Patrik Johansson
About me
In the autumn of 2019, I defended my dissertation "Learning history through historical source materials" which focuses on questions about how students learn to interpret historical sources and how history teaching can enable the learning of source interpretation. The empirical data was collected through two educational development studies at upper secondary school and in the intermediate stage. In addition to ongoing research at HSD, I teach at Globala Gymnasiet where I am a high school lecturer. My subjects are history, social studies, philosophy and English. My research area is mainly history didactics and the research interest revolves around students' work with historical sources, source interpretation and source criticism, but in recent years I have also started working with social studies didactics. I am currently involved in two major research projects. One project with funding from the School Research Institute is investigating opportunities to work with enquiry-based and exploratory teaching in subject subjects. Among other things, the project is carried out through a professional development university course called "Doing enquiry", where about thirty teachers are currently enrolled. The teachers develop and test their own enquiries through the research project. Another research project is being carried out with the support from the Swedish Research Council and the project is investigating the possibilities of teaching about trust issues in social studies at upper secondary school. The teaching in this project is also based on an enquiry-based and exploratory teaching design.
Research projects
A selection from Stockholm University publication database
Vad kan vi ha källorna till i historia?
2024. Patrik Johansson. Källor i historieundervisningen, 33-58
ChapterStyrdokumenten trycker på att elever ska lära sig arbeta med historiska källor i historie- ämnet och att det ska vara ett centralt inslag i undervisningen. I praktiken sker det dock i relativt liten utsträckning och ofta i avgränsade källkritiska övningar med givna svar. Frågan om vad det innebär att lära sig källtolkning och att göra källkritiska granskningar är därför viktig. I skolämnet historia finns liknande spänningar som i det vetenskapliga ämnet, men historia är delvis olika saker för historiker och elever. Skolan kan lära sig av historikers källarbete, men frågan är vad källundervisningen kan vara och hur den ska gå till. Texten argumenterar för att historiska källor kan fylla några viktiga funktioner i un- dervisningen: att väcka frågor, möjliggöra historiskt undersökningsarbete, bygga historisk kunskap, och skapa förståelse för ”vad historia är”.
Should Government Agencies Be Trusted? Developing Students’ Civic Narrative Competence Through Social Science Education
2024. Patrik Johansson, Johan Sandahl. The Journal of Social Studies Research 48 (1), 1-16
ArticleDemocratic school systems are expected to equip students with the knowledge, abilities, and attitudes needed for life as citizens, particularly through social science education. Disciplinary knowledge, derived from the academic counterparts to school subjects, is essential in developing these skills. However, research has also emphasized the importance of life-world perspectives, where students’ experiences are included and taken seriously in teaching. This study suggests that the theory of (civic) narrative competence can function as a bridge between the disciplinary domain and the life-world domain in its focus on how students’ civic reasoning can be developed through teaching. The article uses narrative theory to explore how the students’ civic narratives changed and became more nuanced after a teaching segment focusing on social and political trust. In the article, we demonstrate how the students’ personal experiences colored their interpretations and orientations before the teaching segment and how their civic narratives were developed through the implemented teaching, which provided them with concepts, a theoretical model, and empirical examples. We found that the students did not discard previous perceptions after the teaching segment, but integrated them into their new knowledge and orientations, thus integrating the life-world and disciplinary domains.
Trust as subject content: Advancing students’ reasoning on democracy through displacement
2023. Maria Jansson, Patrik Johansson, Johan Sandahl. Journal of Social Science Education 22 (3)
ArticlePurpose: The article explores how the tension between embracing and scrutinising democracy can be productively overcome through social science teaching about democracy that focuses on trust as a subject content.
Design/methodology/approach: Empirical materials were collected through focus group interviews before and after an inquiry-based teaching segment on trust, and the materials were analysed qualitatively through three grounded themes.
Findings: It is argued that working with the displacement of subject content in inquiry-based teaching about democracy enhances the possibilities for students to deepen their knowledge about democracy, while enabling them to scrutinise the democratic system critically.
Research limitations/implications: The article reports from a small-scale study of four classes in two upper secondary schools in Sweden, and the study provides tentative observations and conclusions that should be investigated further in future research.
