Stockholm university

Research project Migrant Trajectories

Migrant Trajectories is a research programme that explores the life trajectories of migrants from their arrival in Sweden to the present, focusing on the five main life domains – geographical residence and housing, family formation, labour market participation, educational careers, and social security – and the interrelationships between them.

Group picture of the researchers

The programme builds on research collaborations between human geographers from the universities of Stockholm and Umeå and demographers from Stockholm University.

Project description

Group picture of the researchers
The researchers in the project.

During the past thirty years there has been a remarkable increase in immigration to Sweden. Many assume that this will have major impacts on Swedish society during the next decades. Much of the development will depend on the process of integration of immigrants, that is, on the extent to which immigrants will become part of the Swedish society on equal terms. Our research program focuses on investigating these processes in essential areas of life: geographical residence and housing, family formation, labour market participation, educational careers, and social security. We take a longitudinal view on migration and study the patterns and processes from a life-course perspective. We concentrate on migrants who arrived in Sweden during the past twenty to thirty years and follow their life trajectories from their arrival in Sweden to the present.

Contrary to most previous research, we regard integration as a cross-cutting multi-dimensional process in which developments in one life domain influence developments in others, and in which environmental changes affect life-course processes and their interlinkages. The core of our research is thus devoted to analyzing the interrelationships between the processes in different life domains and to assess the patterns and outcomes for different migrant groups, including refugees and children of immigrants. Our studies make use of Swedish register data which cover the entire resident population of Sweden. They provide a unique source of data to study life trajectories across different life domains and from different perspectives. State-of-the-art as well as recently developed methods particularly suited to study trajectories and patterns across different life domains are applied. Our research approach of investigating migration processes from a situated and linked life perspective goes beyond current standard approaches and is likely to produce more profound knowledge about the processes of migrants’ integration.

Project members

Project managers

Bo Malmberg


Department of Human Geography


Eva Andersson


Department of Human Geography
Eva K. Andersson

Gunnar Andersson

Professor of Demography

Department of Sociology
Gunnar Andersson

Siddartha Aradhya

Researcher, Docent

Department of Sociology
Siddartha Aradhya. Photo: Stockholm University

Ida Borg


Department of Human Geography
Ida Borg 2022

Maria Brandén

Researcher, Docent

Department of Sociology
Maria Brandén. Foto: Clément Morin/Stockholms universitet.

Erik Carlsson

Affiliate Researcher

Department of Sociology
Erik Carlsson. Foto: Leila Zoubir/Stockholms universitet

Helen Eriksson


Department of Sociology
Helen Eriksson

Karen Haandrikman


Department of Human Geography
Karen Haandrikman

Juta Kawalerowicz

Senior Lecturer

Department of Human Geography
Juta Kawalerowicz

Samaneh Khaef


Department of Human Geography
Samaneh Khaef

Hernan Mondani

Researcher, Docent in Sociology

Department of Sociology
Foto Mondani

Andrea Fuentes Monti


Department of Sociology
Andrea Monti

Eleonora Mussino

Researcher, Docent

Department of Sociology
Eleonora Mussino. Photo: Leila Zoubir/Stockholm University

Gerda Neyer


Department of Sociology
Gerda Neyer.

Caroline Uggla

Affiliate Researcher

Department of Sociology
Caroline Uggla. foto: Elin Sahlin

Matthew Wallace

Affiliate Researcher, Docent

Department of Sociology

Rosa Weber

Acting Lecturer

Department of Sociology
Rosa Weber

Ben Wilson

Researcher, Docent

Department of Sociology
Ben Wilson. Photo: Leila Zoubir/Stockholm University

Charlotta Hedberg


Department of Geography

Marianne Tønnessen

Research professor

Centre for Welfare and Labour Research

Guilherme Kenjy Chihaya Da Silva

Associate Professor

Faculty of Social Sciences

