Urban NordinUniversitetslektor
Ekonomisk geografi, planering för urban och regional utveckling, medicinsk geografi. |
Fritidsboende och fritidsbebyggelse |
I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas
Varg mellan stolarna
2013. Urban Nordin, Ulrika Svane. Geografiska Notiser (2), 65-73
Artikel -
The local non-locals
2012. Urban Nordin, Roger Marjavaara. Tourism 60 (3), 293-305
ArtikelThe impact of second home tourism in local destinations has been on the research agenda for some time now and can be considered as one of the eternal question in second home tourism research. In available literature it is often argued that second home owners do not contribute in any significant way to a positive local development at the destinations. On the other hand, there are studies arguing that second home owners do contribute to local development and offer one of few opportunities for many rural and peripheral areas. This study aims at contributing to this debate by exploring in what way second home owners engage in local associations at second home destinations in Sweden. Questions addressed relate to second home owners engagement, type of associations they engage in and utilization of second homes. The data used is retrieved from a nation-wide questionnaire survey to 4 000 randomly selected second home owners in Sweden during 2009. Results show that second home owners actively engage in the associational life at the destinations and is to be considered as a potential for local development rather than a problem for places that otherwise would have limited options.
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