PhD defense: Kristiina Savola
Thesis defence
Date: Friday 23 August 2024
Time: 13.00 – 15.00
Location: NEW LOCATION: Auditorium 3, Södra huset, and Zoom
Kristiina Savola, doctoral student in Finnish, defends her doctoral thesis (title in Finnish) "Rajanvetoja ja vastakkainasetteluja: Diskursiiviset strategiat suomalaisten poliitikkojen blogiteksteissä vaalivuonna 2015".
The opponent is Docent (Adj./Ass. Prof.) Emilia Palonen, University of Helsinki.
The defense will be in Finnish. The defense will be streamed via Zoom.
The Zoom link to the defense (will be activated right before the defense begins):
Savola has conducted her doctoral studies within the framework of the graduate school ‘Language and Power’ at Stockholm University. Her thesis deals with strategies of confrontational language use in Finnish politicians' blog texts from the Finnish parliamentary election year 2015. The study approaches the language of politicians through critical discourse analysis and theories of politics and populism. The study material is collected from 2015, which can be considered a populist turning point in Finnish politics, when the right-wing populist party Finns came into government for the first time as part of Juha Sipilä's (Centre Party) government. The year was marked by the impact of the 2008 financial crisis on the Finnish economy, the so-called refugee crisis and the social debate on the polarisation of Finnish society.
The thesis can be downloaded via DiVA
Last updated: August 23, 2024
Source: Section for Finnish