Stockholm university

Karen HaandrikmanProfessor

About me

I am professor in geography with a focus on human geography at the Department of Human Geography of Stockholm University within the Population Geography research group.

Room: X323, Geo-Science Building, Frescati



  • Programme director Master's Programme in Human Geography.
  • Advanced method in human geography and urban and regional planning (in English), master level, course coordinator (KG7232).
  • Migration and social change (in English), master level (KG7206).
  • Social scientific and spatial methods (in Swedish), bachelor level, course coordinator (KG2304).
  • Population, environment and landscape change (in Swedish), bachelor level, course coordinator (KG1302).
  • Place, identity and migration, optional bachelor course (in English)(KG2307).
  • Gender and geography, optional bachelor course (in English) (KG2311);
  • Housing, segregation and moves, optional bachelor course (in Swedish) (KG2308);
  • Bachelor thesis supervision, Human Geography (KG3201); Urban and Regional Planning (KG3217); Global Development.
  • Master's thesis supervision, students in Human Geography i (KG9210); Urban and Regional Planning (KG9211); Globalization, Environment and Social Change; and Demography.


Research focus: Migration; integration; segregation; neighbourhoods; mixed methods

Google Scholar profile

Research Gate profile

New and upcoming research projects

Ongoing research projects

Finished research projects

PhD supervision

  • Nickella Jose - "Neighbourhood trajectories: The socio-physical environment and socioeconomic outcomes in adulthood". Assistant supervisor. Started August 2024.
  • Linda Randall - "Residential mobility and remote work: A Nordic comparative study". Main supervisor. Started October 2023.
  • Sofi Johansson - "Gendered feelings of unsafety in the urban environment - A quantitative feminist approach". Main supervisor. May 2021-November 2023.
  • Joeke Kuyvenhoven - "When moving matters – Unpacking patterns and consequences of childhood residential mobility". NIDI/University of Groningen. Assistant supervisor 2019-2024. Successfully defended July 8, 2024.
  • Samaneh Khaef - "Educational trajectories of Swedish and foreign-born population". Assistant supervisor. 2018-2024. Successfully defended April 26, 2024.
  • Andrea Monti - "Moving again. Studies of international return and onward migration". Assistant supervisor. Started October 2015. Successfully defended June 4, 2021.
  • Louisa Vogiazides – “Immigrants’ spatial and social trajectories in Sweden”. Main supervisor. Successfully defended 27 March, 2020.
  • Sara Thalberg – “Students and Family Formation. Studies on educational enrolment and childbearing in Sweden”. Assistant supervisor. Successfully defended 15 November 2013.


Haandrikman, Karen and Joeke Kuyvenhoven (2024), Supermovers? Childhood internal mobility in Sweden. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography 2024:15.

Haandrikman, Karen, Charlotta Hedberg and Guilherme K. Chihaya (2024), New immigration destinations in Sweden: Migrant residential trajectories intersecting rural areas. Sociologia Ruralis 64(2), 280-306.

Khaef, Samaneh and Karen Haandrikman (2023), The initial residential patterns of immigrants across the urban hierarchy in Sweden: The role of educational attainment. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 115(3), 366-383.

Kuyvenhoven, Joeke, Karen Haandrikman and Rafael Costa (2023). Cumulative disadvantage during childhood: The association between moving and accumulated neighborhood deprivation over a child’s life course in the Netherlands. Journal of Urban Affairs

Johansson, Sofi and Karen Haandrikman (2023). Gendered fear of crime in the urban context: A comparative multilevel study of women's and men's fear of crime. Journal of Urban Affairs 45(7), 1238-1264.

Haandrikman, Karen, Rafael Costa, Bo Malmberg, Adrian Farner Rogne and Bart Sleutjes (2023). Socio-economic segregation in European cities. A comparative study of Brussels, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Oslo and Stockholm. Urban Geography 44(1), 1-36.

