Opening hours

Here, you will find information regarding our opening hours at Stockholm University Library, located on campus Frescati. Our opening hours are affected by public holidays, so stay updated here on our website.

Our opening hours are affected by public holidays, so stay updated here on our website and on our social media platforms.


Stockholm University Library

Ordinary opening hours

Monday - Thursday 8.00 - 21.30
Friday 8.00 - 18.00
Saturday - Sunday 9.00 - 17.00


Get help from our staff

The information points at the library are staffed from 9.00 until closing.

The chat is staffed weekdays 9.00-15.00.



Department Libraries

For information on the opening hours at JMK Library, the Mathematics Library and the NILAS Library please consult the website of the respective department.

JMK Library

Mathematics Library

NILAS Library


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