Stockholms universitet

Johan BroschéUniversitetslektor, docent

Om mig


I am a Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the Department of Economic History and International Relations at Stockholm University (and Associate Professor in Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University). My research focuses on civil war, peace, and political violence, with a special emphasis on the diversity of peace and war in Africa.


I currently lead two research projects. First, What are they fighting for? Conflict Issues and the Resolution of Civil War in which we delve into conflict issues and how they affect conflict resolution. In the project we will create and disseminate a global dataset on conflict issues. Second, in the Crossing the Rubicon? The Dynamics of Restraint in Civil War project we – intrigued by the fact that more than half of all people killed in civil wars died in Afghanistan or Syria – asks: Why do some civil wars become so much more severe than others? In answering this question, we focus on the sources of restraint. Deepening knowledge on restraint in war is crucial for building resilient societies and contain existing civil wars.


I am also involved in two other projects. The Causes of Peace – The Botswana, Malawi and Zambia “Zone of Peace” project examines Botswana, Malawi and Zambia that constitute a “Zone of Peace” spared from violent conflict since independence. It aims to explain why peace has prevailed in these countries despite all their neighbors struck by conflict. In the project Conflicts, Connections, Complexities: Towards a Multi-layered Understanding of Civil War we examine why some civil wars – like Syria, Afghanistan and South Sudan – become complex interlinked patchworks of different conflict types while others do not.


I obtained my PhD in peace and conflict research from Uppsala University in 2014. I have done extensive field research (in Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Sudan, South Sudan, and Zambia) and been a visiting fellow at Durham and New York University. Outside academia, I have worked as a consultant for the UN’s Mediation Support Unit and been part of an academic taskforce set up to support Ambassador Jan Eliasson’s work as the United Nations special envoy to Darfur.  


Publication list


Brosché, Johan. 2014. Masters of War – The Role of Elites in Sudan’s Communal Conflicts Uppsala: Uppsala University.

Brosché, Johan & Daniel Rothbart. 2013. Violent Conflict and Peacebuilding – The Continuing Crisis in Darfur London & New York: Routledge. 

Brosché, Johan. 2009. Sharing Power – Enabling Peace? Evaluating Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement New York: Mediation Support Unit, Department of Political Affairs, United Nations.

Brosché, Johan. 2008. Darfur – Dimensions and Dilemmas of a Complex Situation Uppsala: Uppsala University.


Peer-reviewed articles

Brosché, Johan. 2022, online first. “Conflicts over the Commons: Government Bias and Communal Conflicts in Darfur and Eastern Sudan” Ethnopolitics.

Brosché, Johan, Hanne Fjelde, Kristine Höglund. 2020. “Electoral Violence and the Legacy of Authoritarian Rule in Kenya and Zambia” Journal of Peace Research 57 (1): 111-125.

Calissendorff, Love; Johan Brosché; Ralph Sundberg. 2019. “Dehumanization amidst Massacres: An Examination of Dinka-Nuer Intergroup Attitudes in South Sudan” Peace and Conflict: The Journal of Peace Psychology 25 (1): 37-48.

Brosché, Johan and Allard Duursma. 2018. “Hurdles to Peace: a level-of-analysis approach to resolving Sudan’s civil wars” Third World Quarterly 39 (3):560-576.

Brosché, J., M. Legnér, J. Kreutz, A. Ijla. 2017. “Heritage under Attack: Motives for Targeting Cultural Property during Armed Conflict” International Journal of Heritage Studies 23 (3):248-260.

Brosché, Johan and Höglund, Kristine. 2016. “Crisis of Governance in South Sudan: Electoral Politics and Violence in the World’s Newest Nation” Journal of Modern African Studies 54(1):67-90.

Kreutz, Joakim and Johan Brosché. 2013. “A Responsibility to Talk: Mediation and Violence against Civilians.” Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 19(1): 1-20.

Brosché, Johan and Emma Elfversson. 2012. “Communal Conflict, Civil War, and the State: Complexities, Connections, and the case of Sudan.” African Journal on Conflict Resolution, 12(1): 33-60.

Brosché, Johan. 2007. “CPA – New Sudan, Old Sudan or Two Sudan? – A review of the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.” Journal of African Policy Studies, 13(1): 27-61.


Book Chapters

Brosché, Johan. 2019. “Ethno-Communal conflict in Sudan and South Sudan” in Steven Ratuva (editor-in-chief) Global Handbook of Ethnicity Dordrecht: Springer.

Kreutz, Joakim and Johan Brosché. 2018. “A Responsibility to Talk: Mediation and Violence against Civilians.” In David Carment and Evan Hoffman (eds.) International Mediation in a Fragile World. New York and London: Routledge. (This chapter was previously published in Canadian Foreign Policy Journal).

Brosché, Johan and Ralph Sundberg. 2018. “This Land is Whose Land? ‘Sons of the Soil’ Conflicts in Darfur” in Isabelle Côté, Matthew Mitchell, Monica Toft (Eds.) People Changing Places: New Perspectives on Demography, Conflict and the State New York and London: Routledge.

