Our researchers and students yearly produces a large amount of publications with high scientific quality. Since 2007 these are registered in DiVA, the Digital Scientific Archive for easy access.
Digital Scientific Archive
For many years our researchers have published more than 250 publications annually according to the Digital Scientific Archive at Stockholm University, DiVA. After the integration with the Stress Research Institute the numbers went up to more than 320 publications in 2020, despite a drastic reduction of conference papers and posters due to the pandemic.
Here you can find a selection of academic articles from the Department of Criminology.
Desistance From Crime—to What?
Exploring Future Aspirations and Their Implications for Processes of Desistance. By: Robin Gålnander
This article presents findings from a longitudinal interview study following the desistance processes of 10 women. While desistance theory primarily focuses on the processual movement away from crime, this article pays close attention to what desisters strive to desist into. The repeated in-depth interviews reveal a diverse range of future aspirations among desisters, and the analysis unravels gendered, class-, and age-graded aspects of such aspirations. As a result of these findings, the article problematizes parts of previous research both empirically and theoretically, and allows for a development of the understanding of desistance processes.
The article was published in Feminist Criminology.
The female offender - A century of registered crime and daily press reporting on women’s crime
By: Felipe Estrada, Anders Nilsson & Tove Pettersson
This article examines how women’s crime has been reflected in crime statistics and media crime reporting. We employ a long-term historical perspective, looking at developments from the beginning of the 20th century until the present. We describe the overarching processes that underlie the decline in the gender gap in convictions for theft and violent crime, respectively, at different times during the past century. The study also use a new data set comprised of newspaper articles on women’s and men’s offending published by the Swedish press between 1905 and 2015. We compare the trend in the number of articles focused on offences committed by women and men respectively, variations in the offence types that the daily press choose to report on and the overarching explanations for crime that are discussed in the articles. The results show that levels of coverage and the types of crime that attract media attention are strikingly similar for men and women, but throughout the whole period there is a greater need for the newspapers to find reasons for women’s offending. Moreover, there has been no marked increase in the press focus on women’s crime as women have comprised an increasing proportion of those convicted of criminal offences.
The article was published in Nordic Journal of Criminology
The Spectrum of Repression: Swedish Muslims’ Experiences of Anti-terrorism Measures
By: Leandro Schclarek Mulinari
In this qualitative study, I examine, through the lens of repression, Swedish Muslims’ experiences of being targeted by authorities in the latter’s attempts to prevent terrorism. In an effort to comprehend the full force of this repression—as coercion in its physical and violent sense, but also in its more subtle and consensual forms—I interweave various Marxist and postcolonial perspectives. The study discusses internal aspects of repression, as well as its external qualities, expanding our understanding of how repression occurs between bodies and within society. I develop the concept of “repressive consent” as a means of grasping situations in which people are influenced to undertake activities against their will. Empirically, the article focuses on experiences of disproportionate security controls and encounters with the Swedish Security Service (Säpo). The material reveals both painful and everyday consequences. For some individuals, becoming a target in the War on Terror may have, as the informants of the study indicate, devastating consequences; for others, it may feel like a friendly chat.
The article was published in Critical Criminology
A Life-Course Analysis of Engagement in Violent Extremist Groups
By Christoffer Carlsson, Amir Rostami, Hernan Mondani, Joakim Sturup, Jerzy Sarnecki and Christofer Edling.
In this exploratory study, individuals' processes of engagement in violent extremist groups are analysed by drawing from criminological life-course theory and narrative-based understandings of crime. Based on interviews with individuals who have participated in violent extremism, it is suggested that the process of engagement consists of three steps: (1) a weakening of informal social controls, followed by (2) an interaction with individuals in proximity to the group and (3) a stage of meaning-making in relation to the group and one’s identity, resulting in an individual's willingness and capacity to engaging in the group's activities, including violence. In future theorizing about processes of engagement in violent extremism, the meanings of age, and the life-course stages of late adolescence and emerging adulthood in particular, should be given analytic attention.
The article was published in The British Journal of Criminology.
Dissertations from the Department of Criminology. You’ll find titles in both Swedish and English.
