Juta KawalerowiczSenior Lecturer
About me
I am a sociologist working at the Department of Human Geography at Stockholm University. My research interests include inter-group attitudes and the role of contextual effects in attitude formation and political behaviour. I received my DPhil from Nuffield College, Oxford University in 2016. In my doctoral dissertation I looked at determinants of involvement in extreme forms of political action: contextual factors associated with participation in 2011 London riots and membership in the British National Party.
Following my doctoral studies, I have been working with Swedish register data to study the impact of diversity on radical right-wing candidacy, career trajectories of radical right-wing candidates, typology of Swedish neighbourhoods, geographical polarization in Sweden and the impact of COVID-19 on residential mobility patterns.
I am involved in the following research projects:
- Disentangling segregation at different scales: The role of intergenerational transmission, household mobility and housing development
- Labeling Neighborhoods: Assessing the neighborhood level impact of vulnerable area designations on health, crime, and trust
- The Neighbourhood Revisited: Spatial polarization and social cohesion in contemporary Sweden
- Divorce in old age: Predictors and consequences of late life divorce
- Rethinking Integration: a comparative mixed methods study of civil society action in vulnerable superdiverse neighbourhoods in Sweden
- The role of civil society in supporting migrants’ labour market participation in diverse areas: A comparative study of Sweden and the United Kingdom
I have been teaching the following courses at SU:
- Undergraduate and masters thesis supervision in Human Geography & Planning (KG6330, KG6340, GE6016)
- Masters thesis supervison, Demography (SDEMO)
- Social Science Methods & Research Design, Human Geography & Planning (KG3302, KG332S)
- Quntitative Methods in Geography (GE4001, GE4017)
- GIS and spatial analsysis (KG2313)
- Migration and Social Change, a Life Course Perspective (KG7245)
Before, I have been a tutor and assisstant teacher at Oxford University for:
- Sociological Analysis, MSc in Sociology
- Sociology of Post-Industrial Societies, PPE paper
- Introduction to Quantitative Methods, MSc in Migration Studies
- Kawalerowicz, J., Cederström, A., Andersson, E., Malmberg, B. (2023). COVID-19 in the neighbourhood: the socio-spatial selectivity of severe COVID-19 cases in Sweden, March 2020–June 2021.GeoJournal
- Borkowska, M., Kawalerowicz, J., Elgenius, G., Phillimore, J. (2023). Civil Society, Neighbourhood Diversity and Deprivation in UK and Sweden. Voluntas
- Helske, S., Kawalerowicz, J. Citizens’ candidates? (2023) Labour market experiences and radical right-wing candidates in the 2014 Swedish municipal elections. Acta Poli
- Leon-Ablan, G., & Kawalerowicz, J (2023) Gentrification and Social Unrest: The Blitz, Urban Change and the 2011 London Riots, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 0(0) 1–25
- Vogiazides, L., Kawalerowicz, J. (2022) Internal migration in the time of Covid: Who moves out of the inner city of Stockholm and where do they go? Population, Space and Place, e41.
- Elgenius, G., Phillimore, J., Borkowska, M., Kawalerowicz, J. (2022) Problematising Concepts and Methods for Civil Society Research in Superdiverse Neighbourhoods. Voluntary Sector Review
- Borg, I., Kawalerowicz, J., Andersson, E. (2022) Socio-spatial stratification of housing tenure trajectories in Sweden – a longitudinal cohort study. Advances in Life Course Research.
- Kawalerowicz, J., & Hjorth-Trolle, A. (2021). Null effects of neighbourhood increases in visible minorities on radical right wing party mobilization: Evidence from Swedish register data. Acta Sociologica.
- Kawalerowicz, J. & Malmberg, B. (2021): Multiscalar typology of residential areas in Sweden. Stockholm University. Online resource. https://doi.org/10.17045/sthlmuni.14753826.v2
- Chan, T. W., & Kawalerowicz, J. (2021). Anywheres, Somewheres, Local Attachment, and Civic Participation. The British Journal of Sociology.
- Kawalerowicz, J. (2021). Too many immigrants: How does local diversity contribute to attitudes toward immigration?. Acta Sociologica, 64(2), 144-165.
- Chan, T. W., Henderson, M., Sironi, M., & Kawalerowicz, J. (2020). Understanding the social and cultural bases of Brexit. The British Journal of Sociology, 71(5), 830-851.
- Jarvis, B., Kawalerowicz, J., & Valdez, S. (2017). Impact of ancestry categorisations on residential segregation measures using Swedish register data. Scandinavian journal of public health, 45(17_suppl), 62-65.
- Kawalerowicz, J., & Biggs, M. (2015). Anarchy in the UK: Economic deprivation, social disorganization, and political grievances in the London Riot of 2011. Social Forces, 94(2), 673-698.
Working papers
- Kawalerowicz, J., Abramsson, M., Kridahl, L. & Turunen, J. (2024). Splitting up late: housing changes around the time of divorce for older men and women in Sweden. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography no 2024:13
- Chan, T. W. & Kawalerowicz, J. (2022). Social diversity and social cohesion in Britain. UCL Quantitative Social Science Working Paper no. 22-10.
- Kawalerowicz, J. & Szulkin, R. (2023) "They take out jobs and reduce our wages"; attitudes toward immigrants in Europe.