Brandén, Maria, Karen Haandrikman and Gunn Birkelund (2022). Escaping one’s disadvantage? Neighbourhoods, socioeconomic origin and children’s adult outcomes. European Sociological Review 39(4), 601-614.

Webster, Natasha and Karen Haandrikman (2022). Exploring the role of privilege in migrant women’s self-employment. Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice 46(6), 1534-1568.

Haandrikman, Karen and Per Strömblad (2022). Neighbourhood Survey 2020: Design and Realisation. Kulturgeografiskt Seminarium 2022:1. Stockholm University, Department of Human Geography.

Haandrikman, Karen, Ann-Zofie Duvander and Natasha Webster (2021). Local variation in gendered family policy use: Evidence of local gender contracts? Spatial Demography 9(1), 155-186.

Haandrikman, Karen, Natasha Webster and Ann-Zofie Duvander (2021). Geographical variation in local gender contracts in Sweden. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 14(3), 649-701.

Haandrikman, Karen and Natasha Webster (2020), Migrant, woman and business owner: A heterogeneous group with diverse needs. Kulturgeografisk Seminarium 2020:1. Stockholm University: Department of Human Geography.

Haandrikman, Karen and Natasha Webster (2020), Kvinna, utrikes född och företagare – En heterogen grupp med olika behov. In: Hedvig Heijne (Ed.), Framtidens Chefer - Nyanlända och utrikes födda kvinnors entreprenörskap (pp. 20-54). Stockholm: FORES.

Haandrikman, Karen, Rafael Costa, Bo Malmberg, Adrian Farner Rogne and Bart Sleutjes (2019), Socio-economic Segregation in European Cities. A Comparative Study of Brussels, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Oslo and Stockholm. ResSegr Working Paper 2019:1.

Haandrikman, Karen, Natasha Webster and Ann-Zofie Duvander (2019), Understanding local variations in gender relations using gender contract theory. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography 2019:06. Stockholm: Stockholm University Demography Unit.

Wimark, Thomas, Karen Haandrikman and Michael M. Nielsen (2019), Migrant labor market integration: The association between initial settlement and subsequent employment and income among migrants. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 101(2), 118-137.

Haandrikman, Karen (2019). Partner choice in Sweden: How distance still matters. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 51(2), 440-460.

Malmberg, Bo, Eva Andersson, Michael M. Nielsen and Karen Haandrikman (2018), Residential segregation of European and non-European migrants in Sweden: 1990-2012. European Journal of Population 34(2), 169-193.

Brandén, Maria and Karen Haandrikman (2018), Who moves to whom? Gender differences in the distance moved to a shared residence. European Journal of Population 35(3): 435-458.

Nielsen, Michael Meinild, Karen Haandrikman, Henning Christiansen, Rafael Costa, Bart Sleutjes, Adrian F. Rogne, and Marcin Stonawski (2017), Residential segregation in 5 European countries. Technical report. ResSegr Working Paper 2017:2.

Wimark, Thomas, Michael M. Nielsen and Karen Haandrikman (2017). Boende och integration: Samband mellan invandrares initiala bosättning och deras sysselsättning och inkomst. Kulturgeografiskt seminarium 2017:2. Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University.

Webster, Natasha and Karen Haandrikman (2017). Thai women entrepreneurs in Sweden: Critical perspectives on migrant small businesses. Women's Studies International Forum 60, 17-27.

Webster, Natasha and Karen Haandrikman (2016), Thai women in Sweden: Victims or participants? Social Sciences Asia 2(1), 13–29.

Haandrikman, Karen and Sadia Hassanen (2014), Onward migration of African Europeans. Comparing attitudes to migration motives. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography 2014:15.

Hedberg, Charlotta and Karen Haandrikman (2014), Repopulation of the Swedish countryside: Globalisation by international migration. Journal of Rural Studies, 34: 128-138.

Haandrikman, Karen (2013), Book review of Charsley (2012), “Transnational marriage. New perspectives from Europe and Beyond”. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 3(4), 234-235.