Brosché, Johan and Kristine Höglund. 2017. ”Riek Machar: Warlord-Doctor in South Sudan” in Anders Themnér (Ed.) Warlord Democrats in Africa: Ex-Military Leaders and Electoral Politics. London: Zed Books.

Brosché, Johan and Kristine Höglund. 2015. “The Diversity of Peace and Conflict in Africa” in SIPRI Yearbook 2015 Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Brosché, Johan. 2008. “CPA – New Sudan, Old Sudan or Two Sudan? – A review of the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement” in Johansson Dahre (ed.) Post-Conflict Peace-Building in the Horn of Africa Lund University (this chapter was previously published in Journal of African Policy Studies).  



Brosché, Johan. 2015. Causes of Communal Conflicts-Government Bias, Elites and Conditions for Cooperation Stockholm: Expert group for Aid Studies, Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Brosché, Johan. 2011. The Crises Continue Sudan’s Remaining Conflicts ISPI Working Paper No. 41. Milano: Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale.

Brosché, Johan. 2009. ”Darfur – Dimensioner och dilemman i en komplex situation” (Darfur – Dimensions and Dilemmas of a Complex Situation) in Konflikterna i Mellanöstern och Sudan – finns det lösningar? (The Conflicts in the Middle East and Sudan are there any Solutions?) Stockholm: The Olof Palme International Center.

Brosché, Johan. 2007. Review of the Implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Government of Sudan and SPLM/A. Uppsala: Department of Peace and Conflict Research.

Brosché, Johan and Maria Nilsson. 2005. Zambian Refugee Policy- Security, Repatriation and Local Integration Minor Field Study No.24, Uppsala: Department of Peace and Conflict Research.


Other Articles 

Rothbart, Daniel, Johan Brosché and Adeeb Yousif. 2012. “Darfur – the Crisis Continues.” Beyond Intractability Boulder: Beyond Intractability Project, University of Colorado

Brosché, Johan. 2012. “Abyei: the Kashmir of Sudan.” New Routes 17(2): 26-29 Uppsala: Life and Peace Institute

Brosché, Johan. 2011.  “Good Understanding Enables Good Solution”. Stockholm: Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society



Brosché, Johan and Kristine Höglund. 2021. “Zambians goes to election amid turmoil. What’s at stake” The Conversation 2021-08-09.

Brosché, Johan. 2021. “Flera delar i krönikan saknar empirisk grund” (Several parts of the op-ed lacks empirical support) responding to an op-ed about oil, religion and war in South Sudan Dagens Juridik 2021-05-17.

Brosché, Johan; Hanne Fjelde and Kristine Höglund. 2020. “How history explains election violence: Kenya and Zambia tell the story” The Conversation 2020-02-17.

Brosché, Johan. 2017. “Half a Century of Peace in Botswana” Dumela (Newsletter of Botswana Sweden Friendship Association) No.4 2017.

Brosché, Johan; Kristine Höglund; Love Calissendorff. 2017. “Zambia eroding: Four ongoing trends to be worried about” African Arguments 2017-10-19.

Brosché, Johan; Kristine Höglund; Sebastian van Baalen. 2017. “Jasaffären i Botswana strider mot Sveriges mål” (Selling JAS to Botswana goes against Sweden’s Foreign Policy Goals) Svenska Dagbladet 2017-03-24.

Brosché, Johan and Kristine Höglund. 2017. “A ‘Zone of Peace’ in Southern Africa: Exploring the Causes of Peace” 2017-03-11.

Brosché, Johan; Linnéa Gelot; Henrik Fröjmark. 2016. “Carl Bildt sprider allvarliga felaktigheter” (Carl Bildt spreads serious inaccuracies) Svenska Dagbladet 2016-11-02.

Brosché, Johan. 2016. “Humanitär katastrof i Sydsudan (Humanitarian Catastrophe in South Sudan) Human Security 2016-03-29.

Brosché, Johan and Kristine Höglund. 2016. “How Should We Understand Malawi’s Peace?” Human Security 2016-02-12.

Brosché, Johan (co-written with 11 other researchers at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University). 2015. “Nio punkter för global fred” (Nine Points for Global Peace) debate article published in Uppsala Nya Tidning 2015-09-25.

Brosché, Johan and Ralph Sundberg. 2013. “Katastrof i Sydsudan måste förhindras” Brännpunkt Svenska Dagbladet 2013-12-22.

Brosché, Johan and Samuel Taub. 2013. “Syriens kris liknar den i Darfur” (The Crisis in Syria Resembles the Crisis in Darfur) Uppsala Nya Tidning 2013-03-11.

Brosché, Johan. 2012. “Varför ska allmänheten tro på Lundingruppens version?” (Why should the general public believe the version of the Lundingroup). Main debate article Dagens Nyheter 2012-03-22.

Brosché, Johan and Ralph Sundberg. 2012. “Ställ tuffa krav på Sydsudan” (Make tough demands on South Sudan) Arena April 2012.

