Kathrin KaufholdUniversitetslektor, Docent
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I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas
Transnational postgraduate students’ experience of voice and participation
2023. Kathrin Kaufhold. Applied Linguistics Review 14 (1), 1-23
ArtikelThe article examines transnational students’ experiences of participation in European higher education by applying the notion of voice that encompasses the capacity to communicate and to be heard (Hymes 1996. Ethnography, linguistics, narrative inequality: Toward an understanding of voice. London: Taylor & Francis). Relating voice to access and participation, the article moves forward debates around incorporating students’ multilingual knowledge resources in diverse writing practices in academia. It takes into account structural and ideological conditions as well as the creative potential of translanguaging in students’ knowledge production. The instrumental case study explores the lived experiences of three multilingual students with highly diverse linguistic and educational backgrounds, who are enrolled in humanities master’s programmes at a Swedish university. It investigates the students’ perceptions of how they can make use of their linguistic and educational repertoires. The data derive from interviews around texts and audio-recorded writing diaries. The results demonstrate how translanguaging is mainly connected to writing for personal use and limited or regulated in assignment writing. They reveal multiple and contrasting ideological views on language use and knowledge, and highlight possibilities and obstacles for appropriating and recontextualising knowledge across languages, educational contexts and disciplines. The article thus connects translanguaging to questions of participation and access more broadly.
Nordic universities at the crossroads
2022. Maria Kuteeva, Kathrin Kaufhold, Niina Hynninen. Language matters in higher education contexts, 71-87
KapitelThis chapter focuses on questions surrounding universities’ societal responsibilityin connection to language use, going beyond the national language(s) versus Englishdichotomy. As a result of university internationalisation and increased migration, bothstudent and faculty populations at Nordic universities have diversified. Nordic universities are currently facing multiple challenges: to maintain academic autonomy andfreedom of thought, to protect democratic ideals, to prove the validity of scientificfindings, and to conduct most of their activities with the support of digital media.Drawing on findings from recent research conducted in Sweden and Finland and thelatest Nordic language policy document (Gregersen et al., 2018), our chapter critically discusses how researchers and students with transnational trajectories perceivetheir language use. In particular, we consider the role of English vis-à-vis the nationallanguage(s) and other languages for purposes of research outreach and widening participation. W e argue that there is a mismatch between university policies assumingthat societal responsibility concerning language use is largely limited to local nationaland (to a lesser extent) minority languages, and the translocal experience of universitystakeholders who often deal with a range of linguistic resources on a daily basis.
Translanguaging and place-making in writing for publication
2022. Kathrin Kaufhold, Rosie Dymond. Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies 16 (3), 128-143
ArtikelIn this piece, we consider what the concepts of translocality as place-making and translanguaging can add to an understanding of current academic and creative writing. Our quest is informed by sociolinguistic theory and literary studies. We take up Hultgren’s (2020) call for interdisciplinarity in research on multilingual writing for publication and contribute to current debates that question dominant ways of knowledge production. By means of creative conversations between the authors, a sociolinguist in Stockholm, Sweden and a scholar of literature in Bangor, North Wales, we explore how academic and creative writing practices may be enriched by drawing on a broader range of writers’ linguistic repertoires. In contrast to previous research that focused on translocality in terms of writers’ mobility and networking, we pay attention to translocality as a process of place-making in writing. Drawing on narrative methods, we present four instances of condensed and partly fictionalized dialogue informed by our own lived experience. The creative form reveals various layers of translocal and translingual writing practices. Translanguaging is intricately connected to place-making and the evocation of communities in both fictional and academic texts. While limited by “regimes of comprehensibility” (Bodin, Helgesson & Huss, 2020), it carries potential for learning and for political activism. Ultimately, our insights and our writing experiment aim to question what counts as a legitimate text and to suggest alternative ways of meaning-making in academic and creative writing practices.
Academic writing centres in multilingual settings
2021. Kathrin Kaufhold, Daniel Egil Yencken. Linguistics and Education 64
ArtikelAcademic writing centres in non-Anglophone countries navigate language policies that encourage the development of local languages and English within multilingual university settings. These policies entail diverging language ideologies that connect language use to diversification and standardisation aims. Although writing centres are stakeholders in academic language development and therefore participants in the policy process, their role and agency in this process has been neglected. The study explores how writing centre staff perceive their work in relation to university language policies and aims. Data were collected via a nation-wide survey of centres in Sweden and seven focus groups. The results demonstrate that the staff claim agency as language brokers. Institutional ideologies of monolingualism and assessment regimes that value the text product over the learning process provide limitations. The reported practices illuminate the special status of Swedish for English text production, and opportunities for grassroots agency as intermediaries between students, lecturers and policies.
