Laszlo BartosiewiczProfessor emeritus
Om mig
László Bartosiewicz har arbetat som arkeozoolog sedan 1979 och studerar förhållandet mellan djur och människor i olika tidsperioder och regioner, däribland flera länder i Europa, Mellanöstern och Latinamerika. Hans artiklar har ofta en socialantropologisk inriktning då de handlar om studier av husdjur som materiell kultur i antiken. Nyligen har han specialiserat sig på djurens paleopatologi.
László Bartosiewicz has worked as an archaeozoologist since 1979 and studies animal-human relationships in various time periods and regions in several countries of Europe and some in the Near East and Latin America. His papers often have a cultural anthropological focus, treating animals as material culture in antiquity. Recently he has specialized in animal palaeopathology.
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I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas
Animal keeping in Chalcolithic north-central Anatolia
2016. Catriona Pickard (et al.). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
ArtikelStable isotope analysis is an essential investigativetechnique, complementary to more traditional zooarchaeologicalapproaches to elucidating animal keeping practices. Carbon(δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope values of 132 domesticates(cattle, caprines and pigs) were evaluated to investigateone aspect of animal keeping, animal forage, at the LateChalcolithic (mid-fourth millennium BC) site of ÇamlıbelTarlası, which is located in north-central Anatolia. The analysesindicated that all of the domesticates had diets based predominantlyon C3 plants. Pig and caprine δ13C and δ15N values werefound to be statistically indistinguishable. However, cattle exhibiteddistinctive stable isotope values and, therefore, differences indiet from both pigs and caprines at Çamlıbel Tarlası. This differencemay relate to the distinct patterns of foraging behaviourexhibited by the domesticates. Alternatively, this diversity mayresult from the use of different grazing areas or from thefoddering practices of the Çamlıbel Tarlası inhabitants.
Faunal remains from the 1982–83 investigations
2016. Milena Grzybowska (et al.). Archaeology and Environment on the North Sea Littoral, 169-190
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Genomic and archaeological evidence suggests a dual origin of domestic dogs
2016. Laurent A. F. Frantz (et al.). Science 352 (6290), 1228-1231
ArtikelThe geographic and temporal origins of dogs remain controversial. We generated genetic sequences from 59 ancient dogs and a complete (28x) genome of a late Neolithic dog (dated to similar to 4800 calendar years before the present) from Ireland. Our analyses revealed a deep split separating modern East Asian and Western Eurasian dogs. Surprisingly, the date of this divergence (similar to 14,000 to 6400 years ago) occurs commensurate with, or several millennia after, the first appearance of dogs in Europe and East Asia. Additional analyses of ancient and modern mitochondrial DNA revealed a sharp discontinuity in haplotype frequencies in Europe. Combined, these results suggest that dogs may have been domesticated independently in Eastern and Western Eurasia from distinct wolf populations. East Eurasian dogs were then possibly transported to Europe with people, where they partially replaced European Paleolithic dogs.
Környezet okozta állatbetegségek a régészetben
2016. Laszlo Bartosiewicz. A Természet Világa, 40-45
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Prehistoric Animal Remains from Grotta Scaloria
2016. Laszlo Bartosiewicz, Éva Ágnes Nyerges. Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria, 75-90
Visa alla publikationer av Laszlo Bartosiewicz vid Stockholms universitet