Stockholms universitet

Jakob von GyllenpalmUniversitetslektor

Om mig

Jag är lektor i naturvetenskapsämnenas didaktik med inriktning mot fysik och har en bakgrund som fysiklärare för gymnasiet. Mitt forskningsintresse kretsar kring lärande om och genom naturvetenskapliga arbetssätt. Det handlar bl.a. om rollen av olika former av laborativa inslag i undervisningen. Laborativa inslag är en viktig del av vad som är unikt med naturvetenskapliga ämnen som skolämnen och har en lång tradition. Samtidigt visar den didaktiska forskningen att dess potential att bidra till naturvetenskaplig allmänbildning (scientific literacy) ofta inte utnyttjas fullt ut. Genom att fokusera på naturvetenskapliga arbetssätt och naturvetenskapens karaktär kan vi ge elever möjligheten att bättre förstå hur naturvetenskaperna fungerar och studerar världen. Det är avgörande för att som medborgare ta del av och förstå rollen av forskning i en modern värld, inte minst för att kunna ta ställning i aktuella samhällsfrågor. Min forskning syftar till att hjälpa lärare i det här viktiga arbetet. 


Utvalda publikationer

Gyllenpalm, J., & Rundgren, C.-J. (2021). Views About Scientific Inquiry: A Study of Students’ Understanding of Scientific Inquiry in Grade 7 and 12 in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Lederman, J. S., Lederman, N. G., Bartels, S. L., & Jimenez, J. (2019). An international collaborative investigation of beginning seventh grade students´ understandings of scientific inquiry: Establishing a baseline. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. doi:DOI: 10.1002/tea.21512

Gyllenpalm, J., Christiansson, U., & Friggebo, P. (2018). Connecting two laboratory tasks under an umbrella of uncertainty: Hooke's law and simple harmonic motion. Physics Education, 53(5). 

Gyllenpalm, J. (2018). Inquiry and flow in science education. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 13(2), 429-435. 

Gyllenpalm, J., Angelin, M., Wickman, P.-O., Forslin Aronsson, A. s., Bergmark, K., Dufåker, D., . . . Stamming, P. (2017). Naturvetenskapens karaktär och arbetssätt. Lärportalen Moduler: Skolverket 

Gyllenpalm, J. (2016). Kompositionen av en vetenskaplig artikel. Pedagog Stockholm, 1-22.

Gyllenpalm, J., & Wickman, P.-O. (2011). "Experiments" and the inquiry emphasis conflation in science teacher education. Science  Education, 95(5), 908-926. 

Schiros, T., Näslund, L.-Å., Andersson, K., Gyllenpalm, J., Karlberg, G. S., Odelius, M., . . . Nilsson, A. (2007). Structure and Bonding of the Water-Hydroxyl Mixed Phase on Pt(111). Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111(41), 15003-15012.


I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Connecting two laboratory tasks under an umbrella of uncertainty

    2018. Jakob Gyllenpalm, Ulf Christiansson, Patrik Friggebo. Physics Education 53 (5)


    Laboratory work in physics has traditionally focused on the verification of facts, theories and laws. In contrast, this article describes how laboratory tasks can be used to promote students understanding about the nature of science and scientific inquiry. In the project reported here, students learn about measurement uncertainties and a simplified graphical method for propagating errors. By using this knowledge to compare the precision of two common methods to determine the spring constant, Hooke's Law and simple harmonic motion, students learn about the nature of experimentation in physics. From this specific example, comparisons can then be made with authentic research to highlight more general aspects of the nature of science and scientific inquiry.

    Läs mer om Connecting two laboratory tasks under an umbrella of uncertainty
  • Inquiry and flow in science education

    2018. Jakob Gyllenpalm. Cultural Studies of Science Education 13 (2), 429-435


    Ellwood's and Abrams's paper, Students's social interaction in inquiry-based science education: how experiences of flow can increase motivation and achievement, describes two groups of students and their experiences in an extended inquiry unit. For one of these, the Off-Campus group, several educational aspects were enhanced compared with the group that stayed on campus for their fieldwork. In the analysis this was related to the nature and quality of students' social interactions during the project and their experiences of flow. This forum article seeks to expand and reframe some of the interpretations made by the authors concerning the role of time, place and attention for setting up conditions for experiences of flow in general, and in scientific inquiry in particular. A comparison with the result from research on wait-time is made, and the significance of place and social interactions are related to a typology of attention helpful for understanding Flow theory. It is suggested that an additional finding may be that there are certain moments in an inquiry unit where slowing down the tempo of instruction to allow for feedback and discussion is particularly important, because doing so can significantly alter the subsequent development and quality of students' social interactions, experiences of flow, and consequently learning. Implications for science teaching and teacher education are discussed.

    Läs mer om Inquiry and flow in science education

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