Stockholm university

Anna DanielssonProfessor

About me

I am Professor of Science Education at the Department of Teaching and Learning and head of the science education section. My research interests are centred around issues related to gender, identity and power in the context of teaching and learning science and technology. 



Anna Danielsson holds a PhD in physics specialising in physics education research from Uppsala University (2009). After a two year postdoc at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, she in 2012 returned to Uppsala University to take up a position as senior lecturer at the Department of Education. During the academic year of 2016/17 she held a post as Reader in Science Education at King's College London. In January 2018 she was promoted to Professor in Curriculum Studies (didaktik) at Uppsala University.


Selection of new publications

Gonsalves, A.J., Danielsson, A.T., Johansson, A. & Nyström, A.-S. Other spaces for young people’s identity work in physics: “non-traditional” students’ engagement in out-of-school activities. Accepted for publication in Physical Review – Physics Education Research.

Danielsson, A., King, H., Godec, S. & Nyström, A.-S. The identity turn in science education research: A review of a consolidating field. Accepted for publication in Cultural Studies in Science Education.

Danielsson, A., Avraamidou, L. & Gonsalves, A. Gender Matters: Building on the Past, Recognizing the Present, and Looking Toward the Future. Invited contribution to Handbook of Research on Science Education Volume III (eds. Lederman, N. Zeidler, D., & Lederman, J.).

Research projects

Danielsson currently participates in the project:

In(ex)clusion in higher education mathematics and physics: Identity enactment in educaitonal trajectories and scientific practices

Participants: Prof. Paola Valero (PI, Stockholm University), Dr Lisa Österling (Stockholm University), Dr Maria Berge (Umeå University), Nhu Truong (Stockholm University) and Bruna Nunes (Stockholm University).


Previously Danielsson has participated in the projects:

The unlikely scientists: Exploring what has enabled students from under-represented groups to continue to higher education science studies

Funded by the Swedish Research Council: 2019-2023

Participants: Prof. Anna Danielsson (Uppsala University), Dr Anne-Sofie Nyström (Uppsala University), Dr Anders Johansson (Chalmers) och Dr Allison Gonsalves (McGill University). 

Remoulding Engineering: Knowledge and Identity Perspectives on Project Work in Engineering Education

Funded by the Swedish Research Council: 2015-2017

Participants: Dr Maria Berge, PI (Umeå University), Dr Anna Danielsson (Uppsala University), Dr Eva Silfver (Umeå University), and Prof. Åke Ingerman (Gothenburg University).

In the borderland between academic disciplines and school science - Science faculty as teacher educators (2015

Funded by the Swedish Research Council: 2015-2018

Participants: Dr Kristina Andersson, PI (Uppsala University), Dr Anna Danielsson (Uppsala University), Dr Maja Elmgren (Uppsala University), Dr Susanne Engström (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Dr Annica Gullberg (Uppsala University), Prof. Cathrine Hasse (University of Aarhus), Dr Anita Hussénius (Uppsala University), and Prof. Kathryn Scantlebury (University of Delaware).

Power, knowledge and identity in science and technology classrooms: Teachers' enactments of disciplinary discourses as establishing inclusion and exclusion 

Funded by the Swedish Research Council: 2013-2015

Participants: Dr Maria Berge (Umeå University), Dr Anna Danielsson, PI (Uppsala University), Prof. Åke Ingerman (Gothenburg University), Dr Malena Lidar (Uppsala University) and Prof. Leif Östman (Uppsala University)

Challenging science teacher education: Gender awareness in constructing knowledge of science and science teaching

Funded by the Swedish Research Council: 2011-2013

Participants: Dr. Kristina Andersson (Uppsala University), Dr. Anna Danielsson (Uppsala University), Dr. Anita Hussénius, PI (Uppsala University), Dr. Annica Gullberg (University of Gävle and Uppsala University) and Prof. Kathryn Scantlebury (University of Delaware).

Caring for physics? Gender perspectives on primary school student teachers’ constitutions of identities as teachers of science in the tension between ‘feminine’ primary teaching and ‘masculine’ physics

Postdoctoral fellowship, funded by the Swedish Research Council: 2010-2012.

Learning in groups: a multidisciplinary perspective on creating and participating in discursive spaces of learning

Funded by the Swedish Research Council 2006-2008.

PI: Prof. Åke Ingerman.

Research projects


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

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