Practical implications: The article shows how trust as a subject content can contribute to problematising students’ understandings of democracy, and how the displacement of content can be important in formulating compelling questions and in designing inquiries on democracy.
Upptäck historien genom källorna
2023. Patrik Johansson, Cecilia Axelsson Yngvéus. Historiedidaktik i praktiken, 107-142
ChapterAtt undervisa i historia är både roligt och utmanande. Historieämnets berättande tradition innebär att undervisningen lätt kan göras medryckande med hjälp av färgstarka händelser och personer. Eleverna kan ges möjlighet att leva sig in i levnadsvillkor under andra tider och betrakta sina egna liv som en del av historiens gång. Föreställningarna om dåtid, nutid och framtid samspelar med varandra, och det är lärarens uppdrag att hjälpa eleverna att utveckla sin förmåga att relatera de olika tidsskikten till varandra. Detta är viktigt men inte alltid enkelt, och historieundervisningen ställer höga krav på både lärare och elever.
Historiedidaktik i praktiken – för lärare 4-9 är en introduktion till undervisning i historia i grundskolan och tydligt grundad i historiedidaktisk teoribildning. Resonemangen i boken är praktiknära och knyter an till kursplanen i historia för grundskolan.
Kärnan i boken utgörs av fyra kapitel som behandlar centrala kunskaper i historia: historiska referensramskunskaper, hantering av historiska källor, historieanvändning och historiska begrepp. Dessa diskuteras utifrån ett undervisningsperspektiv, där lärarens didaktiska val står i centrum. I bokens övriga kapitel diskuteras specifika aspekter av historieämnet i relation till undervisningen: begreppet historiemedvetande, bedömning i historia, samt vad forskningen säger om yngre barns lärande av historia.
Bokens andra upplaga är utvidgad till att omfatta både årskurserna 4-6 och 7-9, och kan även vara användbar för lärare på gymnasienivå.
System Geographical Webbing as an Object of Knowing to Analyze Sustainability Issues in Geography
2022. Lotta Dessen Jankell, Patrik Johansson. Journal of Geography education 50 (3), 119-140
ArticleThis article explores system geographical webbing, i.e., to use a specific connection web to analyze sustainability issues, as an object of knowing in upper secondary Geography teaching. A model task was developed based on systems principles and geographical concepts. Empirical data consists of teaching interventions aimed at encouraging students to perform webbing actions and to construct geographical relationships of sustainability issues. The article describes aspects of the geographical knowing needed for using a connection web and its embedded tools to explore sus- tainability issues. Finally, the article suggests avenues for teachers to support system geographical knowing development.
2021. Johansson Maria, Patrik Johansson. Puls SO 5, 24-27
ChapterEtt av målen i kursplanen för historia är att förstå hur historia används, och har använts, för olika syften och behov och av olika individer och grupper. Vanligen kallas detta historiebruk. Här följer en introduktion till historiebruk och förslag på hur man kan arbeta med det i undervisningen.
Tolka och granska historiska källor
2021. Patrik Johansson.
OtherTänk om det vore möjligt att resa i tiden. Det är en fantasi som många barn har haft. Dessvärre är det omöjligt. Det näst bästa kanske är att förnimma det förflutna genom historiska källor. Historiska föremål, texter och bilder kan ofta förmedla en omedelbar närhet till det förflutna. I arbetet med källor kan eleven bli tillfällig tidsresenär, förflyttad till en annan tid för ett ögonblick. Kontakten med källorna kan också skapa nyfikenhet och en vilja att veta mer. Källornas kraft att skapa kontakt med det förflutna kan användas i historieundervisningen. I undervisningen kan arbete med historiska källor utveckla elevers historiska kunnande, där förmågan att tolka och granska källor är en viktig del.
Historieundervisning syftar till att elever utvecklar sitt historiemedvetande och sin historiska bildning, och detta sker bland annat genom att de förstår hur historia skapas genom tolkningar av källor. Att lära sig historia handlar om att lära sig tolka källor, det vill säga att förstå källors innebörd i relation till de sammanhang de skapades i, och i relation till de frågor som ställs. Det handlar också om att använda källorna för att besvara historiska frågor, och då måste även källornas värde och trovärdighet bedömas. Att lära sig källtolkning och källkritik är viktigt i historia, men det kan också vara svårt och lärare behöver hantera ett flertal utmaningar som eleverna kan förväntas stöta på i källarbetet.
