Natasha WebsterForskare
Om mig
Natasha Webster är forskare på Kulturgeografiska institutionen vid Stockholms universitet. Hon är intresserad av genus, entreprenörskap, migration, arbetslivspraxis och regional utveckling. Natashas forskning fokuserar på feministisk ekonomisk geografi och undersöker kvinnligt entreprenörskap i relation till migration och integration. Hon har genomfört studier i Thailand, Kina, Sverige och Kanada. Hon är förra ordförande för Forum för feministisk forskning i Stockholm (2017-2019). Natasha är redaktör för bokrecensioner i Emotion, Society and Space och sitta med i redaktionskommittén för Digital Geography and Society.
PhD in Human Geography (Stockholm University), M.Sc.Pl Specialization in Urban Planning (University of Toronto), BA Honours in Human Geography (Queen’s University, Canada)
Natasha Webster har intervjuat kvinnor från olika delar av världen som driver företag i små orter och städer i Sverige. Se en kort film här
Natashas pronomen är "hon", "henne" och "hennes".
Current Research Projects:
"Integration Delivered? Unveiling immigrant experiences in the growing Swedish gig economy" with Qian Zhang, Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (Formas) for three years (2020–2023).
Forskare i Forskningsprogrammet ”Lyckliga gatan? Geografisk polarisering och social sammanhållning i dagens Sverige”. Programmet koordineras av Bo Malmberg, Kulturgeografiska institutionen. Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ)
Past Research Projects:
"Opportunities and Obstacles: Identifying hidden resources and skills to promote entrepreneurship among migrant women in Swedish regions" with Karen Haandrikman, Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (Formas) for three years (2017–2020).
"Immigrants, working life and the growing Swedish gig economy" with Qian Zhang, Projektmedal inom Digital Humanvetenskap, Stockholms Universitet (2019-2020)
When the world goes rural: Are international migration flows changing the Swedish countryside? with Gunnel Forsberg, Funded by Formas, (2008-2016)
PhD Supervision:
Emmeline Laszlo Ambjörnsson. Women's Forest Networks: Seperate Organization and Gender Negotiations in Swedish Forest Governance. (with Professors Anna Storm and Gunnel Forsberg)
Graduate level Courses:
- Migration and Social Change – A life course perspective (course coordinator)
- Planning in Sweden and Nordic Countries
- Urban and Regional Planning in Europe
- Planning and Policy
- Advanced Methods in Human Geography and Urban and Regional Planning
- Supervision of Master's theses
Undergraduate level Courses:
- Gender and Geography (new course 2021, course coordinator)
- Theories in Urban and Regional Planning
- Place, Identity and Migration
- Migration och Globala Processer (course coordinator 2016 - 2019)
- Challenges in Planning in the Global South
- Economic Geography
- Geography 1
- Geografiska Strukturer och Samhälle
- Swedish Geography
- Supervision of undergraduate theses
Webster, N.A., and Zhang, Q. 2022. Intersectional understandings of the role and meaning of platform-mediated work in the pandemic Swedish welfare state. Digital Geography and Society.
Drozdzewski, D., and Webster, N. A. 2021. (Re)visiting the neighbourhood. Geography Compass, https://doi-org/10.1111/gec3.12597
Webster, N.A., and Zhang, Q. 2021. Centering social-technical relations in studying platform urbanism: intersectionality for just futures in European cities. Urban Transformations 3, 10
Webster, N.A and Kontkanen, Y. 2021. Space and Place in Immigrant Entrepreneurship literature in the Nordics: A systematic literature review. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift–Norwegian Journal of Geography.
Haandrikman, K., Duvander, A. and Webster, N.A. 2021. Local variation in gendered family policy use: Evidence of local gender contracts? Spatial Demography. 9, 155–186.
Haandrikman, K., Webster, N.A. and Duvander, A. 2021. Geographical variation in local gender contracts in Sweden. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy.
Webster, N. A. and Haandrikman, K. 2020. Exploring the role of privilege in migrant women’s self-employment. Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice.
Webster, N. A. 2020. Migrant women entrepreneurs and emotional encounters in policy fields. Emotion, Space and Society, 37, 100730.
Haandrikman, K. and Webster, N.A. 2020. Migrant, woman and business owner: A heterogeneous group with diverse needs. Kulturgeografisk Seminarium 2020:1. Stockholm University: Department of Human Geography.
