 421-441 (with Markus Furendal).
- Erman, Eva. 2023. "The Problem of Political Normativity Understood as Functional Normativity." Journal of Philosophical Research 48: 149-168 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2023. "The Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence: Next Steps for Empirical and Normative Research." International Studies Review 25, No 3 (with Markus Furendal, Jonas Tallberg, et al).
- Erman, Eva. 2023. "Does Normative Behaviourism Offer an Alternative Methodology in Political Theory?" Political Studies Review 21, No. 3: 454-461 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2023. "What is Distinctive of Political Normativity? From Domain View to Role View." Philosophy & Social Criticism 49: 289-308 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2022. “On the Relationship between Global Justice and Global Democracy: A Three-Layered View.” Ethics & International Affairs 36:321-331.
- Erman, Eva. 2022. “Distinctively Political Normativity in Political Theory.” Philosophy Compass 17, No 6: 1-11 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2022. “The Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence: Some Normative Concerns.” Moral Philosophy & Politics 9, No. 2: 267-291 (with Markus Furendal).
- Erman, Eva. 2022. “Distinctively Political Normativity in Political Realism: Unattractive or Redundant.” Ethical Theory & Moral Practice 25: 433–447 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2022. “Is Ideal Theory Useless for Non-Ideal Theory?” The Journal of Politics 84, No. 1: 525-540 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2022. “The Boundary Problem of Democracy: A Function-Sensitive View.” Contemporary Political Theory 21: 240–261.
- Erman, Eva. 2020. “A Function-Sensitive Approach to the Political Legitimacy of Global Governance.” British Journal of Political Science 50, No. 3: 1001-1024.
- Erman, Eva. 2020. “A World of Possibilities: The Place of Feasibility in Political Theory.” Res Publica 26: 1-23 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2020. "Global Democracy and Feasibility." Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 23, No. 3: 311-331 (with Jonathan Kuyper).
- Erman, Eva. 2019. “Does Global Democracy Require a World State?”, Philosophical Papers 48, No. 1: 123-153.
- Erman, Eva. 2019. “How Practices Do Not Matter.” Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22, No. 1: 103-118 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2019. ”The Democratization of Global Governance through Civil Society Actors and the Challenge from Political Equality.” Critical Sociology 45, No. 6: 815-828.
- Erman, Eva. 2018. “The Political Legitimacy of Global Governance and the Proper Role of Civil Society Actors.” Res Publica 24: 133–155.
- Erman, Eva. 2018. ”The Interdependence of Risk and Moral Theory.” Ethical Theory & Moral Practice 21, No. 2: 207-216 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2018. “Where is Political Realism Going?” The Journal of Politics 80(2): 525-538 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2017. ”Political Legitimacy and the Unreliability of Language.” Public Reason 8 (1-2): 81-89 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2017. “Practice-Dependence and Epistemic Uncertainty.” Journal of Global Ethics 13, No. 2: 187-205 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2017. “What is ‘critical’ about critical theory?” Philosophy & Social Criticism 43, No. 3.
- Erman, Eva. 2016. “Representation, Equality, and Inclusion in Deliberative Systems: Desiderata for a Good Account.” Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 19, No. 3: 263–282.
- Erman, Eva. 2016. “Global Political Legitimacy Beyond Justice and Democracy?”International Theory 8, No. 1: 29-62.
- Erman, Eva. 2016. “What Distinguishes the Practice-Dependent Approach to Justice?” Philosophy & Social Criticism 42, No. 1: 3-23 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2016. "Why Democracy Cannot be Grounded in Epistemic Principles." Social Theory & Practice 42, No. 3: 449-473 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2015. “Why Political Realists Should Not be Afraid of Moral Values.” Journal of Philosophical Research 40: 459-464 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2015. "Practices and Principles: On the Methodological Turn in Political Theory.” Philosophy Compass 10, No. 8: 533-546 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2015. “Political Legitimacy in the Real Normative World: The Priority of Morality and the Autonomy of the Political.” British Journal of Political Science 45, No. 1: 215-233 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2015. “What Not to Expect from the Pragmatic Turn in Political Theory.” European Journal of Political Theory 14, No. 2: 121–140 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2014. “Brandom and Political Philosophy.” The Journal of Political Philosophy 22, No. 4: 486-498 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2014. “The Boundary Problem and the Ideal of Democracy.” Constellations 21, No. 4: 535-546.
- Erman, Eva. 2013. ”The Recognitive Practices of Declaring and Constituting Statehood.” International Theory 5, No. 1: 129-150.
- Erman, Eva. 2013. “Three Failed Charges Against Ideal Theory.” Social Theory & Practice 39, No. 1: 19-44 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2013. ”In Search for Democratic Agency in Deliberative Governance.”European Journal of International Relations 19, No. 4: 847-868.