Civic consciousness – A Viable Concept for Social Science Education?
2021. Patrik Johansson, Johan Sandahl. 3F - Democracy (Part 1)
ConferenceSchools in general and social science education in particular, are assigned to prepare youths for life in democratic societies. Teaching that includes specific content knowledge as well as students' own experiences is expected to advance students' knowledge and prepare them for citizenship, i.e. to enable them to form civic meaning in contemporary societies (Reinhardt, 2016). However, research in the field of social science education has lacked a theoretical concept that can function as a framework for understanding the formation of civic meaning in social science teaching (Sandahl, 2015). In history education historical consciousness has established itself as a pivotal theoretical concept for researching the teaching and learning of history (Clark & Grever, 2018). The purpose of this paper is to outline a theoretical framework for civic consciousness starting from the concept of historical consciousness. We regard civic and historical consciousness to be aspects of the same mental phenomenon and understand the difference between these forms of mentality, not as primarily dealing with the past and the present, but as dealing with temporal and relational aspects of human existence. History teaching focuses on temporal aspects of human experience whereas social science focuses on the relational aspects of human society.We depart from Rüsen’s (2005) narrative paradigm where the learning process can be described as developing narrative competence while experiencing, interpreting and orienting in relation to societal phenomena. Elaborating on Pandel’s (1987) conceptual framework for historical consciousness, we suggest five dynamical aspects that describe key areas for how people relate to each other in society, both at an individual level and on a collective level, that are at the core of civic consciousness. Each aspect describes a continuum of tensions within which individuals in society need to orient themselves in order to understand their place in society and experience civic meaning.
Digital källkompetens i samhällskunskap
2020. Patrik Johansson. Modul: Digital kompetens i samhällskunskap, 1-12
ChapterDet demokratiska samhället förutsätter att medborgare har möjlighet att fatta välinformerade beslut genom att ha tillgång till tillförlitlig information som synliggör olika perspektiv. För att kunna tillgodogöra sig information för välgrundade beslut behövs förmågan att söka, kritiskt granska och värdera den. Medborgarna behöver källkritiska förhållningssätt för att demokratin ska fungera. Digitaliseringen av informationssamhället skapar stora möjligheter genom att tillgängliggöra stora mängder samhällsinformation, men samtidigt ökar behoven av kritiska förhållningssätt anpassade för digitala medier. Dessa omständigheter får konsekvenser för samhällskunskapsundervisningen, där elever behöver övas i att förhålla sig reflekterande och kritiskt till digitala informationsflöden. Genom att elever får möjlighet att öva sina förmågor att söka, analysera och kritiskt värdera olika former av digital information främjas möjligheterna till ett aktivt medborgarskap och förutsättningarna för att etablera gemensamma demokratiska värderingar.
Elevers erfarenheter i samhällskunskapsundervisning
2020. Johan Sandahl, Patrik Johansson.
OtherI digitaliseringens tidevarv beskrivs ofta unga människors politiska engagemang som minskande – inte minst när det gäller traditionella former som ungdomsförbund och föreningsliv. Undersökningar om ungas engagemang och tilltro till det politiska systemet ger otvivelaktligen en sådan bild. Inom statsvetenskaplig forskning pågår emellertid en debatt om hur allvarligt läget är. Förenklat kan vi säga att det finns två perspektiv som präglas av pessimism respektive optimism vad gäller framtiden. Pessimisterna menar att den unga generationens minskande engagemang utgör en potentiell risk för det demokratiska samhället eftersom de demokratiska institutionerna fortlever genom nya generationers engagemang och aktivitet i föreningar, intresseorganisationer och politiska partier. Ur ett sådant perspektiv riskerar nu demokratin sin framtid genom att inte kunna locka till sig en ny generation politiskt aktiva ungdomar. Optimisterna pekar å sin sida på att engagemanget och intresset finns kvar, men att det skiftat form: borta är unga som engagerade sig ideologiskt i politiska partier, men de har ersatts av en generation med lika brinnande intresse för ensaksfrågor och alternativa påverkansformer. Det politiska partiengagemanget i det inomparlamentariska systemet kan alltså sägas ha ersatts av politiskt engagemang i sakfrågor i det utomparlamentariska systemet. Frågan är då vilken roll skolan och särskilt samhällskunskapsundervisningen – kan spela i ett sådant förändrat landskap.
