Paulina de los ReyesProfessor
Om mig
Jag är professor i ekonomisk historia vid Stockholms universitet sedan 2009. Mitt främsta forskningsintresse rör maktförhållanden under kapitalismen med särskilt fokus på arbetslivets förändrade villkor. Teoretiskt tar jag avstamp i intersektionella perspektiv, postkolonial feminism och kritisk historisk forskning för att studera hur relationen mellan produktionens organisering och reproduktionens betingelser gestaltar sig i nationella och globala sammanhang.
Jag leder för närvarande två forskningsprojekt: ”Invandrade mödrar – rasifierade barn. Vägval, konflikter och visioner” (VR2016-05144) och ”Ung på jobbet. Instabila anställningar, arbetsmiljö och (o)hållbara arbetsplatser inom detaljhandel” (Forte 2019-00544). Projekten samlar forskare från olika discipliner vid olika lärosäten i tvärdisciplinärt samarbete. Därutöver inkluderar projekten två doktorander vid institutionen för ekonomisk historia och internationella relationer vid Stockholms universitet.
Min undervisningserfarenhet omfattar alla utbildningsnivåer i ekonomisk historia. Jag undervisar och handleder på grundutbildning, på avancerad nivå och på utbildning på forskarnivå. Jag har också haft förmånen att handleda flera doktorander fram till disputation och har haft uppdrag som opponent vid disputationer såväl i Sverige som utomlands.
Tredje uppgiften
Inom ramen för tredje uppgiften har jag varit ämnessakkunnig i flera statliga utredningar och tagit fram beslutsunderlag för diverse myndigheter (se t ex Arbetsmiljöverket 2011:3, SOU 2O14:34, Ds 2014:8, Jämställdhetsmyndigheten 2021:5).
I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas
Depleted bodies: intersectional perspectives on workplace violence
2023. Paulina de los Reyes. Re-Imagining Sexual Harassment, 33-47
KapitelThe starting point in this chapter is the discrepancy between far-reaching gender policies in the workplace and persistent expressions of gender violence and work-related ill health in Sweden. Based on intersectional perspectives and inspired by social reproduction theories, the analysis focuses on the different ways that workplace violence depletes women’s capacity to replenish themselves and their capacity to deal with everyday life. Testimonies from different workplaces suggest the need for analysis that goes beyond individual acts and organisational management practices and also problematises how workplace violence depletes female workers’ capacity to live sustainable lives. A central argument is that workplace violence must be approached not solely as a failure of gender policies but rather as an expression of structural and intertwined hierarchies of power that shape subordinate and vulnerable positions along lines of gender, class, sexuality and national belonging. Moreover, to grasp the consequences of this violence it is necessary to transcend traditional boundaries between working life and private life and explore how the lack of replenishment after female workers’ experiences of violence is perceived, transmitted and suffered in their affective and social life.
Motherwork, Daughterwork: Exploring Activist Mothering within the Latin American Diaspora in Sweden
2023. Paulina de los Reyes, Diana Mulinari. Meridians 22 (1), 58-75
ArtikelThis article explores how young women born in Sweden, or arriving in Sweden as toddlers, who belong to the Latin American diaspora give meaning to and act on their experiences of being the daughters of migrant mothers, whose political activism shapes their views and practices of mothering and migration. The analysis is inspired by feminist/antiracist methodologies and consists of eight in-depth interviews with young adult women, all of them daughters of political refugees who came to Sweden to escape persecution by the military dictatorships in Latin America in the late 1970s. The interviews are combined with two focus groups that took place in the two largest Swedish cities. The category we will bring to light is that of the daughters; adults now, aged between thirty and forty-five (six of them mothers themselves). The central question in this article is what perceptions of mothering can be articulated from the perspective of daughters of Latin American migrant mothers, in a context where memories of political persecution and exile and experiences of institutional and everyday racism shape the conditions of motherwork for both the migrant mothers and their daughters.
(De)confined notes. On the contributions of intersectionality to the challenges of Covid-19
2021. Paulina de los Reyes. Propuestas Críticas en Trabajo Social - Critical Proposals in Social Work 1 (2), 31-48
ArtikelThis article examines how intersectional perspectives can contribute to a deeperunderstanding of the operations of power in a context of sanitary crisis whiledelivering a reflection on the theoretical premises and political potential of theseperspectives in the historic situation we are experiencing. The central argumentis that intersectional approaches not only help us understand the differentiatingimpact of sanitary measures on the structural inequalities that construct the so-cial order, but they also allow us to identify how this order can be transgressed,resisted and negotiated in a crisis situation
Migrant mothers
2021. Paulina de los Reyes. Scandinavian Economic History Review, 1-19
ArtikelImages of migrant mothers have been a powerful marker for otherness in discourses of gender, migration and racialisation in Sweden. These women are often described as a problematic group in official discourses on labour-market policy, social welfare and gender equality. Taking as its point of departure the belief that knowledge production constitutes a central arena for deploying relations of power, the purpose of this article is to explore how migrant women’s experiences of motherhood have been represented in the Swedish Government Official Reports (SOU). What conditions of (im)possibility for motherhood, everyday life and integration into Swedish society are expressed in these government reports? How is the position of migrant mothers related to working conditions, intergenerational transmissions and reproduction dilemmas? The article focuses on the years between 1970 and 2000, a period that was characterised by profound transformations in Swedish society expressed not only in changing migration regulations and new gendered divisions of labour but also in the emergence of racialised patterns of inequality in housing, the labour market and access to social welfare. In so doing, the article contributes from the perspective of economic history to contemporary debates on the nexus between migration and racialisation in postcolonial societies.