- Erman, Eva. 2012. ”Multiple Citizenship: Normative Ideals and Institutional Challenges.” Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 15, No. 3: 279-302 (with Andreas Follesdal).
- Erman, Eva. 2011. ”Human Rights Do Not Make Global Democracy.” Contemporary Political Theory 10, No. 4: 463–481.
- Erman, Eva. 2010. ”Freedom as Non-Domination or How to Throw the Agent Out of the Space of Reasons.” Journal of Power 3, No. 1: 33-51.
- Erman, Eva. 2010. “Deliberative Global Governance and the Question of Legitimacy: What Can We Learn from the WTO?” Review of International Studies 36, No. 2: 449-470 (with Richard Higgott).
- Erman, Eva. 2009. “What is Wrong with Agonistic Pluralism? Reflections on Conflict in Democratic Theory.” Philosophy & Social Criticism 35, No. 9: 1039-1062.
- Erman, Eva. 2008. “On Goodhart’s Global Democracy: A Critique.” Ethics & International Affairs 22, No. 4: 1-10.
- Erman, Eva. 2007. “Conflict and Universal Moral Theory: From Reasonableness to Reason-Giving.” Political Theory 35, No. 5: 598-623.
- Erman, Eva. 2006. “Rethinking Accountability in the Context of Human Rights.” Res Publica 12, No. 3: 249-275.
- Erman, Eva. 2006. "Reconciling Communicative Action with Recognition." Philosophy & Social Criticism 32, No. 3: 377-400.
Editerade böcker och specialnummer
- Erman, Eva. 2018. “Risk and Moral Theory.” Ethical Theory & Moral Practice 21, No. 2 (co-edited with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2013. Political Equality in Transnational Democracy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (co-edited with Sofia Näsström).
- Erman, Eva. 2012. Territories of Citizenship. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (co-edited with Ludvig Beckman).
- Erman, Eva. 2010. Legitimacy Beyond the Nation-State? Re-examining the Democratic Credentials of Transnational Actors. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (co-edited with Anders Uhlin).
- Erman, Eva. 2009. Texter i samtida politisk teori. Malmö: Liber (co-edited).
Bokkapitel, reviewessäer och övriga artiklar
- Erman, Eva. Forthcoming. "Vilket är det mest realiserbara sättet att lösa klimatkrisen?" Filosofisk tidskrift.
- Erman, Eva. 2023. "On the Normative Importance of the Distinction Between 'Governance of AI' and 'Governance by AI'. Global Policy 14 (with Markus Furendal).
- Erman, Eva. 2022. ”Who’s afraid of ideals? A defence of ideal theory.” The Journal of Politics Blog (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2021. “Rawls och relationen mellan principer och praktiker.” Tidskrift för Politisk Filosofi 25, No. 2-3: 41-48 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2021. ”Global Democracy and Feasibility”. In Legitimacy Beyond the State: Normative and Conceptual Questions, eds. N. Adams et al. London: Routledge (with Jonathan Kuyper).
- Erman, Eva. 2020. ”How practices do not matter.” In Facts & Norms, eds. K. Lippert-Rasmussen and T. Scavenius. London: Routledge (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2019. “What is reciprocal voting meant to achieve and why shouldn’t we aim for more?” In Debating Transnational Democracy, eds. J. Blatter and R. Bauböck. European University Institute.
- Erman, Eva. 2019. “Critical Dialogue: On Goodhart’s Injustice: Political Theory for the Real World.” Perspectives on Politics 17, No. 4 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2019. “Critical Dialogue: Reply to Goodhart.” Perspectives on Politics 17, No. 4 (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2019. “Pragmatism and Epistemic Democracy.” In The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology, eds. M. Fricker et al. New York: Routledge (with Niklas Möller).
- Erman, Eva. 2018. “The Ethical Limits of Global Democracy.” In The Oxford Handbook of International Political Theory, eds. C. Brown and R. Eckersley. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Erman, Eva. 2017. “Representation, Equality, and Inclusion in Deliberative Systems: Desiderata for a Good Account.” In Equality and Representation: New Perspectives in Democratic Theory, eds. L. Hill and A. Malkopoulou. New York: Routledge.
- Erman, Eva. 2016. ”Globala orättvisor.” In Politiska Ideal och Problem: En introduktion till den politiska teorin, 2nd revised edition, eds. U. Mörkenstam and L. Beckman. Malmö: Liber.
- Erman, Eva. 2014. ”Ethics in a time of intensified globalization.” Peace Review 26, No. 4.
- Erman, Eva. 2014. "Review Essay: Discourse Theory, Intercultural Dialogue and Human Rights." Human Rights Quarterly 36, No. 4.
