Stockholm university

Anna Günther-Hanssen

About me

Senior Lecturer

Section for Early Childhood Education


Anna Günther-Hanssen holds a PhD in Education (didaktik) and works as a senior lecturer. She teaches at the preschool teacher program. Her overall research interest concerns the entangled relation of learning and (gendered) becoming in preschool. Especially questions of gendering and embodiment in relation to science and transdisciplinary STEAM education in preschool (STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics). Other research intrests are issues of equity in preschool overall, as well as practice based research and post approaches in education. Anna is currently enegaged in a practice based research project about STEAM education together with teachers in preschool. She is an educated preschool teacher and has been working as a teacher in preschool.   


Teaches foremost science, technology, mathematics and gender in preschool.


Annas PhD thesis focused on preschool children's explorations of emergent science and gendering as mutual processes. 

Anna is a project leader during 2023-2026 for a research project funded by the Swedish Researech Council (2022-03330) with focus on gender in relation to transdisciplinary STEAM-education in ECE. Project Title: STEAM in early childhood education: An opportunity to traverse gender norms connected to Arts and STEM?


Sample of publications:

Günther-Hanssen, A. (2024). ‘I can build Beyblades, but I won’t do it!’. The importance of feminist perspectives within STEM in ECTE. Gender and Education, 1–15.

Johansson, B., Brogiannis, N., Günther-Hanssen, A., Sundberg, B. & Bergmark, U. (2024). Naturvetenskap som utmanar och utvecklar. I Almqvist, A. O., Almqvist, J., Bergmark, U., Hamza, K., Nehez, J., Strömberg, M. & Westman, S. (Red). Undervisning i förskolan. Förskollärare och forskare i dialog om didaktiska dilemma. Lund: Studentlitteratur.


Günther-Hanssen, A. (2024). ‘Girly stuff’, boys missing out, hard materials and (un)important gender issueswithin STEM in ECE and ECTE. Presented at the NERA,Nordic Educational Research Association. Retrieved from

Günther-Hanssen, A., Areljung, S., Magnusson, L. O., & Lindqvist, A. (2024). Teachers, researchers, children, friction, dance skirts, drawings, lamp posts and emotions : How different agents can affect the trajectory of a practice-based research project. Presented at the European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Retrieved from


Günther-Hanssen, A. (2022). Regnbågar, gungor, friktion och andra potentiella lekkamrater : Naturvetenskapligt utforskande och könande processer i förskolan. Presented at the Forskning i naturvetenskapernas didaktik 2022, Sundsvall, Sverige, 8-10 november, 2022. Retrieved from


Günther-Hanssen, A. (2022). Playing with physics: Physical phenomena as playmates in children’s play and teachers’ work with gendering. 30th EECERA annual conference, ‘Cultures of play: Actors, Affordances and Arenas’. Glasgow, Scotland, 23rd – 26th August 2022. DiVA.


Areljung, S., & Günther-Hanssen, A. (2021). STEAM education: An opportunity to transcend gender and disciplinary norms in early childhood? Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 


Günther-Hanssen, A., Jobér, A., & Andersson, K. (2021). From swings, through physics, with pendulums, to gendering: Re-turning diffractive analyses on science and gender in preschool, Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 12(2), 1-22. 


Günther-Hanssen, A. (2020). A swing and a child: how scientific phenomena can come to matter for preschool children’s emergent science identities. Cultural Studies of Science Education. 15(4), 885–910.


Günther-Hanssen, A., Danielsson, A. T., & Andersson, K. (2020). How does gendering matter in preschool science; Emergent science, ‘neutral’ environments and gendering processes in preschool. Gender and Education. 32(5), 608-625.


Günther-Hanssen, A. (2020). Barn, naturvetenskap och könande processer i förskolan (21 Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary), Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala. URN: urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-415337

Günther-Hanssen, A. (2018). Begynnande naturvetenskap och könade kroppar i barns utelek. Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, 39(4), 7-30.

Research projects