Mattias WinnbergForskarstuderande, Provutvecklare
Om mig
Jag är forskarstuderande inom forskarskolan ASSESS och provutvecklare inom PRIM-gruppen.
Mitt forskningsintresse fokuserar digitala interaktiva matematikuppgifter—inom summativa bedömningssituationer—och dessa uppgifters giltighet att pröva elevers matematiska kompetenser. En av utmaningarna inom digital bedömning i matematik gäller balansen mellan bedömningens avsedda matematik och elevers tekniska färdigheter.
Mitt avhandlingsprojekt använder såväl kvalitativ som kvantitativ data från kunskapsmätningar i matematik. I en kvalitativ studie undersöker jag elevers arbete med matematikuppgifter som innehåller interaktiva kalkylbladsverktyg. I kommande kvantitativa studier avser jag att undersöka elevers arbete med liknande uppgifter från PISA 2022 och från kommande uppgifter inom nationella prov i matematik.
I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas
Matematik i PISA 2018
2019. Samuel Sollerman, Mattias Winnberg.
RapportDenna rapport beskriver ramverket för matematik i PISA och ger en bakgrund till resultaten. I rapporten redogörs för de matematikkunskaper som avses att prövas i PISA-undersökningen som genomfördes år 2018. Rapporten innehåller även beskrivningar och diskussioner om planerade förändringar i PISA. Med utgångspunkt i den kommande PISA-studien (PISA 2021) diskuteras innehåll i matematiken, presenteras exempel på hur uppgifter kan komma att se ut samt hur förändringar i matematikinnehåll förhåller sig till den svenska skolans styrdokument.
Agens i matematikundervisning
2014. Mattias Winnberg.
The purpose of this study is to investigate how power is distributed in the mathematics classroom and how students achieve agency when ICT (Information and communication technology) is used as a teaching tool. Three learning situations, structured by mathematics, are analysed: in the first situation mathematics is taught in a traditional way, in the second mathematics is taught in interdisciplinary projects, and in the third mathematics is taught using ICT as a pedagogical tool. The theoretical concepts of power and agency are used as analytical tools within a socio-political framework. The concept of power is used to assess the students’ ability to influence their learning and degree of inclusion in the three learning situations. The power aspect is assumed to influence the students’ ability to achieve agency. Based on an ecological understanding of the concept, agency is examined by assessing the quality of students’ engagement in the learning situations. Also, the degree to which the students are in control of their actions is assessed. Data was collected through participant observation, questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Linguistic text analysis was used as a tool to analyse the transcripts from the interviews. The results suggest that students can achieve agency in situations where ICT is used as a pedagogical tool to enable collaboration between students. However, ICT can also distract students, which in turn can limit their achievement of agency. Furthermore, it is suggested that the results may have implications for our understanding of the concepts of power and agency in relation to ICT in a wider social context beyond the classroom. Finally, it is proposed that the question of how the distribution of power and agency influence learning when ICT is used in the mathematics classroom should be subject to further research.
Analysis of digital assessment in mathematics through the lens of connectivity
2022. Mattias Winnberg. Proceedings from the 12th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12), 2022
KonferensThe focus of this paper is to investigate the framework of connectivity in relation to analyses of summative digital assessment in mathematics. As an example, two digital items in mathematics are analyzed according to the framework of connectivity. The results imply that the framework, along with some instrumental adaptations, can be used to guide item analysis. In future, the framework could likely guide analyses of digital national tests in mathematics. A suggestion is to broaden the scope of this research to a macro level, which might focus on assessment platforms, and possible connections to other digital resources.
An instrumental approach on students’ work with digital items in mathematics
2022. Mattias Vinnberg.
KonferensThis poster proposal presents an early-stage research study investigating students work on innovative spreadsheet items from an instrumental approach. This theoretical lens scrutinizes the interrelations between technology and mathematical thinking. The overall research aim is to shed light on important factors that need to be taken into account whenever similar items in mathematics are applied in summative digital assessment, in this case the Swedish national tests in mathematics for Grade 9. The purpose of this study is to examine students’ instrumented techniques, along with instrumented action schemes in the process of digital genesis. The research is framed by technical problems, students’ described opportunities and constraints, and also how this relates to their conceptual understanding. One of the arguments of digital assessment in mathematics is construct broadening. At the same time, it is crucial that tests assess mathematical competencies, and do not introduce construct-irrelevant variance. In this context the tests need to emphasize the intended mathematics and not computer skills. The importance of studying students work with digital items is thus based on validity concerns. The presented study pinpoints such concerns related to instrumental techniques applied (or not applied) by students when solving items with a spreadsheet component.
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