Lära historia genom källor
2019. Patrik Johansson (et al.).
Thesis (Doc)This doctoral thesis is concerned with how students learn historical source interpretation and the design of facilitating teaching practices. Source interpretation is at the core of historians’ professional practice and, while being a key aspect of historical learning, it is sometimes misunderstood or misrepresented in history teaching. To better understand these issues two educational design research field studies were conducted in middle and upper secondary schools to explore how students learn historical source interpretation. The historical content in upper secondary school concerned the process of democratisation in Sweden, while the middle school content was the Viking Age. Source materials in upper secondary school included various text sources, while archaeological artefacts were used in middle school.
The research object was historical source interpretation, or the ability to understand the meaning of sources in relation to the historical questions and contexts formulated and dealt with in history teaching. Source interpretation is one element of the ability to reason historically. It is a theoretical construct that has a heuristic function along with the development of historical consciousness. Four research questions are addressed: i) What do middle and upper secondary school students know when they have developed the ability to reason historically when engaged in source interpretation, ii) What are critical aspects of learning to reason historically when engaged in source interpretation, iii) What are similarities and differences between middle and upper secondary school students' learning of historical reasoning in source interpretation, and iv) How can history teaching facilitate the learning of historical reasoning through source interpretation?
An interventionist and theory-informed research methodology, in the form of learning study, was used to develop teaching practices while generating empirical data. A compilation of four peer-reviewed articles simultaneously contribute knowledge to the practice of history teaching and to the theory of history didactics. Two articles address the first two questions of the qualitative meaning of learning source interpretation using phenomenography and variation theory to analyse students' perceptions and to identify the critical aspects of discernment that students must learn. From the perspective of variation theory, it is argued that learning source interpretation can be regarded as obtaining differentiated ways of seeing, as previous experiences are supplemented with more complex perceptions.
The third question is addressed by comparing students’ developing of source interpretation skills in middle and upper secondary school. One finding of the comparison is that younger students’ learning reflects an increasing understanding of what history is, whereas older students learn to use the disciplinary tools and methods of history. Two articles address the final question regarding the role of teaching by combining content-based conversation analysis with variation theory to analyse students' learning processes when working with source interpretation tasks. It is argued that students’ preunderstandings can be regarded and used as resources in teaching and learning. Finally, seven design principles are suggested to guide teachers in organising their teaching practice. These include motivating historical research through source work and activating historical consciousness through sources.
Historical enquiry with archaeological artefacts in primary school
2019. Patrik Johansson. Nordidactica (1), 78-104
ArticleThe article contributes with knowledge of primary school pupils’ learning of historical enquiry with an intercultural perspective on the Viking age and investigates what it means for pupils to learn to interpret archaeological artefacts. Research was conducted as a Learning study with 10 and 11-year-old pupils and lessons were performed as historical enquiry with archaeological artefacts. Three questions are posed: (1) how were the pupils’ historical consciousness activated by the archaeological artefacts, (2) how did the pupils experience the task of interpreting archaeological artefacts with an intercultural perspective, and (3) what are critical aspects for this learning? Three variation patterns that activated pupils’ historical consciousness are identified, including (a) material, (b) cultural and (c) normative contrasts. Four perception categories for historical interpretation of archaeological artefacts and three critical aspects are also identified. It is suggested that it is critical for the pupils to discern (i) historicity, (ii) historical representativeness and (iii) intercultural interaction in relation to artefacts and historical narratives. The study suggests that teachers could start from archaeological artefacts to activate pupils’ historical consciousness, rather than from textbook narratives and that pupils’ perceptions should be seen as a resource in enabling historical learning. Also, historical enquiry appears to be a reasonable approach to teaching intercultural perspectives on a historical content. These findings can be valuable for history educators and researchers who engage in teaching historical enquiry with an intercultural perspective from material culture.