Haandrikman, K. and Webster, N.A. 2020. Kvinna, utrikes född och företagare – En heterogen grupp med olika behov. I Heijne, Hedvig, Framtidens Chefer - Nyanlända och utrikes födda kvinnors entreprenörskap (pp. 20-54). Stockholm: FORES. (download
Webster, N.A. and Zhang, Q. 2020. Careers delivered from the kitchen? Immigrant women small-scale entrepreneurs working in the growing Nordic platform economy. NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research.
Webster N.A. and Forsberg G. (2020) Spicy Meatballs and Mango Sylt: Exploring Food Practices as a Means to Promoting Entrepreneurship in Rural Sweden. In: Lundmark L., Carson D.B., Eimermann M. (eds) Dipping in to the North: Living, Working and Traveling in Sparsely Populated Areas. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.
Haandrikman, K., Webster, N.A Duvander, A. 2019. Understanding Local Variations in Gender Relations Using Gender Contract Theory. Working paper series: Stockholm Research Reports in Demography. SRRD no.2019/6
Webster, N. A., & Caretta, M. A. 2019. Early-career women in geography. practical pathways to advancement in the neoliberal university. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 101(1), 1-6.
Webster, N.A. and Boyd, M. 2019. Exploring the importance of inter-departmental women’s friendship in geography as resistance in the neoliberal academy. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography. (08/15): 1-12.
Haandrikman, K., and Webster, N.A. 2018. Thaise migrantenvrouwen in nederland en zweden. Demos - Bulletin Over Bevolking En Samenleving, 34 (April), 1-4.
Webster, N.A. 2018. “Parental Leave: Planning, Plotting and Passing” In (eds) McMaster, C.; Murphy C. and Rosenkrantz de Lasson, J. "The Nordic Ph.D: Surviving and succeeding". (p. 110 - 116). New York: Peter Lang Publishing Group
Webster, N. A. 2017. Rural-to-rural translocal practices: Thai women entrepreneurs in the Swedish countryside. Journal of Rural Studies, 56, 219-228. doi:
Webster, N.A. and Haandrikman, K. 2017. Thai women entrepreneurs in Sweden: Critical perspectives on migrant small businesses. Women's Studies International Forum, 60C, 17 - 27
Caretta, M.A. and Webster, N.A. 2016. “What kept me going was stubbornness”: Perspectives from Swedish early career women academics in geography.Investigaciones Feministas. Vol. 7, nr 2, 89-113. DOI: 10.5209/INFE.52911
Webster, N.A. 2016. Gender and Social Practices in Migration: The case of Thai women in rural Sweden. Published Doctoral dissertation from the Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University: Stockholm. (See open access link)
Webster, N. A. and Caretta, M.A., 2016. “Women in groups can help each and learn from each other”. The role of homosocial practices in shaping and renegotiating the local gender contract. Géneros. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 5(3), 1072-1095. doi: 10.17583/generos.2016.1992
Webster, N.A. and Haandrikman, K. 2016. Thai women in Sweden: Victims or participants? Social Sciences Asia, 2(1), 13 – 29. doi:10.14456/ssa.2016.4
Webster, N.A. 2015. Vippan Playground: Can a local meeting place survive in neoliberal Stockholm? Localities 5, 171-178.
Caretta, M.A., Kuns, B. and Webster, N.A. 2014. Praktiska, metodologiska och emotionella utmaningar i fält. En diskurs att utvecklas inom geografi. Geografiska Notiser, 72 (3) 117 – 126.
Chen X., Cai J., Yang Z. and Webster, N.A. 2014. Set Relationships between Tourists' Authentic Perceptions and Authenticity of World Heritage Resources. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 5(1), 20-31.
Book Reviews
Webster, N and Bailey, A. 2020. Film Review: Lense-Møller, L. (Producer), & Metz, Janus and Plambech, S. (Directors). Heartbound - A different kind of Love StoryEmotion, Space and Society. DOI:10.1016/j.emospa.2019.100633
Webster, N. 2016. Book Review. Birch, P 2015. Why Men Buy Sex: Explaining Sex worker clients. Routledge Studies in Crime and Society 2015. NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies
Webster, N. 2014. Book Review: Hübinette, Tobias, Hörnfeldt, Helena, Farahani, Fataneh & Rosales, René León (eds.) (2012) Om ras och vithet i det samtida Sverige, Botkyrka: Mångkulturellt centrum. Nordic Journal of Migration Research 4(1), 49.
