AME Labour Economics Seminar: Roland Rathelot (CREST)
Date: Monday 8 May 2023
Time: 11.15 – 12.30
Location: F800
"How do women and men search for jobs?"
AME Labour Economics Seminar, at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI).
Roland Rathelot from CREST presents "How do women and men search for jobs?".
This is an in-person only event.
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We use data on job views and applications on the largest job board in Sweden, Platsbanken. We merge this data with employment and unemployment registers. We document gender differentials in job search and analyse how these differentials map to differentials in labour-market outcomes. Comparing unemployed job seekers with similar characteristics, we find that women apply to less jobs than men, and target jobs that pay less, and are closer to home. Women and men have similar job-finding rates, and women do get jobs that pay less and are closer to home.
Last updated: May 4, 2023
Source: SOFI