Professional identity construction in the healthcare sector
2021. Kathrin Kaufhold, Karolina Wirdenäs. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice 15 (2), 163-186
ArtikelProfessionals who engage with migrants in the healthcare sector may take on the role of mediator of information or advisor. Research has shown how these roles might either facilitate or obstruct migrants’ access to healthcare, but little is known about how professionals navigate the potentially conflicting interests of migrants and representatives of the healthcare system, despite their central role in realizing migrants’ rights to healthcare. This article explores the perspectives of professionals in the Swedish healthcare sector who engage in mediating healthcare information to migrants across linguistic and cultural boundaries and advising them on how to access services. Narrative interviews with five stakeholder groups were conducted. The narrative analysis of two focal excerpts from different professional groups demonstrates how these professionals construct mediating as multidirectional, providing information to the migrants and also keeping the state authority informed. The findings reveal the importance of the knowledge positions that different professionals construct in their narratives and to what extent these support their perceived potential to change the healthcare system. In contrast to findings from other studies, the participants are adamant as regards the importance of treating migrants within the framework of the legal provisions, rather than by finding ways around legal constraints. Nevertheless, the use of rhetorical means to create an effective story can bear the danger of perpetuating one-sided accounts of the migrants and other stakeholders.
Language Perceptions and Practices in Multilingual Universities
2020. Maria Kuteeva, Kathrin Kaufhold, Niina Hynninen.
Bok (red)- Critically assesses ideologies and discourses of protecting national language(s) in relation to the multilingual realities of higher education
- Focuses on the tensions between standardisation and variation in language norms and practices across the multilingual university
- Explores language perceptions in relation to the use of linguistic repertoires by students and researchers for learning and for professional purposes
“I need to know this in Swedish because it’s the kärnspråk”
2020. Kathrin Kaufhold, Jeanna Wennerberg. Language Perceptions and Practices in Multilingual Universities, 193-216
KapitelThe chapter explores the lived experience of students with diverse linguistic and educational backgrounds in Swedish higher education through in-depth interviews with three students who migrated to Sweden. Reflections on language ideologies and practices across social spaces in multilingual university settings are discussed. While the students align with monolingual ideologies of the institution especially with regard to high-stakes tasks, such as assignments, this position is not fixed. The study reveals how various languages can play significant roles for learning in different social spaces. It also highlights the role of previous academic knowledge for the transition into tertiary education irrespective of language codes used. Harnessing the use of some of the translingual learning strategies might support a more inclusive course design.
The value of academics’ research-related online writing
2020. Niina Hynninen, Kathrin Kaufhold. Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies 14 (1), 47-64
ArtikelResearch productivity indicators tend to ignore online and social media writing of academics, nevertheless, many academics for instance tweet and blog. It thus seems that there is additional value for writing in these genres. This study sets out to explore what roles writing in these hybrid online genres plays in relation to academics’ research activities. Drawing on in-depth research interviews with 29 academics with various L1s from three different disciplines, the study focuses on the participants’ perceptions of tweeting and blogging, and how they value writing in these genres in relation to core research-writing genres in their fields. Besides some differences in the evaluations between the disciplines, in general the academics expressed a strong orientation towards evaluative regimes related to writing in their core genres, particularly institutional merit systems and peer review systems. At the same time, the hybrid genres seemed to gain value beyond these systems in providing opportunities for self-actualisation and communicating on one’s own terms. The findings provide important insights into the ecology of genres academics make use of in the process of knowledge production.
Academic writing
2019. Kathrin Kaufhold, Karin Tusting. The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Ethnography, 356-370
KapitelThis chapter reviews linguistic ethnographic research on academic writing. It outlines areas which have historically influenced this approach, including the sociology of scientific knowledge, the ethnography of communication, the US new rhetoric tradition and the academic literacies approach. It describes the methods which have been used in studying academic writing from an ethnographic perspective, explaining the difficulties associated with participant-observation of dispersed writing practices and how these can be mitigated against, particularly using text analysis and talk around text to gain a better understanding of writers’ experiences and practices. Research on student writing is described which explores how students develop discipline-specific expertise, how they draw on and repurpose resources in their academic writing, risk-taking, disciplinary expectations and the use of different technologies. Research on the writing of professional academics is then reviewed, including work on the discursive and genre practices of scholarly and disciplinary writing, and studies of academic writing in relation to the broader working conditions of academic life. Implications for practice are drawn out for teaching and transformative pedagogic approaches. Future directions identified include attention to inequalities in access to resources, managerialist approaches in universities and how digital communications technologies continue to transform academic writing.
