Katharina PawlowskiProfessor
I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas
Candidatus Frankia Datiscae Dg1, the Actinobacterial Microsymbiont of Datisca glomerata, Expresses the Canonical nod Genes nodABC in Symbiosis with Its Host Plant
2015. Tomas Persson (et al.). PLoS ONE 10 (5)
ArtikelFrankia strains are nitrogen-fixing soil actinobacteria that can form root symbioses with actinorhizal plants. Phylogenetically, symbiotic frankiae can be divided into three clusters, and this division also corresponds to host specificity groups. The strains of cluster II which form symbioses with actinorhizal Rosales and Cucurbitales, thus displaying a broad host range, show suprisingly low genetic diversity and to date can not be cultured. The genome of the first representative of this cluster, Candidatus Frankia datiscae Dg1 (Dg1), a microsymbiont of Datisca glomerata, was recently sequenced. A phylogenetic analysis of 50 different housekeeping genes of Dg1 and three published Frankia genomes showed that cluster II is basal among the symbiotic Frankia clusters. Detailed analysis showed that nodules of Datisca glomerata, independent of the origin of the inoculum, contain several closely related cluster II Frankia operational taxonomic units. Actinorhizal plants and legumes both belong to the nitrogen-fixing plant clade, and bacterial signaling in both groups involves the common symbiotic pathway also used by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. However, so far, no molecules resembling rhizobial Nod factors could be isolated from Frankia cultures. Alone among Frankia genomes available to date, the genome of Dg1 contains the canonical nod genes nodA, nodB and nodC known from rhizobia, and these genes are arranged in two operons which are expressed in Datisca glomerata nodules. Furthermore, Frankia Dg1 nodC was able to partially complement a Rhizobium leguminosarum A34 nodC::Tn5 mutant. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Dg1 Nod proteins are positioned at the root of both alpha- and beta-rhizobial NodABC proteins. NodA-like acyl transferases were found across the phylum Actinobacteria, but among Proteobacteria only in nodulators. Taken together, our evidence indicates an Actinobacterial origin of rhizobial Nod factors.
Piriformospora indica affects plant growth by auxin production
2007. Anke Sirrenberg (et al.). Physiologia Plantarum 131, 581–589
ArtikelPiriformospora indica has been shown to improve the growth of many plant species including Arabidopsis thaliana, but the mechanism by which this is achieved is still unclear. Arabidopsis root colonization by P. indica was examined in sterile culture on the medium of Murashige and Skoog. P. indica formed intracellular structures in Arabidopsis root epidermal cells and caused changes in root growth, leading to stunted and highly branched root systems. This effect was because of a diffusible factor and could be mimicked by IAA. In addition, P. indica was shown to produce IAA in liquid culture. We suggest that auxin production affecting root growth is responsible for, or at least contributes to, the beneficial effect of P. indica on its host plants.
The diversity of actinorhizal symbiosis
2012. Katharina Pawlowski, Kirill N. Demchenko. Protoplasma 249 (4), 967-979
ArtikelFilamentous aerobic soil actinobacteria of the genus Frankia can induce the formation of nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots of a diverse group of plants from eight dicotyledonous families, collectively called actinorhizal plants. Within nodules, Frankia can fix nitrogen while being hosted inside plant cells. Like in legume/rhizobia symbioses, bacteria can enter the plant root either intracellularly through an infection thread formed in a curled root hair, or intercellularly without root hair involvement, and the entry mechanism is determined by the host plant species. Nodule primordium formation is induced in the root pericycle as for lateral root primordia. Mature actinorhizal nodules are coralloid structures consisting of multiple lobes, each of which represents a modified lateral root without a root cap, a superficial periderm and with infected cells in the expanded cortex. In this review, an overview of nodule induction mechanisms and nodule structure is presented including comparisons with the corresponding mechanisms in legume symbioses.
Jasmonate biosynthesis in legume and actinorhizal nodules
2011. Katharina Pawlowski (et al.). New Phytologist 189 (2), 568-579
Artikel• Jasmonic acid (JA) is a plant signalling compound that has been implicated in theregulation of mutualistic symbioses. In order to understand the spatial distributionof JA biosynthetic capacity in nodules of two actinorhizal species, Casaurina glauca and Datisca glomerata, and one legume, Medicago truncatula, we determined thelocalization of allene oxide cyclase (AOC) which catalyses a committed step inJA biosynthesis. In all nodule types analysed, AOC was detected exclusively inuninfected cells.
• The levels of JA were compared in the roots and nodules of the three plantspecies. The nodules and noninoculated roots of the two actinorhizal species, andthe root systems of M. truncatula, noninoculated or nodulated with wild-type Sinorhizobium meliloti or with mutants unable to fix nitrogen, did not showsignificant differences in JA levels. However, JA levels in all plant organs examined increased significantly on mechanical disturbance.
