Our instruments – TEM

There are several TEM instruments in the department. Our flagship is the Themis Z.

The flagship is the aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope Thermo Fisher Scientific™ Themis Z. It is equipped with probe and image aberration correctors, providing excellent imaging capability at atomic resolution in both high-resolution STEM (scanning transmission electron microscopy) and TEM.


Themis Z

The microscope currently can be operated at accelerating voltages of 60 kV, 200 kV, and 300 kV. Themis Z at EMC delivers spatial resolution ≤ 60 pm in both TEM and STEM at 300 kV. A Gatan Oneview camera with an in-situ option is present for fast acquisition of high-quality TEM images (max 300 frames per second). A range of STEM detectors are present for collecting signals simultaneously to form different images. A four-quadrant Super-X EDX detector enables high analytical capability down to the atomic scale. A Gatan imaging filter (Quantum ER) for electron energy loss spectrometer (EELS) and energy-filtered imaging attached to Themis Z provides fast spectrum (1000/sec) acquisition and it is capable of collecting spectra in both low and high-energy regimes simultaneously.

The field-emission electron gun is equipped with a monochromator; the use of such an electron probe in analytical studies with EELS provides high energy resolution (<0.2 eV) providing the possibility to measure band-gap of materials, surface plasmons, valence band structures, chemical bond information et cetera, at the atomic scale.

Automated tomography acquisitions in TEM, STEM, and STEM-EDX are also possible. Several sample holders are present for imaging, analytical studies, tomography, and in-situ heating/cooling experiments.

  • Schottky-type field emission gun XFEG with Monochromator
  • Acc. Voltage: 300 kV (60 kV, 200 kV)
  • Probe and Image Cs correctors
  • Resolution: 300 kV: ≤ 60 pm, 200kV: ≤ 70 pm, 60 kV: ≤100 pm
  • CL apertures C2: 150, 70, 50 and 10 µm
  • SA apertures: 800, 200, 40 and 10 µm
  • Gatan Oneview camera with In-situ option (4kx4k, ≥300 fps at 512x512)
  • SuperX EDS detector (Resolution ≤136 eV, Detectable Z≥B)
  • Gatan Quantum 965 ER (Energy spread: 0.25 eV at 300 kV, CCD for image filter: 2kx2k)
  • STEM Detectors: BF, ADF (DPC & iDPC), ABF and HAADF; Gatan BF and ADF
  • Single tilt (a±35o)
  • Low-background double-tilt (a: ±35o / b: ±30o)
  • Vacuum transfer double-tilt (a: ±30o / b: ±30o)
  • High-tilt tomography (a: ±70o)
  • Motorized dual-axis tomography (a: ±70o)
  • Double-tilt cooling (-170oC; a: ±30o / b:±30o)
  • Double-tilt heating (1000oC;a: ±30o / b:±30o)
  • Cryo-transfer (-170oC; a: ±70o

JEOL JEM 2100 microscopes at EMC

EMC has two 200 kV workhorse instruments. The instruments were acquired in 2007 but have been upgraded with modern imaging detectors allowing advanced imaging and diffraction techniques, which are very important for the development of modern world-leading electron crystallography techniques.

  • Schottky-type field emission gun
  • Ultra-high Resolution Polepieces (URP): (f=1.9mm, Cs=0.5mm, Cc=1.1mm)
  • Acc. Voltage: 200 kV (or 80 kV)
  • Resolution: Point=1.9Å, Lattice=1.0Å, Information limit=1.3Å
  • CL apertures: 1, 10, 40, 100, 200µm
  • SA apertures: 1, 2, 10, 20, 50, 100µm
  • Magnification: 50x-1,500,000x
  • Bottom-mounted camera (Gatan Ultrascan 1000)
  • Side-mounted camera (Gatan Orious 200D)
  • EDS (Resolution=138eV, Detectable Z≥B)
  • Gatan GIF Tridiem (Resolution=0.7eV, CCD for image filter: 2kx2k)
  • Gatan STEM BF / ADF
  • JEOL BEI detector
  • LaB6 filament
  • High-tilt Polepieces (HTP): (f=2.7mm, Cs=1.4mm, Cc=1.8mm)
  • Acc. Voltages: 80, 100, 120, 200 kV
  • Resolution: Point=2.5Å, Lattice=1.4Å
  • CL apertures: 10, 50, 70, 150µm
  • SA apertures: 10, 20, 50, 100µm
  • Magnification: 50x-1,200,000x
  • Upper mount CCD (Gatan Orius SC200D)
  • Bottom mount CCD (Gatan Orius SC1000)
  • EDS (Resolution=138eV, Detectable Z≥B)
  • JEOL STEM  ADF detector
  • Precession diffraction device (JEOL & NanoMEGAS)
  • Beam blanking device (JEOL)
  • JEOL BEI detector
  • Single-tilt (±42o; high-tilt option: ±60o)
  • Double-tilt low-background (±42o /±30o)
  • Single-tilt vacuum transfer (±30o)
  • Ultrahigh-tilt for tomography (±80o)
  • Dual-axis tomography holder (±70o)
  • Single-tilt cryo-transfer (Gatan CT3500; ±42o)
  • Single-tilt cryo-transfer (Gatan 914; ±65o)
  • Double-tilt liquid nitrogen cooling (Gatan CHDT3504; ±42o/ ±30o; -170oC )
  • Double-tilt heating (Gatan 652DT; ±42o/ ±30o; 1000oC)


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