Haandrikman, Karen (2014), Binational marriages in Sweden: Is there an EU effect? Population, Space and Place, 20(2), 177-199.

Haandrikman, Karen and Leo J.G. van Wissen (2012), Explaining the flight of Cupid's arrow: A spatial micro model of partner choice. European Journal of Population 28(4), 417-439.

Haandrikman, Karen and Inge Hutter (2012), ‘That’s a different kind of person’ - Spatial connotations and partner choice. Population, Space and Place 18(3), 241-259.

Haandrikman, Karen and Leo J.G. van Wissen (2011), Regional variation in short distance homogamy. Genus 67(1), 45-59.

Haandrikman, Karen, Leo J.G. van Wissen and Carel Harmsen (2011), Explaining spatial homogamy. Compositional, spatial and regional cultural determinants of regional patterns of spatial homogamy in the Netherlands. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 4, 75-93.

Haandrikman, Karen (2011), Spatial homogamy: The geographical dimensions of partner choice. Journal of Economic and Social Geography 102(1), 100-110.

Haandrikman, Karen (2010), The geographical dimensions of partner choice. Rozenberg Publishers, Amsterdam. Project page with full text.

Haandrikman, Karen (2010), Waar ontmoeten partners elkaar? Sociale differentiatie in ontmoetingsplaatsen [Where do partners meet? Social differentiation in meeting places]. Mens en Maatschappij 85(2), 176-195.

Haandrikman, Karen, Carel Harmsen, Leo J.G. van Wissen and Inge Hutter (2008), Geography matters. Patterns of spatial homogamy in the Netherlands. Population, Space and Place 14(5), 387-405.

Haandrikman, Karen and Leo J.G. van Wissen (2008), Effects of the fertility transition on birth seasonality in the Netherlands. Journal of Biosocial Science 40 (5), 655-672.

Haandrikman, Karen, Carel Harmsen, Leo J.G. van Wissen and Inge Hutter (2008), De geografische dimensie van partnerkeuze [The geographical dimension of partner choice].  Bevolkingstrends 56(3), 19-28.

Haandrikman, Karen (2007), A place for pensioners? Demographic developments. In: Gregory Ashworth, Peter Groote and Piet Pellenbarg (eds.), A compact geography of the northern Netherlands. First and second edition. In Boekvorm, Assen, pp. 19-22.

Haandrikman, Karen, N.V. Rajeswari, Inge Hutter and B.M. Ramesh (2004), Coping with time. Using a local time-path calendar to reduce heaping in durations. Time & Society 13(2/3), 339-362.


Popular science contributions

Haandrikman, Karen and Rafael Costa (2022). Sociaaleconomische segregatie in Europese hoofdsteden (Socioeconomic segregation in European capitals). Demos, April.

Haandrikman, Karen and Webster, Natasha (2020), Blog "Rural women entrepreneurs need better support", on SLU's blog on Swedish research on rural areas.

Haandrikman, K. and Webster, N. (2020), "Kvinna, utrikes född och företagare -En heterogen grupp med olika behov". YouTube film presenting the chapter as part of the digital launch of the book "Framtidens chefer – Nyanlända och utrikes födda kvinnors entreprenörskap", June 10–12 juni, FORES Youtube. 

Haandrikman, Karen (2019), Nederlandse life style migranten - Waar wonen de meeste Nederlanders? Hollandse Nieuwtjes, oktober, pp. 22-24.

Haandrikman, Karen and Natasha Webster (2018), Nederlandse vrouwelijke ondernemers in Zweden: Kansen en belemmeringen. Hollandse Nieuwtjes (september), 13-15.

Haandrikman, Karen and Natasha Webster (2018), Thaise migrantenvrouwen in Nederland en Zweden [Thai migrant women in the Netherlands and Sweden]. Demos 4: 1-4.

Hedberg, Charlotta and Karen Haandrikman (2011), Mångfaldens utmaning på landsbygden. Invandrare & Minoriteter 38(4/5), 21-24.