Popular Science and Media
- "Gig Ekonomi" on Bildningspodden, Liveinspelat avsnitt som sändes under Vetenskapsfestivalen i Göteborg, som i 2020 sker digital. Medverkande: kulturgeograferna Natasha Webster och Qian Zhang samt Magnus Bremmer. Längd: 39 min. Listen/watch here
- "Rural women entrepreneurs need better support" Haandrikman, K. and Webster, N. Kunskaper för landsbygder, September 4 2020.
- Haandrikman, K. and Webster, N. (2020), "Kvinna, utrikes född och företagare -En heterogen grupp med olika behov". YouTube film presenting the chapter as part of the digital launch of the book "Framtidens chefer – Nyanlända och utrikes födda kvinnors entreprenörskap", June 10–12 juni, FORES Youtube.
- "An Interview with Natasha Webster" Interview by Linn Cervell in Minimax. Spring 2020.
- "Fullt i Akalla by när kvinnors rättigheter diskuterades" Nyhetsbryån Järva. Published March 17 2020.
- "Food for thought - sustainability-themed "Third Tuesday" Stockholm University. Published February 21 2020.
- "Gig-ekonomins baksida utreds i nytt projekt" in Extrakt Magazine. Karin Montgomery. Extrakt. Published January 29 2020,
- "Innovative Uses for Mapillary in Field-Based Research Projects" Mapillary. Published January 2. 2020.
“Entreprenörs-forskare föreläste på Kvinnors frukost” Avesta Municipality, Published May 29 2019,
- "Thailändska kvinnor satsar stort på Gotland" Report by Linus Ehn. Gotlands Tidningar/ Monday November 5 2018, pages 8-9
- Haandrikman, Karen and Natasha Webster (2018), Nederlandse vrouwelijke ondernemers in Zweden: Kansen en belemmeringen [Dutch women entrepreneurs in Sweden: Opportunities and obstacles]. Hollandse Nieuwtjes (September): 13-15. entrepreneurs in Sweden: Opportunities and obstacles]. Hollandse Nieuwtjes (September): 13-15.
- Podcast Interview (Episode 1, Season 2 Natasha Webster) "Migration and the Male Normative” on The Swede Life with Jill Leckie. Released August 30 2018. This podcast covers labour market integration and perspectives of migrant women in Sweden. Download via @iTunes and @stitcherpodcasts and
- "Thailandspecial med Margita Boström" Radio Interview aired August 13, 2018, kl. 15:04.
- "Starting your business in Stockholm? 6 Tips!" Your Living City June 8 2018 by Natasha Webster and Karen Haandrikman
- "Wij Aziatische vrouwen werken, wij teren niet op de zak van onze man'" by Niels Markus in TROUW, April 30 2018
- Interview on Sverigesradio English ”Why Thai Business women are thriving in Sweden” aired Thursday July 13 2017, 10:00.
- 'Thailändska företagare ger liv till landsbygder' Interview with Jonas Gustaffson from ESBRI: Institutet för entreprenörskaps- och småföretagsforskning - Entré nr 2, 2017
- 'Nordegren och Epstein i P1' Radio interview aired Mondag January 30 2017, 15:04
- Webster, N. January 30 2017. "Thailändska kvinnor som företagare" Debate article in Norrköpings Tidningar.
Selected Presentations
Prescott E., Berge ,S., Brouard, F., Douglas, H., Douglas, L. and Webster, N. Invited Panelist. “Rural Social Enterprise: Our Experiences and Yours!” 2021 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 8 2021 (online)
Webster, N. and Zhang, Q. "Causing Chaos, Creating Calm: Intersectional understandings of the meaning of digitally mediated work in the pandemic welfare state" Covid-19 and the Digital Media Ecology, Digital Human Science (DHV) and the Department of Media Studies (IMS), Stockholm University
Webster, N. “Food and integration: Thai food in the Swedish countryside” Europe-Thailand Transnational Migration: Intimacy, sexuality and gender. Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; Mahidol University, Thailand; Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium, May 6 2021. (online)
Zhang, Q. and Webster, N. “Digitalizing Authenticity for IRL: Immigrants supplying home-made food via apps in the gig economy” Migrant Belongings: Digital Practices and the Everyday. Utrect University April 21-23, 2021 (online)
Webster, N. and Kontkanen, Y. (Session conveners) Exploring Nordic Migrant Entrepreneurship: Intersectional Understandings of Place and Context. Nordic Migration Conference, (Postponed to 2021 due to Covid-19)
Webster, N. and Zhang, Q. “Careers delivered from the kitchen? An intersectional study of immigrant women small-scale entrepreneurs working in the growing Nordic platform economy” in session Digital Labour Geographies: Gig Work Futures RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2020 (Postponed to 2021 due to Covid-19)
Webster, N. “ ‘There once was a girl who loved books...’ On being an academic mother, entrepreneurship, post- feminism and Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls” in session: The borderlands of motherhood and academia. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2020 (Postponed to 2021 due to Covid-19)