- Erman, Eva. 2014. “Legitimacy in the Global Normative Order: Justificatory Practices in the Space of Reasons." In Politics and Cosmopolitanism in a Global Age, ed. S. Gupta. London: Routledge.
- Erman, Eva. 2014. ”The Boundary Problem and the Right to Justification.” In Justice, Democracy and the Right to Justification, ed. D. Owen. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Erman, Eva. 2013. ”Political Equality and Legitimacy in a Global Context.” In Political Equality in Transnational Democracy, eds. E. Erman and S. Näsström. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Erman, Eva. 2012. ”Bör vi ha global demokrati?” In Statsvetenskapens frågor, ed. L. Bennich-Björkman. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
- Erman, Eva. 2012. ”’The Right to have Rights' to the Rescue: From Human Rights to Global Democracy.” In Human Rights at the Crossroads, ed. M. Goodale: 72-83. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Erman, Eva. 2012. ”Book review: The Crisis of the European Union, by Jürgen Habermas.” European Political Science 11.
- Erman, Eva. 2012. ”Review Essay: On Forst's the Right to Justification.” Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (May).
- Erman, Eva. Forthcoming. ”Globalizing the Rule by the People: A Deliberative Two-Track View.” In Global Democracy: An Intercultural Debate, ed. J. A. Scholte.
- Erman, Eva. 2012. ”’Democratic Agents' and 'Agents of Democracy' in Multilayered Governance.” In Territories of Citizenship, eds. L. Beckman and E. Erman. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Erman, Eva. 2011. “Freedom as non-domination,” In Differenz und Dialog, eds. V. Flocke and H. Schoneville. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag.
- Erman, Eva. 2011. “The Political Failures of the Dune Societies.” In Dune and Philosophy, ed. J. Nicholas. New York: Open Court Press.
- Erman, Eva. 2010. ”Why Adding Democratic Values is Not Enough For Global Democracy.” In Legitimacy Beyond the Nation-State?, eds. E. Erman and A. Uhlin. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Erman, Eva. 2010. “Democratic Requirements and Trade-offs in a Transnational Context.” In Legitimacy Beyond the State? Re-examining the Democratic Credentials of Transnational Actors, eds. E Erman and A Uhlin. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Erman, Eva. 2010. “Democratic Credentials of Transnational Actors.” In Legitimacy Beyond the State? Re-examining the Democratic Credentials of Transnational Actors, eds. E Erman and A Uhlin. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Erman, Eva. 2009. ”Globala orättvisor.” In Politiska Ideal och Problem: En introduktion till den politiska teorin, eds. U. Mörkenstam and L. Beckman. Malmö: Liber.
- Erman, Eva. 2009. ”Global rättvisa: en introduktion.”, In Texter i samtida politisk teori, eds. L. Beckman et al (Malmö: Liber, 2009)
- Erman, Eva. 2004. ”Vad menar Platon med dialog?” Tidskrift för politisk filosofi, No. 2.
- Erman, Eva. 2004. ”Deliberation och mänskliga rättigheter", in Deliberativ demokrati, eds. R. Premfors and K. Roth. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Journal of Philosophy, Ethics, American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Political Philosophy, Philosophical Studies, Political Studies, Journal of Philosophical Research, Journal of Politics, American Journal of Political Science, European Journal of Philosophy, Perspectives on Politics, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, European Journal of International Relations, European Journal of Political Theory, Review of International Studies, Ethics & International Affairs, Ethical Theory & Moral Practice, European Journal of Political Research, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, Democratization, Philosophy & Social Criticism, Social Theory & Practice, Constellations, Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy, Millennium, Global Governance, Theory & Psychology, Journal of Political Power, Res Publica, Journal of Civil Society, The Nordic Journal of Human Rights, Oxford University Press, Columbia University Press, ECPR Press.
2012 Visiting scholar at the School of Social and Political Sciences, at the University of Melbourne, invited by head of school professor Adrian Little, among other things organizing an international workshop on ‘Political realism in international political theory’ together with Terry Macdonald (Feb-March)
2010 Visiting scholar at the LSE Global Governance, at London School of economics, invited by the director professor David Held (Feb-May)
2008 Visiting research fellow at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, at George Mason University, Washington DC, invited by the director of the institute, professor Sara Cobb; with scholarship from STINT (March-June)
2004-2006 Postdoc scholar at Columbia University, New York, advised by professor Thomas Pogge; with a two-year scholarship from the Wenner-Gren Foundations
2002 Doctoral research scholar at the Social and Political Theory Programme, at Australian National University, Canberra (March-June), where professor John Dryzek was my advisor; with funding from The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Wallenberg Jubilee Fund and Theodor Adelswärd’s Memory
2000 Doctoral research scholar at the Center for the Study of Human Rights, at Columbia University, New York, advised by Thomas Pogge; with scholarship from STINT (January-July)