Research group Social Studies Education
The aim of the research group is to encourage publications and develop project ideas for social studies education research based at the Department of Teaching and Learning. In this effort, we cooperate with Swedish and international researchers doing similar work.
Group description
A democratic society is dependent upon knowledgeable and engaged citizens. In school, social studies education has played an important role in its assignment to contribute to the development of students' attitudes, experiences, knowledge, abilities and skills that students need in order to be active participants in society. Hereby, social studies education fills an important role in qualifying, socialising and emancipating students for a life in democracy. The research group has a specific interest in examining the relationships and frictions between these intrinsic (e.g. disciplinary knowledge) and the extrinsic goals (e.g. democratic attitudes) in social studies teaching.
The research group of Social Studies Education have regular seminars.
Group members
Ann-Sofie Jägerskog
Senior lecturer, Director of studies
Johan Sandahl
Professor, Director of studies
Maja Torres Madzar
Maria Olson
Mattias Björklund
Senior lecturer
Patrik Johansson
Adjungerad lärare
Viveca Lindberg