Anna Åhlund
About me
Senior Lecturer
Section for Early Childhood Education
Jonsson, R., & Åhlund, A. (2020). Jypp, Dompa och Jackson Pollock. Berättelser om plats, förortiska och överklass i ett innerstadsgymnasium. Utbildning & Demokrati, 29(3), 5–29.
Hedlund, D., & Åhlund, A. (2020). Language has a home: how case officers make use of language analysis in asylum decisions. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1762552
Engvall, O., Lopes, J., & Åhlund, A. (2020). Robot interaction styles for conversation practice in second language learning. International Journal of Social Robotics. DOI:
Åhlund, A. (2018). Nyanlända i gymnasieskolan – elevers möjligheter och begränsningar. I A. Asplund, S. Thalberg, C. Tovatt (Red.), Delmi Avhandlingsnytt 2018:6: Barn och migration. Stockholm: Delmi
Åhlund, A., & Jonsson, R. (2016). Peruvian meatballs? Constructing the Other in the performance of an inclusive school. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 6(3), 166-174. DOI:
Åhlund, A. (2015). Swedish as multiparty work: Tailoring talk in a second language classroom. Doktorsavhandling. Institutionen för Barn- och ungdomsvetenskap. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet.
Åhlund, A., & Aronsson, K. (2015). Stylizations and alignments in a L2 classroom: Multiparty work in forming a community of practice. Language & Communication, 43, 11-26. DOI:
Åhlund, A., & Aronsson, K. (2015). Corrections as multiparty accomplishment in L2 classroom conversations. Linguistics and Education, 30, 66-80. DOI:
SSL education, language socialization, talk-in-interaction, conversation analysis, identity work, participation, classroom community, performance.
Research project