Svallfors: "Sustainable creativity: 3 perils, 2 demons, 10 commandments | Higher Research Seminar


Date: Wednesday 18 December 2024

Time: 12.00 – 13.30

Location: F702

Join us for a Higher Research Seminar featuring Stefan Svallfors, professor in Sociology, Institute for Futures Studies in Stockholm, (IFFS). He will give a talk on "Sustainable creativity: three perils, two demons, ten commandments".

Stefan Svallfors Photo: Fri Tanke © Press photo
Stefan Svallfors Photo: Fri Tanke © Press photo

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Based on the book "The Inner World of Research" Stefan Svallfors talks about the joys and miseries of life as a researcher. Dealing with essential but rarely mentioned topics in the everyday life of a researcher, his talk focuses, in particular, on the role of emotions and social relations in research. It stretches from the individual researcher, to the ‘micro-cosmos’ of the research team and to the broader policy environment in which research takes place. It delves into the mysteries of creativity; the joys and frustrations of collaboration; and the role of fear, anger and boredom in the life of a researcher. The talk takes a  long-term perspective on scientific creativity: how to keep your spirits and creativity in the long term, over a whole career.



Based on the book “The Inner World of Research” Stefan Svallfors talks about the joys and miseries of life as a researcher. Dealing with essential but rarely mentioned topics in the everyday life of a researcher, his talk focuses, in particular, on the role of emotions and social relations in research. It stretches from the individual researcher, to the ‘micro-cosmos’ of the research team and to the broader policy environment in which research takes place. It delves into the mysteries of creativity; the joys and frustrations of collaboration; and the role of fear, anger and boredom in the life of a researcher. The talk takes a  long-term perspective on scientific creativity: how to keep your spirits and creativity in the long term, over a whole career.



Stefan Svallfors is a professor in Sociology at the Institute for Futures Studies in Stockholm. He is the out-going Secretary General for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the Swedish Research Council, and a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.