Our instruments – SEM

The EMC has three scanning electron microscopes: an easy-access tabletop electron microscope HITACHI-TM3000 and two advanced electron microscopes; JEOL JSM-7000F and JEOL JSM-IT800.



  • Thermionic-type filament
  • Acc. Voltage: 5 kV or 15 kV
  • Magnification: 15x - 30 000x
  • Option: Bruker Quantax 70 EDS. Resolution: 135eV, Detectable from boron.


  • Schottky-type FEG
  • Acc. Voltage: 0.1 ~ 30 kV
  • Maximum current: 200nA
  • Resolution = 1.0 nm (15 kV)  


  • Schottky-type FEG
  • Acceleration voltage: 0.01 - 30 kV
  • Maximum current: 500 nA (30 kV)
  • Resolution:  
    • 0.6 nm at 15 kV with Beam De-acceleration
    • 1.1 nm at 15 kV (SHL)
    • 3.0 nm at 15 kV (WD 10 mm, 5 nA) 
    • 1.3 nm at LV mode (50 Pa)
  • Detectors options:
    • Retractable segmented BSED,
    • Low vacuum BSED
    • In lens hybrid detector (BE and SE at BD) 
    • Retractable segmented Quad STEM detector
    • (DF, HAADF, ANNULAR and BF)
  • X-ray Spectrometer: 
    • EDS detector (JEOL, SDD, 100 mm2
    • Soft X-ray emission spectrometer (SXES), with
    • gratings JS50XL and JS200N (50 -210 eV, res. 0.3 eV)
  • Cryogenic: Removable Cryogenic Stage (-120 C) and 
    • Cryogenic/Vacuum transfer system.

Equipment for sample preparation

  • Ultramicrotome (R.T. and cryo- sectioning)
  • Cross Section Polisher (Cryogenic and R.T.)
  • Cryogenic sample preparation system
  • Coating with Carbon (thermal or e-beam)
  • Sputtering with metal (Pt or Au)
  • Cutting and polishing equipment


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