Historical enquiry in primary school
2019. Patrik Johansson. History Education Research Journal 16 (2)
ArticleThe article aims to explore how learning historical interpretation of Viking age archaeological artefacts from an intercultural perspective could be facilitated through historical enquiry in primary school. Three design principles were formulated for the teaching: 1) enquiry based upon an authentic intercultural question, 2) enquiry with a focus on source interpretation, and 3) enquiry using material culture in the form of archaeological artefacts. Two questions were addressed: first, how did the teaching design and practice facilitate the intended learning, and second, what obstacles to learning were encountered as a result of the design? Research data was analysed qualitatively using content-focused conversation analysis and variation theory. The findings in relation to the first question indicated that the design principles helped teachers facilitate learning through historical enquiry from an intercultural perspective, and that archaeological artefacts can inspire investigations into history by activating pupils’ historical consciousness. The answer to the second question indicated that pupils had difficulties responding to historical enquiries with synthesised inferences based on historical evidence. A revision of the final phase of the enquiry suggests that focus is on discussing reasonable explanations in relation to artefacts, rather than synthesising historical inferences based on evidence. This study points to possibilities of teaching historical interpretation and intercultural perspectives through historical enquiry in primary school and suggests that archaeological artefacts can be used to initiate historical learning.
Upptäck historien genom källorna
2018. Patrik Johansson, Cecilia Axelsson Yngvéus. Historiedidaktik i praktiken, 101-124
ChapterAtt undervisa i historia på mellanstadiet är både roligt och utmanande. Ämnet kan göras medryckande med hjälp av färgstarka händelser och personer. Eleverna kan leva sig in i levnadsvillkor under andra tider och betrakta sina egna liv som en del av historiens gång. Föreställningarna om dåtid, nutid och framtid samspelar med varandra, och det är lärarens uppdrag att hjälpa eleverna att utveckla sin förmåga att relatera de olika tidsskikten till varandra. Detta är viktigt men inte alltid enkelt, och historieundervisningen ställer höga krav på både lärare och elever. Historiedidaktik i praktiken – För lärare 4–6 är en introduktion till undervisning i historia i grundskolans årskurs 4–6 och tydligt grundad i historiedidaktisk teoribildning. Resonemangen i boken är praktiknära och knyter an till kursplanen i historia för grundskolan.
Intercultural historical learning through inquiry-based teaching with archaeological artefacts in primary school
2019. Patrik Johansson. NOFA7 Abstracts, 104-104
ConferenceA current challenge in history education is to counteract the construction of strong ethnocentric master-narratives which may limit pupils’ understandings of the dynamics of history in terms of migration and cultural encounters (Rüsen, 2004). One approach is to develop pupils’ intercultural competencies, i.e. their abilities to interact appropriately in intercultural situations, using intercultural knowledge, skills and attitudes to orient themselves in the world (Deardorff, 2006). History education has a role to play in enabling the development of these competencies through intercultural historical learning (Nordgren and Johansson, 2015). The paper tests the relevance and effectiveness of three design principles through their operationalisations as teaching in enabling the learning of intercultural perspectives on the Viking age in historical inquiry with archaeological artefacts in primary school, years 4 and 5. The design principles connect archaeological artefacts to historical inquiry, contextual facts and evidence. Two research questions are addressed: how do the operationalisations of the design principles enable learning and how may operationalisations impede learning? The research project was designed and carried out by a group consisting of one researcher (the presenter) and three experienced teachers from three schools (56 pupils from three classes) in Stockholm, Sweden. The study is framed as educational design research and data was analysed qualitatively with content-focused conversation analysis and variation theory. Hence, learning is understood as changed co-participation in the practice of historical inquiry (Rogoff, 2003) and as discernment of aspects of the learning object (Marton, 2015). During the research lessons, the pupils investigated the past by seeking answers to a historical inquiry question through the interpretation of archaeological artefacts. Based on previous research (Levstik, Henderson, and Lee, 2014) the research group assumed that starting form material culture in the form of archaeological artefacts would be beneficial in teaching intercultural perspectives to young learners. An intervention in the form of research lessons and associated tools were designed and implemented. The findings indicate that the design principles are relevant in enabling learning (connecting intercultural archaeological artefacts to inquiry, connecting artefacts to context and exploring multiple artefacts). It is suggested that the final step in the enquiry sequence is revised to put focus on historical reasoning rather than on historical evidence. The study points to possibilities in teaching intercultural historical perspectives through historical inquiry in primary school and archaeological artefacts can be powerful in initiating historical reasoning.