Revisiting the role of ‘discipline’ in writing for publication in two social sciences
2019. Kathrin Kaufhold, Lisa McGrath. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 40, 115-128
ArtikelThe role of discipline in shaping writing for publication has been widely acknowledged in EAP research, and a wealth of studies that seek to characterise and differentiate disciplinary writing have been published. However, a conceptualisation of disciplines as clearly demarcated territories may be outdated given the “constantly changing and dynamic […] contemporary university” (Manathunga & Brew, 2014, p.45). In light of these changes, our article interrogates the centrality of discipline in research-based writing, from the academics' perspective. To do so, we adopt Trowler (2014a) reconceptualization of discipline as an analytical framework. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven scholars in two social sciences. Interview data was supplemented by an analysis of the participants' research-based outputs. The results highlight the contested nature of disciplinary affiliation and reveal the range of factors that participants perceive to be “shapers” of writing for publication, beyond discipline: epistemological/methodological, structural and individual. Based on the results, we argue that Trowler's new metaphor of discipline enables us to account for our findings, and conclude with recommendations for EAP writing for publication interventions.
Creating translanguaging spaces in students’ academic writing practices
2018. Kathrin Kaufhold. Linguistics and Education 45, 1-9
ArtikelPostgraduates increasingly write in multilingual contexts. Studies have focused on developing bilingual expertise or harnessing expressions of writer identity. Yet, the role of students’ linguistic ideologies and their writing experiences has so far not been problematised. Based on Busch’s sociolinguistic model oflinguistic repertoire (2012), this paper investigates how students develop their academic writing across language codes and registers in the multilingual contexts of a Swedish university. The qualitative, longi-tudinal study presents data from two students including interviews based on the students’ written text relating to their master’s thesis. Findings show that students’ linguistic ideologies and their experiences can enable or restrict their capacity to draw on their varied repertoires. When enabled, students create translanguaging spaces for meaning making in collaboration with peers and institutional actors. I argue that the metaphor of translanguaging space can be fruitfully applied as a pedagogic tool.
Interdisciplinary postgraduate writing
2017. Kathrin Kaufhold. Writing & Pedagogy 9 (2), 251-274
ArtikelHumanities departments across European universities have established an increasing number of interdisciplinary, international master's programmes that culminate in thesis projects. Yet, the challenges of such interdisciplinary research-based writing have been largely neglected in EAP research. This article investigates how postgraduate students in interdisciplinary fields express and develop genre knowledge during an EAP course for Humanities students preparing for their thesis writing. In two case studies, the article qualitatively explores students' perspectives on their writing along the related dimensions of disciplinary positioning and genre knowledge. Students' explicit expressions of such knowledge in course tasks and interviews are analysed. In addition, students' research-based writing is compared to trace manifestations of this knowledge. The results highlight the students' use of individual reference points to evaluate writing within their heterogeneous research fields. In terms of their research-based writing, the cases illustrate two related trajectories, namely, the development from writer to topic focus and the combination of themes into a coherent argument. Tracing the textual developments reveals the significance of mapping interdisciplinary studies on the interrelated epistemological, thematic and discoursal levels in postgraduate writing. Developing an awareness of these levels requires an understanding of the situatedness of postgraduates' writing in interdisciplinary, departmental and biographical contexts.
Tracing interacting literacy practices in master's dissertation writing
2017. Kathrin Kaufhold. London Review of Education 15 (1), 73-84
ArtikelAcademic literacy practices are increasingly varied, influenced by the diverse education and language backgrounds of students and staff, interdisciplinary approaches, and collaborations with non-university groups such as business partners. Completing a master's dissertation thus requires students to negotiate literacy practices associated with different domains. To enable an investigation of conditions for such negotiations, this article extends the concept of literacy practices by combining insights from Academic Literacies, New Literacy Studies and Schatzki's (1996) social practice ontology. The resulting framework is applied in a case study of a student who negotiates academic requirements and entrepreneurial goals in completing a master's dissertation.
English for Specific Purposes and Academic Literacies
2016. Lisa McGrath, Kathrin Kaufhold. Teaching in Higher Education 21 (8), 933-947
ArtikelAcademic Literacies and English for Specific Purposes perspectives on the teaching of academic writing tend to be positioned as dichotomous and ideologically incompatible. Nonetheless, recent studies have called for the integration of these two perspectives in the design of writing programmes in order to meet the needs of students in the increasingly diverse and shifting landscape of academia. The aim of the present paper is to reflect on how this theoretical integration could be put into practice. Drawing on the design of a research-based writing workshop for postgraduate anthropology students, we argue that rather than a ‘hybrid’ model of writing pedagogy, a theoretically grounded but eclectic approach is needed in order to respond to students’ personal, local, and disciplinary contexts.