Haandrikman, Karen (2007), Soort zoekt soort. Ontmoetingsplaatsen van partners [Like likes like. Meeting places of partners). Demos 23(10), 12-14.

Recent and upcoming (conference) presentations

"Reproducing segregation? The role of intergenerational transmission of neighbourhood". With Joeke Kuyvenhoven. European Network for Housing Researchers, August 26-30, 2024, Delft.

"The preferred neighbourhood: The role of migrant background and income in sorting towards segregation". With Eva Andersson. European Network for Housing Researchers, June 28-30, 2023, Lodz. Also presented at the symposium The Relevance of Applied Population Geography Research, September  19-22, 2023, Lesvos.

"New Immigration Destinations in Sweden. Spatial reflections and empirical findings on rural residential migrant trajectories". With Charlotta Hedberg and Guilherme Chihaya. Forskarkonferens  Storstad och Periferi efter pandemin. October 10-12, 2022, Högbo Bruk. 

"Greeting the neighbours - Local social capital and the role of neighbourhood type and personality". European Network for Housing Researchers, August 30 - September 2, 2022, Barcelona.

"Super-movers vs non-movers: Childhood internal mobility in Sweden". With Louisa Vogiazides and Rafael Costa. European Population Conference, June 29-July 2, Groningen.

"Ethnic and socio-economic segregation levels across Europe using individualized scalable neighbourhoods". Keynote at project conference of "Future Migration Scenarios for Europe", October 20, 2021 at Nordregio, Stockholm.

“New immigrant destinations? Residential trajectories of newly arrived migrants from a rural perspective”. With Charlotta Hedberg and Guilherme Kenji Chihaya. Ruralities and Regions in Transition, SLU & Nordregio, Åkersberga, November 11-12, 2021.

"New gateways in Sweden? Secondary migration and employment careers of newly arrived migrants". With Charlotta Hedberg and Guilherme Kenji Chihaya. Stockholm Sessions in Migration, April 13, 2021 & Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, May 5-8, 2021."Local gender contracts". Higher seminar, Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University, February 23, 2021.

PhD Examination Committee Member

  • Roselinde van der Wiel, University of Groningen, July 5, 2022.
  • Alex Gimenez de la Prada, Linköping University, June 14, 2021.
  • Margarita Chudnovskaya, Stockholm University, October 13, 2017.
  • Yannu Zheng, Lund University, April 12, 2017.

International Advisory Board

Population, Space and Place

Reviewer for

Advances in Life Course Research; Demographic Research; Demography; European Journal of Population; European Journal of Spatial Development; European Societies; European Sociological Review; Genus – Journal of Population Sciences; Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography; Geographical Research; Globalizations; Growth and Change - A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy; the History of the Family; International Migration; Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies; Journal of Marriage and Family; Journal of Regional Science; Journal of Rural Studies; Journal of Urban Affairs; Nordic Journal of Migration Research; Nordic Journal of Social Research; Papers in Regional Science; Population Research and Policy Review; Population, Space and Place; Population Studies; Social Science Research.

Scientific affiliations

Association of American Geographers, European Association for Population Studies, Netherlands Demographic Society, The Swedish Demographic Association (board member and co-chairman 2018-present).

Previous work and education

Senior lecturer, Department of HUman Geography, Stockholm University, 2016-2023.

Researcher, Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University, 2012-2016.

Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University, 2010-2012.

PhD student in Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, 2005-2010. Population Research Centre, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen. Dissertation: The geographical dimensions of partner choice. Supervisors: Prof.dr. I. Hutter and Prof.dr. L.J.G. van Wissen. Cooperation with Statistics Netherlands.

Assistant professor, Department of Demography, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, 2000-2005.

MSc Demography, University of Groningen, 1997-2000. Optional courses at University of Ulster at Coleraine, UK. Specialisation ‘Geography and Education’. Taught geography lessons at secondary school. Master thesis: "Coping with time. Measurement and perceptions of age and duration in reproductive health surveys."

BSc Human Geography, University of Groningen, 1995-1997.

Research projects