The Meaning of Learning Historical Inquiry With Original Sources in Three Swedish Elementary Classrooms
2018. Patrik Johansson. In session: Identity Development and Humanities Instruction, Sat, April 14, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Millennium Broadway New York Times Square
ConferenceThe paper reports from a Swedish action research project in year 4 and 5 in elementary school concerning encounters and migration in Viking age Scandinavia. The purpose is to examine what it means for elementary school children to learn to interpret and use original sources in a historical inquiry. Two questions are addressed: how do students perceive the process of interpreting original sources in a historical inquiry, and what are critical aspects of the learning of historical source interpretation? The qualitative analysis shows that students’ perceptions can be grouped into five progressing categories. Based on these four critical aspects are identified, i.e. aspects that are necessary to discern and particularly difficult for the students to learn.
Att tolka vikingatida föremål
2018. Patrik Johansson.
ArticleEleverna i åk 4 och 5 skulle lära sig tolka och använda arkeologiska artefakter med ett interkulturellt perspektiv för att besvara en historiska undersökningsfråga. Frågan var vad lärandet innebar, och vad som var kritiskt för att lärandet skulle ske? Carro, Per, Tina och Patrik arrangerade ett förtest för att undersöka elevernas uppfattningar av det historiska problemet. Elevsvaren analyserades med fenomenografi för att formulera kategorier av erfaranden och kritiska aspekter.
Att vara lärare och forskare i en Learning study
2017. Anja Thorsten, Patrik Johansson. Undervisningsutvecklande forskning - exemplet Learning study, 31-44
Chapter -
Experiences from the teacher-researcher’s perspective on learning study
2017. Patrik Johansson, Anja Thorsten. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies 6 (1), 45-55
ArticleThe purpose of this paper is to analyze and discuss experiences, in terms of challenges and opportunities, of teacher-researchers who engage in research on the learning study approach. The following two questions will be addressed: how can the teaching experience influence, and become an asset, in the research process and what challenges do teachers face when they enter the research practice?
Each question will be explored through some empirically grounded themes. The analysis is based on experiences from participation in a PhD program, where learning study was used as a method and variation theory was the main theoretical framework. One learning study was focusing on creative writing in primary school and the other was focusing on historical primary source analysis in upper secondary school.
The first question is addressed through the following themes: choosing and identifying research problems; planning and conducting research lessons; analyzing research lessons and students’ learning; and process of self-reflection, and the second question through: teaching as an object of research; to use and develop theories; and communication and review in research. The findings indicate that learning study is a practice-based research approach where teaching experience and academic skills are intertwined in many ways. Both approaches bring opportunities as well as challenges.
The paper is expected to contribute insights and knowledge about the advantages, as well as hindrances to overcome, for teacher-researchers who use learning study as a research method. The results can also be related to the performing of action research in teachers’ classroom practice.
