Stockholms universitet

Maria TrejlingDoktorand

Om mig

Doktorand i litteraturvetenskap. Masterexamen i engelska med litteraturvetenskap som specialområde vid Stockholms universitet.

Jag försvarar min avhandling, "Creaturely Metaphors in D.H. Lawrence, H.D., and Virginia Woolf", den 7 mars 2025.

Medlem i det internationella forskarnätverket Histories and Futures of French Travelling Concepts, finansierat av Danmarks frie forskningsfond.

Medlem i redaktionen för Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap.

Initiativtagare till forskarnätverket Forum modernism.


Ekokritiska perspektiv – människa, natur, litteratur, 7,5 hp (LVGN13)

Litteraturvetenskap I: Att analysera och tolka litterär text, 7,5 hp (LVGN01)

Litteraturvetenskap I: Litteraturens historia från 1870 till idag, 7,5 hp (LV0001)

Litteraturvetenskap II: Uppsats, 7,5 hp (LV2000)

Litteraturvetenskap kandidatkurs: Examensarbete, 15 hp  (LV3000)


Min forskning berör frågor som väcks i skärningspunkterna mellan litteraturteori och den icke-mänskliga vändningen inom humaniora. Jag är däri mån både om litteraturens unika förmåga att adressera existentiella och etiska spörsmål, och om att värna litteraturen och litteraturvetenskapen från ensidigt instrumentella uppdrag. Mina intellektuella influenser kommer framförallt från kontinentalfilosofin – i synnerhet dekonstruktionen – posthumanismen och psykoanalysen.

På min engelska presentation finns en beskrivning av min avhandling, "Creaturely Metaphors in D.H. Lawrence, H.D., and Virginia Woolf."

Gästforskare vid Institute for Humanities Research, Arizona State University, juni-juli 2022.
Gästforskare vid School of Critical Studies, University of Glasgow, HT21.



Litteraturteori, litteratur och filosofi, dekonstruktion, poetik, tropologi, estetik, modernism.



Frida Beckman och Ingemar Haag


Konferenspapper och andra presentationer

“Överlevandets litteratur.” Nationell ämneskonferens i litteraturvetenskap, Lund, oktober 2024.

"Hérisson, Istrice, Hedgehog, Igel: Metaphor on 'the road named translation' in Jacques Derrida’s 'Che cos’è la poesia?'" Derrida Today Conference, Aten, juni 2024.

"Entangled Figures: The Intertwinements of Animal Metaphors." AHRC International Conference, Oxford, september 2023.

"Flickering Figures: Modes of Reading Animals in The Rainbow." The London Lawrence Group, april 2023.

"Blood-Conscious Supplementation: Jacques Derrida Facing D.H. Lawrence's 'Snake.'" The 15th International D. H. Lawrence Conference, Taos, New Mexico, juli 2022.

"In Defense of Metaphor: A Myth of Presence and an Animation of Representation." Derrida Today Conference, Washington DC, juni 2022.

"A Spectral Dog Wordlessly Speaking Metaphorically in D.H. Lawrences' The Rainbow." D. H. Lawrence, Distance and Proximity: An International Virtual Symposium, online, juli 2021.

"Peripheral Aesthetics: Butterfly Patterns in H.D.'s Asphodel." Revolutions in Reading: Literary Practice in Transition, online, juni 2021.

"More Swallows to Follow: Repetitive Animals in H.D.'s Asphodel." Beastly Modernisms Conference, Glasgow, september 2019.

"Becoming Posthumanist: Deleuzian Animals in The Rainbow." The International D.H. Lawrence Conference, Paris, april 2019.

“Reading Animals Literally: The Activism of Desymbolization.” The European Conference for Critical Animal Studies, Lund, oktober 2017.

”Empathizing through Fundamental Difference: An Exploration of Empathy with the Non-Human Other in D.H. Lawrence's ’Fish.’” The European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts Conference, Basel, juni 2017.

”'Imprisoned within a limited, false set of concepts': Posthuman Absoluteness and Relativity in Women in Love.” The International D.H. Lawrence Conference, Paris, mars 2017.


I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • More Swallows to Follow: Sweeping, Swirling, Wheeling Turns in H.D.’s Asphodel

    2023. Maria Trejling. Modernist Cultures 18 (2), 156-180


    In comparison with other modernist writers, little has been written on the role of animals in H.D.’s works. This article examines the significations – the significances and the signifying – of the peripheral yet reoccurring swallows in her posthumous novel Asphodel, thus exploring their contribution to the meaning of the text. Since most of these swallows signify metaphorically, the widespread skepticism toward metaphor within animal studies is also addressed. Employing a Derridean perspective with a focus on iteration, metaphor, and irreplaceability, the swallows’ significations are analyzed in relation to the themes, style, and imagery of Asphodel, demonstrating how they repeatedly turn the direction of the narrative around, while also providing a pattern for stylistic turns. This not only shows the role of swallows in Asphodel, but also indicates the importance of peripheral animals to modernist literature.

    Läs mer om More Swallows to Follow
  • A Spectral Dog Wordlessly Speaking Metaphorically in D.H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow

    2021. Maria Trejling.


    In critical readings of nonhuman beings, there is a widespread concern about the way that metaphorizing animals distances the human (reader) from them. In Lawrence’s works, many of the animals are at once representations of abstract ideas, distant from the textual animal itself, and specific textual beings with a closely depicted embodiedness. Therefore, Lawrence can be useful for thinking about the complex relationships between idea and materiality, tenor and vehicle, metaphor and body. I propose a way to read metaphorical animals as spectral beings: present in their absence. In my paper, I explore this in relation to Tom Brangwen’s dog in an early scene in The Rainbow by considering how the dog conditions and produces its own metaphoricity. I would be interested in discussing textually close questions such as how this is constructed in Lawrence’s text, as well as more distant theoretical questions about how the dog’s metaphoricity relates to power hierarchies and structures of knowledge.

    Läs mer om A Spectral Dog Wordlessly Speaking Metaphorically in D.H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow

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