Courses and programmes

We offer six different programmes in all areas of chemistry, from smallest atom to the larger biomolecules. From sustainable chemistry to neurochemistry with molecular neurobiology.

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Bachelor's programme

A world-class chemistry education may sound cheesy, but we dare to promise that this is exactly what we offer. The bachelor's programme gives you knowledge in all areas of chemistry, great experience of working in the lab and close collaboration with talented researchers and committed teachers. Are you perhaps the one who will lead the work towards a more sustainable world?

Our bachelor programme is taught in Swedish during the first two years, then in English on the third.

For more information, visit the programme page in the catalouge (Swedish only)


Research Traineeship

Do you want to do an Erasmus traineeship or another kind of research traineeship at the Chemistry Section? You will find pretty much everything you need to know in order to do a traineeship here in the link below! 

Research Traineeship


Master's programmes

If you want to pursue a career in research or get a good position in the private sector, it is well worth investing time in doing a masters. This is a time where you can really immerse yourself in the areas of chemistry you find most intresting.

We offer six master's programmes that specialize in different parts of the chemistry subject, from smallest atom to largest biomolecule, and the full orchestra of the cell. The education is two years and after completing your studies you will receive a master's degree. All programs include an independent project carried out within an ongoing research project at the university or at an external workplace.

Read all about our master's programmes below.

Analytical chemistry is important to many different fields, and a this master’s degree is one of the most sought after by employers.

Entry requirements: A bachelor’s degree with at least 90 ECTS of chemistry.

More about our master's programme in Analytical Chemistry

Proteins are the building blocks of life. They play a central role in various disease processes and can also be used for therapeutic purposes. If you want to learn more about these fascinating molecules then the master’s programme in Biochemistry with Specialization in Protein Chemistry could be for you.

Entry requirements: A bachelor's degree in sciences with at least 60 ECTS in chemistry, of which at least 15 ECTS are in biochemistry, and at least an additional 30 ECTS in either chemistry, physics or molecular life sciences.

More about Master's Programme in Biochemistry with Specialization in Protein Chemistry

This programme prepare students for a professional research career in life science. It has a strong focus on molecular techniques for disease therapies and diagnostic tools, with substantial training in data analysis (bioinformatics and programming). The programme is a collaboration between Karolinska Institutet, KTH and Stockholm University at the Science for Life Laboratory in Stockholm.

Entry requirements: A bachelor's degree, corresponding to 180 ECTS, with at least 20 ECTS in life science (cell biology, biochemistry, microbiology, gene technology or molecular biology) and last 10 ECTS of mathematics.

More about the Master's programme in Molecular Techniques in Life Science

Are you interested in how the nervous system works at its most fundamental level? Do you want to study at the frontier where chemistry and biology meet? Then this highly selective master’s programme, the only one in Europe dedicated to neurochemistry with molecular neurobiology, could be for you.

Entry requirements: A bachelor’s degree in science with at least 90 ECTS in chemistry, of which at least 7,5 ECTS are in biochemistry, or at least 90 ECTS in biology of which at least 9 ECTS in animal physiology.

More about the master's programme in Neurochemistry with Molecular Neurobiology 

The master’s programme in Organic Chemistry examines how to identify and synthesize small carbon-based molecules and describe how they interact in complex biological systems.

Entry requirements: A bachelor’s degree with at least 90 ECTS of chemistry, of which at least 20 ECTS are in organic chemistry.

More information on the master's programme in Organic Chemistry

Sustainability - how to achieve and maintain it - depends on several complex factors where sustainable chemistry is key. Sustainable chemistry is a broad field that addresses and solves important environmental and climate change related problems.

Entry requirements: A bachelor’s degree with at least 60 ECTS of chemistry.

More about the master's programme in Sustainable Chemistry



Svante Arrhenius – Sweden's first Nobel Laureate.

PhD-studies, or a doctoral education, is the highest level you can study at university. A completed doctoral education leads to a doctoral degree, so called PhD. As a doctoral student, you are trained in problem solving, critical thinking, and using the scientific method. You will also learn to both work independently and to collaborate with other researchers.

More information on PhD studies at the SU website

The Chemistry Section gives a series of introductory courses for the sections own PhD students every year. The courses are also open to post docs, subject to availability. To join a course or to enquire about further information, please contact the course coordinator.

Information about introductory courses for chemistry PhD students

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