Stockholms universitet

Mari EdmanForskningsassistent


I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Assessment of management practices regarding genetic biodiversity in Baltic Sea marine protected areas

    2016. Annica Sandström (et al.). Biodiversity and Conservation 25 (6), 1187-1205


    The aim of this study is to examine, and tentatively explain, how genetic biodiversity is handled in the management of Baltic Sea Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Genetic biodiversity is critical for species' adaptation to changing environmental conditions and is protected by international agreements. Nevertheless, recent research indicates that genetic biodiversity is neglected in marine environments and in the management of MPAs. This study focuses on Sweden and Finland, which together govern a substantial part of Baltic Sea MPAs, and builds on in-depth interviews with regional conservation managers that are responsible for establishing and managing these areas. The empirical findings confirm that genetic biodiversity is absent, or plays a minor role, in contemporary MPA management. The findings also provide several possible explanations to this situation: unclear understandings of formal policy, lack of resources, deficient knowledge base, and the managers' own policy beliefs. Policy makers and high-level managers need to consider these aspects in their efforts to protect biodiversity.

    Läs mer om Assessment of management practices regarding genetic biodiversity in Baltic Sea marine protected areas
  • Lack of recognition of genetic biodiversity

    2016. Linda Laikre (et al.). Ambio 45 (6), 661-680


    Genetic diversity is needed for species' adaptation to changing selective pressures and is particularly important in regions with rapid environmental change such as the Baltic Sea. Conservation measures should consider maintaining large gene pools to maximize species' adaptive potential for long-term survival. In this study, we explored concerns regarding genetic variation in international and national policies that governs biodiversity and evaluated if and how such policy is put into practice in management plans governing Baltic Sea Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Sweden, Finland, Estonia, and Germany. We performed qualitative and quantitative textual analysis of 240 documents and found that agreed international and national policies on genetic biodiversity are not reflected in management plans for Baltic Sea MPAs. Management plans in all countries are largely void of goals and strategies for genetic biodiversity, which can partly be explained by a general lack of conservation genetics in policies directed toward aquatic environments.

    Läs mer om Lack of recognition of genetic biodiversity

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