New student

Welcome to Stockholm Business School! Once you have been admitted to a course module or programme with us, you must activate your university account and register for the courses that are included in the course module or programme (first semester).


An academic approach and way of acting are a vital part of good scientific practice and cornerstones of all higher education. Stockholm Business School (SBS) has developed a code of conduct for how students are expected to approach their studies and behave towards peers, teachers, administrative staff and as representatives of Stockholm University.

As a student at SBS, you are expected to:

  • Value academic integrity, apply good research practice, independence, scientific methods, accuracy in the implementation of individual work, group projects and degree theses.
  • Contribute to a well-functioning and respectful collaboration with your peers in joint assignments.
  • Refrain from cheating in examinations, for example plagiarism, cooperating when it is not allowed, or using aids without special permission.
  • Contribute to the quality of education by answering course and programme evaluations.
  • Work for a safe, tolerant, open-minded and inclusive study and work environment, free from discrimination, abusive behavior and harassment.
  • Affirm people’s equal value, rights, opportunities and obligations, regardless of gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, functional variation, sexual orientation and age.
  • Carefully study course and programme syllabi, rules for education and examination and other information about your education.
  • Take responsibility for arriving on time for scheduled teaching.
  • Update your contact information in Ladok and Athena so as not to miss important information.
  • Refrain from recording, filming and photographing educational situations. Respect that material recorded by SBS may not be published on websites or in social media.

University account

Before the start of the semester, you must activate your University Account in order to get access to all the IT services at the University.

After activation, you will receive a confirmation email with further instructions on how to order a university card and register for your courses.

Students without a Swedish personal identity number (“personnummer” in Swedish) should contact the Academic Advisor to receive a one-time code.

Activate your account here

Remember to register!

As of 1 January 2024, you must temporarily log in to Ladok in a different way than you normally do. Instead of using your regular university account, you must use eduID or your account on

It is important that you register for the courses you have been admitted to in order to keep your place

Register online


Important information to newly admitted students

At the start of each autum semester, Stockholm Business School arranges a Welcome Event in Aula Magna. Newely admitted students will receive more detailed information about the event in the Welcome letter, sent out by email.

The presentation with welcome information from September 2. (9918 Kb)


See videos with previous digital welcome information here

There are also welcome activities that are arranged centrally at Stockholm University that you can take part in.
Here you will find more information about the Stockholm University welcome activities

Stockholm University provides targeted study support to students with long-term disabilities. The support is based on your individual needs and the aim is to facilitate your studies. The adjustments should be reasonable with regard to the disability, course requirements, and intended learning outcomes.

You find more information about who can apply for support, how to apply for support and what forms of support are available here.

Studying with a disability

Your application for support should be made well in advance of the start of the semester as the processing time may vary.

1. First, make your application. See instructions under How to apply for support

2. When your application has been approved, send your certificate to Stockholm Business School

If you've started a course and have decided that you no longer wish to attend, you must contact the Academic Advisor to withdraw. See contact information at the bottom of this page.

If you have been admitted but cannot start the program that semester, you can apply for a deferral of study commencemen. The reason for deferral must normally have arisen after the end of the notification period.

Read more about deferral of study commencement

If you are newly admitted to a  bachelor's programme and have already studied courses that are part of the programme, you can, if there are place, start at a later part of the programme.
You must contact the Academic Advisor for more information.


Business Administration:
Advertising and PR:

If you have previous studies within the main field of study of your education you can apply for a credit transfer of theses courses.

Information about and how to apply can be found on the Degree web page under the heading Credit Transfer.


Being accepted with conditions means that you did not fulfill the eligibility requirement when applying for the course module or programme. You then have until the start of the semester to fulfill your eligibility. You need to show that you are eligible to be registered on the course module or programme you applied for.

Students who are required to pay tuition fees will be listed as 'Conditionally admitted' on their Notification of Selection Results. Your status will still be listed as 'Conditionally admitted' even after you've paid the tuition fee. This is because our computer system can't record when a student has paid the first instalment to their university.


If you were placed on a waiting list, the university may review applicants from the waiting list in specific order after admissions selection and may then offer you a place.

If you've been offered a place from the waiting list you'll receive an email from University Admissions that you've been offered a place. You can view your Notification of Selection Results in your account here at

You will also receive an email with information from SBS.

If you don't wish to keep the place, please be sure to decline it at so that it can be made available to someone else.

If you accept your place, all further contact will be made with Stockholm Business School.


Stockholm Business School Student Association, Föreningen Ekonomerna
The business association is represented by students in several decision-making bodies like the Stockholm Business School board, the undergraduate board and the faculty board.

The association consists of a number of committees and projects which together form the operational activities. Its Education Committee works to further advance student influence at the School and to ensure that the education is of highest quality. The International Committee looks after exchange students and organises the Senior Buddy Program.


Athena is Stockholm Business School´s  learning platform. Each course opportunity/programme has its own Athena site and you will automatically join your course/programme site by registering for the course. All course-specific communication is through Athena. Here you will find your schedule, syllabus, course material and assignments.

To get to your course site in Athena you must be registered for the course (check on Ladok for students) and have an activated university account. If you still cannot find your courses in Athena, please contact the course coordinators.

Visit Athena

Find information on how to get started with Athena

Visit the Service Portal for questions and answers about Athena

If you have questions about Athena you can contact the university's help desk, ask your question in the Service Portal or call 08-16 19 99. Among other things, you can get help with resetting your password.

Athena on the cellphone

You can download a free app and use Athena on your cellphone or iPad. The app is called Itslearning and is available for iPhone and Android.
Here you will find instructions on how to download the app to your mobile phone or iPad.




Academic Advisor
Academic Advisor
Academic Advisor
Academic Advisor
On this page