Emma WestDoktorand
Om mig
Mitt forskningsintresse är inom internationalisering av högre utbildning och migration. Jag läste sociologi och antropologi med inriktningen socialt arbete under min grundutbildning i USA och masterprogrammet i internationell och jämförande pedagogik på Institutionen för pedagogik och didatik här på Stockholms universitet. Jag skrev min masteruppsats om amerikanska ursprungsbefolkningen studenters attityder till utlandsstudier.
Min avhandling syftar till att studera internationella akademikers process att komma in och navigera svenska lärosäten som arbetsplats i kontexten av de migrationspolitiska reformerna 2008-2023.
I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas
Education for sustainable society
2015. Mikiko Cars, Emma E. West. Environment, Development and Sustainability 17 (1), 1-21
ArtikelEducation is an indispensable social component and a powerful tool to develop a peaceful and sustainable society. Global policy frameworks are coupled with national policy frameworks to facilitate strategic use of education to promote sustainability. Sweden is one of the countries that has actively aligned with the global framework and has been successful in introducing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into formal education through its inclusion in the curricula and through new approaches toward learning and teaching. This article is based on document analysis attempting to review ESD policy implementation and to highlight Sweden's contribution to the global framework of ESD. It provides a comprehensive review of ESD discourse and its international policy framework, followed by an analysis of evolution of environmental education then ESD in Sweden. Three initiatives at the primary school level that promote ESD are presented as distinctive examples from Sweden demonstrating instrumental use of education toward sustainable development of the society while assessing the challenges and future prospects. As the United Nations Decade for Sustainable Development and Millennium Development Goals comes to an end in November 2014 and 2015, respectively, it is imperative that the concept of is revisited and good practices in the realm of ESD are identified and shared. Research of this nature locates effective practices of ESD and broadens our understanding of how ESD is implemented and adopted hybridizing with local socio-cultural tradition.
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