Conventions in postgraduate academic writing
2015. Kathrin Kaufhold. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 20, 125-134
ArtikelPostgraduate writing in the social sciences increasingly challenges the conventions of a model derived from the natural sciences. In addition, postgraduate second-language students usually bring with them prior experiences in academic writing which influences their writing development. Taking an Academic Literacies perspective, this ethnographically-informed case study combines and extends these lines of research in the specific context of student mobility in the European Higher Education Area. It investigates how Continental European master's students negotiate their prior experiences of academic writing when completing their theses at a UK university. The detailed analysis of three cases reveals that the students' initial understandings of academic English conventions as autonomous rules became increasingly depended on their disciplinary knowledge and the epistemological approaches of their theses. The results further highlight that the way students draw on prior experiences of academic English relates to their aims. In the light of their experiences, students might both challenge and actively preserve formal conventions of academic English. The findings suggest the need for EAP instructors and subject supervisors to adopt a balanced approach to scaffolding postgraduate academic writing and the importance of supportive institutional structures.
Att mediera information om vårdmöjligheter för nyanlända
2018. Kathrin Kaufhold, Karolina Wirdenäs.
RapportUnder hösten 2015 och våren 2016 anlände många människor på flykt till Sverige. Runt omkring i landet uppstod då ett behov av att informera dem som kommit om deras förutsättningar, inte minst när det gällde hälso- och sjukvård. Stockholms läns landstings (SLL) reaktion på denna kommunikationsutmaning var bland annat att producera broschyrer och affischer med information för asylsökande.
I vårt samarbetsprojekt har vi utvärderat informationssatsningen, och vi har sökt materialets informationsvägar, från landstinget till potentiella vårdtagare, via organisationerna och vårdinstitutionerna. Forskningsfrågorna är:
- Hur ges informationen, av vilka, till vilka och var?
- Vilka möjligheter och hinder har siktats?
Vår studie är språkvetenskaplig och fokuserar samspel, samtal och kontexter där aktörer använder och tolkar vårdinformation.
Något som vi ser som ett viktigt resultat från vår studie är att vi kan bidra till att synliggöra ett övergripande dilemma i samhället. Det finns en stor beredskap och en stark vilja att hjälpa och välkomna personer som är nya i Stockholm och Sverige. Det finns också god kunskap om hur man kan göra det. Samtidigt är viljan att upprätthålla och befästa gällande regelverk och system stark. Vi har sett hur dessa riktningar ofta hamnar på kollisonskurs med varandra och hur det verkligen försvårar både för den som vill hjälpa och den som behöver hjälp. SLL, och andra myndigheter och verksamheter, befinner sig tillsammans med den enskilde mitt i detta problem. I utformningen av framtida informationssatsningar kan man ha som mål att minska dilemmats konsekvenser i så stor utsträckning som det är möjligt.
Implications of aligning full registration of doctors with medical school graduation
2016. Karen L. Mattick (et al.). BMJ Open 6 (2)
ArtikelObjectives The Shape of Training report recommended that full registration is aligned with medical school graduation. As part of a General Medical Council-funded study about the preparedness for practice of UK medical graduates, we explored UK stakeholders’ views about this proposal using qualitative interviews (30 group and 87 individual interviews) and Framework Analysis.
Setting Four UK study sites, one in each country.
Participants 185 individuals from eight stakeholder groups: (1) foundation year 1 (F1) doctors (n=34); (2) fully registered trainee doctors (n=33); (3) clinical educators (n=32); (4) undergraduate/postgraduate Deans, and Foundation Programme Directors (n=30); (5) other healthcare professionals (n=13); (6) employers (n=7); (7) policy and government (n=11); (8) patient and public representatives (n=25).
Results We identified four main themes: (1) The F1 year as a safety net: patients were protected by close trainee supervision and ‘sign off’ to prevent errors; trainees were provided with a safe environment for learning on the job; (2) Implications for undergraduate medical education: if the proposal was accepted, a ‘radical review’ of undergraduate curricula would be needed; undergraduate education might need to be longer; (3) Implications for F1 work practice: steps to protect healthcare team integration and ensure that F1 doctors stay within competency limits would be required; (4) Financial, structural and political implications: there would be cost implications for trainees; clarification of responsibilities between undergraduate and postgraduate medical education would be needed. Typically, each theme comprised arguments for and against the proposal.
Conclusions A policy change to align the timing of full registration with graduation would require considerable planning and preliminary work. These findings will inform policymakers’ decision-making. Regardless of the decision, medical students should take on greater responsibility for patient care as undergraduates, assessment methods in clinical practice and professionalism domains need development, and good practice in postgraduate supervision and support must be shared.
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