Learning study as a clinical research practice to generate knowledge about the learning of historical primary source analysis
2017. Patrik Johansson. Educational action research 25 (1), 167-181
ArticleThere is a demand for educational research that addresses questions found in teachers’ practice. This line of research can be referred to as practitioner research, and it is motivated by the realisation that teacher professionalism is one of the most in uential factors in determining student achievement. One question is whether the primary purpose of practitioner research should be to improve teaching practices, or to contribute to theoretical knowledge. Some argue that the primary concern should be contributions to changing practices, whereas others suggest that contributions to theory are equally important. The purpose of the article is to discuss how Learning study, regarded as a clinical research practice, can contribute to developing teaching practices and theory of history didactics in conjunction. Learning study is commonly described as an interventionist, iterative and collaborative research approach, focusing on the teaching of an object of learning, which in this case was the learning of primary source analysis in history. Examples of how the Learning study contributed to practice and theory are presented. Contributions include the suggestion that knowing primary source analysis involves the ability to distinguish and separate three critical aspects in a temporal, human and contextual dimension, and that the students’ personal perspectives are vital and should be regarded in the design of tasks and teaching. Based on the ndings it is argued that practitioner research could aim at developing educational practices in conjunction with contributions to theory, and that practice and theory are necessarily entwined in the research process.
Historiska källor på mellanstadiet
2018. Patrik Johansson (et al.).
ArticleMigration och kulturmöten är centrala i historieundervisningen och av stor betydelse för att ge elever förståelse för att möten mellan människor formar historiska skeenden. Carolina K Mossfeldt, Per Sahlström, Kristina Wilhelmsson och Patrik Johansson ville komma från en undervisning som utgår från etniska grupper och nationsgränser, och istället sätta platser och historiska artefakter i centrum. Därför undersökte de hur historiska källor från olika kulturer kan möjliggöra att elever ser migration och kulturmöten under vikingatiden. De utvecklade ett redskap som satte källorna i centrum, och kunde se hur eleverna utvecklade sin förmåga att tolka källorna som representativa för historiska fenomen och se rationella aktörer som samverkade genom handel.
Revolutionen som uteblev - gymnasieelever övar komplexa orsaksförklaringar runt orosåret 1917
2017. Patrik Johansson.
ArticlePatrik Johansson och lärarkollegorna upptäckte att eleverna sökte alltför enkla förklaringar till historiska händelser. Eleverna tenderade att fokusera ett fåtal aktörer med tydliga avsikter som agerade inom tvingande strukturer. Risken är att historiska fenomen framträder som oundvikliga. Lärarna bestämde sig för att arbeta med begreppen aktör, struktur och historiesyn för att öva eleverna att formulera komplexa historiska förklaringar.
Hur kan vi förstå människor i det förflutna?
2016. Patrik Johansson. SO-didaktik (2), 6-9
ArticleKrönikan är en reflektion över hur arkeologiska föremål och artefakter i form av hällbilder kan öppna historieämnet för tolkningar av forntiden som något annat än en statisk, homogen och mytologiserad period. Texten pekar på mobilitet och kulturmöten. De arkeologiska förmålen kan skapa en känsla av kontakt med det förflutna och engagera barn i historiska resonemangoch därmed bidra till historiskt lärande. Det är dock lätt att dra snabba slutsatser och kanske också att fylla forntiden med fantasier. En medveten undervisning med hjälp av arkeologiska föremål kan öppna för mer relevanta och meningsfulla tolkningarav det förflutna - som dessutom är mer historiskt korrekta.
Intercultural learning in the history lab
2017. Patrik Johansson.
ConferenceThe session discusses ongoing research. We present a German project involving students from Winneba (Ghana), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and Hamburg, and proposes a concept for a teaching project structure focused on “de-constructing” memory culture(s)., that might facilitate multiperspectival history education. A recently initiated Swedish collaborative research project, “The common space” explores the ways that heritage can be incorporated into history education and used to address processes of migration and cultural encounters. The cultural heritage in Sweden is seen as part of "a common space" that affords rich opportunities to highlight the ways multiculturality has always been inherent to history. Researcher, museum educators and history teachers work together to develop an educational resource to guide intercultural education (school years 4, 5, 6 and newcomers). Finally, we report from an initial study associated with “The common space” project where one researcher and three primary school teachers collaborated in an action research project with inspiration from a History labs framework. The hypothesis was that concrete historical artefacts such as coins could be powerful in initiating and practicing disciplinary inquiry and promote intercultural historical learning with younger children. The presentation exemplifies how teaching can be designed around historical artefacts, and addresses the questions of what aspects of the teaching seem to enable, and impede, intercultural learning and the practice of disciplinary inquiry.
Show all publications by Patrik Johansson at Stockholm University