Webster, N. “Migrant women entrepreneurs and emotional encounters in the Swedish entrepreneurial policy field” in session 2: Gender and Entrepreneurship: Critically transforming debate. 11th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender, Work & Organization (Postponed to 2021 due to Covid-19)
Webster, N.A. "Exploring the role of privilege for migrant women's self-employment" Advances in Migrant and Refugee Entrepreneurship Research Workshop. Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME), September 23 2020
Riaño, Y, Webster N, Sandoz, L. (Session Conveners) Transnational Migrant Entrepreneurship: Exploring Diverse Spatial Mobilities and Connections across the Globe - Part A & B, IMISCOE 2020, Luxembourg, July 1 – July 2 2020
Webster, N and Kontkanen, Y “Approaching ‘translocal’: Articulations, Presentations and Interpretations of the Local in Nordic Scholarship on Migrant Entrepreneurship” IMISCOE 2020, Luxembourg, July 1 – July 2 2020
Webster, N and Zhang, Q. “Immigrants, working life and the growing Nordic Gig Economy” Conference “Autonomy in Digital Society” hosted by the Digital Human Science committee, Stockholm University, November 7, 2019
Drozdzewski, D. and Webster, N. “Walking among the dead: encountering the past digitally and with movement” at Thinking on the Move: The Possibilities and Problems of Walking Sociologically at Goldsmiths, London. September 5-6 2019
Drozdzewski, D. and Webster, N. “How feminist and gendered critiques of pedagogic vernacular draw focus on emotions in our teaching” RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2019. August 30, 2019
Avesta Kommun - Jubileumsnätverksträff - Kvinnors företagande: “Who gets to be an entrepreneur? Feminist perspectives in entrepreneur research” May 10 2019
Webster, N and Riaño, Y. Session Convenors "The spatialities of migrant entrepreneurship" at the 2019 Nordic Geographers Meeting.
Webster, N. and Haandrikman, K. "Unpacking privilege: Exploring privileged migrant women’s entrepreneurship in the Swedish Labour Market" Uppsala University, September 28 2018
Webster, N. "Rural Entrepreneurship, gender and the gig economy" at theRural Entrepreneurship Symposium, SLU, October 16 2018
Webster, N. and Haandrikman, K. "Unpacking privilege: Exploring privileged migrant women’s entrepreneurship in the Swedish Labour Market" at 19th Nordic Migration Research Conference 2018 (NMR-Conference), Session 7, Embeddedness of Mix – Policy Responses to Immigrant Entrepreneurship. August 16 2018.
Webster, N. "Learning from women entrepreneurs? Reflections on early women academic careers from an entrepreneurial discourse perspective” at Centre for Regional Studies together with CGF – Center för genusforskning, Karlstad University, Sweden, September 5 2018
Webster, N. Keynote Speaker at New Wave 2018 “Learning from women entrepreneurs: Reflections on early careers in academia” at Faculty of Science of Charles University, Prague Czech Republic, May 31 - June 1 2018
Editorial Responsibilities
Book Review Editor: Emotion, Space and Society
Special Issue Guest Editor: Globalizations; Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography
Member of Editorial Board: Digital Geography and Society
Peer Reviewer for:
- Digital Geography and Society
- Emotion, Space and Society
- Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
- Environment and Planning A
- Environment and Planning C
- Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research
- Gender, Place and Culture
- Géneros. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies
- Genus: Journal of Population Sciences
- Geoforum
- Geographical Research
- Globalizations
- International Journal of entrepreneurship
- International Migration
- Journal of Enterprising Communities
- Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
- Journal of Family Issues
- Journal of Rural Studies
- NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research
- Nordic Journal of Migration Research
- Nordic Journal of Social Research
- Professional Geographer, The
- Progress in Human Geography
- Qualitative Research
- Sage Publications (Research Methods)
Scientific Affiliations
SPaDE (The Linnaeus Center for Social Policy and Family Dynamics in Europe); Association of American Geographers; Canadian Association of Geographers; Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi
Community Service:
Steering Committee Member (2019 - 2020) Stockholm University Young Faculty Organization
Former Chair (2017 - 2019) of Forum för feministisk forskning (Forum for Feminist Research)
Local Planning Committee Member- Nordic Geographer's Meeting June 18-21 2017, Stockholm Sweden.