• To study whether JA played a regulatory role in the nodules of M. truncatula, composite plants containing roots expressing an MtAOC1-sense or MtAOC1-RNAi construct were inoculated with S. meliloti. Neither an increase nor reductionin AOC levels resulted in altered nodule formation.
• These data suggest that jasmonates are not involved in the development andfunction of root nodules.
Frankia-Enriched Metagenomes from the Earliest Diverging Symbiotic Frankia Cluster: They Come in Teams
2019. Daniel Wibberg (et al.). Genome Biology and Evolution 11 (8), 2273-2291
ArtikelFrankia strains induce the formation of nitrogen-fixing nodules on roots of actinorhizal plants. Phylogenetically, Frankia strains can be grouped in four clusters. The earliest divergent cluster, cluster-2, has a particularly wide host range. The analysis of cluster-2 strains has been hampered by the fact that with two exceptions, they could never be cultured. In this study, 12 Frankia-enriched metagenomes of Frankia cluster-2 strains or strain assemblages were sequenced based on seven inoculum sources. Sequences obtained via DNA isolated from whole nodules were compared with those of DNA isolated from fractionated preparations enhanced in the Frankia symbiotic structures. The results show that cluster-2 inocula represent groups of strains, and that strains not represented in symbiotic structures, that is, unable to performsymbiotic nitrogen fixation, may still be able to colonize nodules. Transposase gene abundance was compared in the different Frankia-enriched metagenomes with the result that NorthAmerican strains contain more transposase genes than Eurasian strains. An analysis of the evolution and distribution of the host plants indicated that bursts of transposition may have coincided with niche competition with other cluster-2 Frankia strains. The first genome of an inoculum from the Southern Hemisphere, obtained from nodules of Coriaria papuana in Papua NewGuinea, represents a novel species, postulated as Candidatus Frankiameridionalis. All Frankia-enrichedmetagenomes obtained in this study contained homologs of the canonical nod genes nodABC; the North American genomes also contained the sulfotransferase gene nodH, while the genome from the Southern Hemisphere only contained nodC and a truncated copy of nodB.
A Homeotic Mutation Changes Legume Nodule Ontogeny into Actinorhizal-Type Ontogeny
2020. Defeng Shen (et al.). The Plant Cell 32 (6), 1868-1885
ArtikelA homeotic mutation in Medicago truncatula NODULE ROOT1 converts legume-type nodules into actinorhizal-type nodules, suggesting that the two nodule types have a shared evolutionary origin. Some plants fix atmospheric nitrogen by hosting symbiotic diazotrophic rhizobia or Frankia bacteria in root organs known as nodules. Such nodule symbiosis occurs in 10 plant lineages in four taxonomic orders: Fabales, Fagales, Cucurbitales, and Rosales, which are collectively known as the nitrogen-fixing clade. Nodules are divided into two types based on differences in ontogeny and histology: legume-type and actinorhizal-type nodules. The evolutionary relationship between these nodule types has been a long-standing enigma for molecular and evolutionary biologists. Recent phylogenomic studies on nodulating and nonnodulating species in the nitrogen-fixing clade indicated that the nodulation trait has a shared evolutionary origin in all 10 lineages. However, this hypothesis faces a conundrum in that legume-type and actinorhizal-type nodules have been regarded as fundamentally different. Here, we analyzed the actinorhizal-type nodules formed by Parasponia andersonii (Rosales) and Alnus glutinosa (Fagales) and found that their ontogeny is more similar to that of legume-type nodules (Fabales) than generally assumed. We also show that in Medicago truncatula, a homeotic mutation in the co-transcriptional regulator gene NODULE ROOT1 (MtNOOT1) converts legume-type nodules into actinorhizal-type nodules. These experimental findings suggest that the two nodule types have a shared evolutionary origin.
Candidatus Frankia nodulisporulans sp. nov., an Alnus glutinosa-infective Frankia species unable to grow in pure culture and able to sporulate in-planta
2020. Aude Herrera-Belaroussi (et al.). Systematic and Applied Microbiology 43 (6)
ArtikelWe describe a new Frankia species, for three non-isolated strains obtained from Alnus glutinosa in France and Sweden, respectively. These strains can nodulate several Alnus species (A. glutinosa, A. incana, A. alno-betula), they form hyphae, vesicles and sporangia in the root nodule cortex but have resisted all attempts at isolation in pure culture. Their genomes have been sequenced, they are significantly smaller than those of other Alnus-infective species (5 Mb instead of 7.5 Mb) and are very closely related to one another (ANI of 100%). The name Candidatus Frankia nodulisporulans is proposed.
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