Justice for children? A socio-legal study on Colombia´s responses to children associated with armed violence, Tove Nyberg
The Horror-Storied Prison A Narrative Study of Prison as an Abject and Uncanny Institution, Tea Fredriksson
Juvenile Crime in Context: The Significance of School Affiliation, Julia Sandahl
Maintaining Desistance − Barriers and Expectations in Women's Desistance from Crime, Robin Gålnander
Race and Order. Critical Perspectives on Crime in Sweden, Leandro Schclarek Mulinari
The Plural Policing of Fraud. Power and the investigation of insurance and welfare fraud in Sweden, Anders Stenström
Symbols and emotions in Swedish crime policy discourse, Klara Hermansson
Criminal careers in the long run: Patterns and predictions of criminal convictions across age, time, and gender, Fredrik Sivertsson
The last policeman: On the globalisation of local policing, David Sausdal
Att göra rätt – på rätt sätt, Nina Törnqvist
Foreign background and criminal offending among young males in Stockholm, Amber Beckley
Controlling the Swedish state. Studies on formal and informal bodies of control, Isabel Schoultz
De laglydiga. Om skolans brottsförebyggande fostran, Paula Wahlgren
Continuities and Changes in Criminal Careers, Christoffer Carlsson
Legal bribes? An analysis of corporate donations to electoral campaigns, Nubia Evertsson
Mission Impossible? Universal Alcohol Prevention at Workplaces in Sweden, Mimmi Eriksson Tinghög
The Public's Sense of Justice in Sweden - a Smorgasbord of Opinions, Kristina Jerre
Våld i arbetslivet. Utveckling, uppmärksamhet och åtgärder, Sofia Wikman
Mått på brott: Självdeklaration som metod att mäta brottslighet, Lina Andersson
Frihet under kontroll: Om kontroll i åkerinäringen, Lotta Pettersson
Migration som straff?: Utvisning på grund av brott 1973-2003 med fokus på flyktingskydd, Lisa Westfelt
En oförvitlig polis?: Studier i polisetik, Börje Ekenvall
Var rädd om dig!: Rädsla för brott enligt forskning, intervjupersoner och dagspress, Anita Heber.
Fångar i ett nätverk?: Fängelser, interaktioner och medbrottslingsskap, Lena Roxell
The Organised Nature of Power, Magnus Hörnqvist
Räkna med den ekonomiska brottsligheten: Om det kvantitativa studiet av ekonomisk brottslighet, Martin Bergqvist
Drug Discourses in Contemporary Russia: A Study of the National Press, NGOs and the Government, My Lilja
Rättsliga reaktioner på ungdomsbrott 1980-2005: Påföljdsval, uppsåtsbedömningar och kriminalpolitik, Sven Granath
Freedom in a bottle. Young Swedes on rationales and norms for drunken behaviour, Kalle Tryggvesson
Moral concerns – Treatment and user perspectives on alcohol and drug problems, Jessica Palm
Lag eller ordning?: Polisens hantering av EU-toppmötet i Göteborg 2001, Mikael Oskarsson
In a Man's World: Tolkninger av lovbrudd gjort i langtransportens yrkeskontekst, Vanja Lundgren Sørli
Berättelser från en välfärdsstat: Om förståelse av marginalisering, Anita Rönnerling
Miljöbrott, myndighet och marknad: En studie om miljöstraffrätt och allmänprevention, Helena du Rées
Tre perspektiv på brottsliga nätverk: Supporterbråk, etnicitet och genus, Tove Pettersson
Fånge i marginalen: Uppväxtvillkor, levnadsförhållanden och återfall i brott bland fångar, Anders Nilsson
Kriminalpolitikens väsen, Robert Andersson
Medling – möten med möjligheter. En analys av en nygammal reaktion på brott, Lise-Lotte Rytterbro
Brottslighetens geografi – en analys av brottsligheten i Stockholms län, Lars Dolmén
Brott och straff i Sverige och Europa. En studie i komparativ kriminologi, Lars Westfelt
Dödligt våld i Stockholm på 1500-, 1700- och 1900-talen, Maria Kaspersson
Hatbrott?: homosexuella kvinnors och mäns berättelser om utsatthet för brott, Eva Tiby
Ungdomsbrottslighet som samhällsproblem: Utveckling, uppmärksamhet och reaktion, Felipe Estrada
Hem och skola, kamrater och brott, Jonas Ring
Last updated: July 9, 2024
Source: Department of Criminology