Ojämlikhet och polarisering i detajhandeln 1990-2015
2021. Carlén Stefan, Paulina de los Reyes. Ojämlika arbetsplatser, 35-62
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Hegemonic Feminism Revisited
2020. Paulina de los Reyes, Diana Mulinari. NORA 28 (3), 183-196
ArtikelIntersectional studies are expanding and generating vital and much-needed theoretical debate in the discipline of feminist/gender studies. The aim of this article is to contribute to the debate through a critical reflection over the process of translation through which the concept has been introduced, interpreted and acted upon in Swedish gender studies. The purpose is also to bridge the concept of intersectionality and the notion of scholarships of hope, searching for forms of scholarly production that will fruitfully articulate academic knowledge with a political vision. The analysis acknowledges the relevance of an intersectional approach to understanding (and acting upon) the operations of power and the precarisation of life in these dangerous times of global exploitation and the multiplication of borders.
Researching Otherwise? Autoethnographic Notes on the 2013 Stockholm Riots
2020. Paulina de los Reyes, Markus Lundström. Critical Sociology
ArtikelMarket adaptation, fragmentation and precariousness have been widely documented as problematic features of knowledge production processes in the university. This article follows an undercurrent of critical scholarship to explore how paths of resistance can be opened up by researching otherwise. The article builds on autoethnographic notes from a collective and non-funded research project aimed at gathering in situ narratives from people who experienced the 2013 Stockholm Riots. The research strategy behind this project, its organization as well as its results and reception, is here used as a point of departure to scrutinize the conditions of the possibility of critical knowledge production. The article draws attention to a critical place for doing research – in the cracks of the university – which arguably complicates the academic–public divide and keeps open discursive spaces during troubling moments of closure
“’Jag anhåller om en förklaring’" - rasifierande gränser i ansökningar om steriliseringar i mitten av 1940-talet
2019. Paulina de los Reyes. Fronesis (62-63), 57-74
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Bortom kravallerna
2017. .
Bok (red)I maj 2013 ägde omfattande oroligheter rum i Stockholmsförorten Husby. Bilar brann och poliser möttes med kastade stenar, händelser som gav eko i såväl svenska som internationella medier. Redan kort tid efter sammanstötningarna intervjuade forskare från olika akademiska discipliner ett trettiotal boende i Husby. I denna bok kan kravallerna därför sättas in i ett större såväl teoretiskt som internationellt sammanhang. Utifrån teman som berör bland annat plats och gemenskap, polisens roll och den samlade mediabilden diskuteras Husbyoroligheternas specifika karaktär och hur sociala konflikter som dessa ska kunna förstås.
Husby, våldet och talandets villkor
2017. Paulina de los Reyes. Bortom kravallerna, 157-185
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Working life inequalities
2017. Paulina de los Reyes. Society, health and vulnerability 8
ArtikelEvidence shows persistent inequalities between women and men regarding working conditions, wage levels, work time, work environment, and career opportunities. At the same time, research results show that inequality in the workplace is not only about gender differences. The specific conditions of oppression built on the simultaneous operation of class, race, and gender relations of power goes beyond the simple dichotomies involved in traditional class analysis or gender studies. Age, nationality, race, sexual preferences, bodily impairment, and class background are crucial factors in the opportunities and obstacles that people face at work. In this article, I discuss how an intersectional perspective can deepen our understanding of the informal hierarchies that create and preserve work life inequalities. Drawing on postcolonial theories and feminist perspectives on labour, I argue that the significance of an intersectional analysis is not primarily about the discrimination mechanisms based on intersecting forms of oppression. Rather, I see the potential of intersectionality in a critical interrogation of the shaping of different perceptions of labour emerging in current models of capitalist accumulation.
Practising intersectionality
2016. Paulina de los Reyes. Perspectives on cultural leadership, 222-239
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When feminism became gender equality and anti-racism turned into diversity management
2016. Paulina de los Reyes. Challenging the myth of gender equality in Sweden, 23-47
Visa alla publikationer av Paulina de los Reyes vid Stockholms universitet