Stockholm university

Antoinette ScherzLecturer

About me

I am an Associate Professor in Practical Philosophy at Stockholm University. My research is in international political theory at the intersection of political philosophy, international legal theory and international relations theory. It focuses on two main areas: the legitimacy of international institutions and transnational democracy. Current research interests include: legitimacy and authority, the concept of the people, political autonomy, migration, human rights and democratic backsliding in the European Union.

Since 2022, I also work as a Senior Researcher in the ENROL Project “Enforcing the Rule of Law: What can the European Union do to prevent rule-of-law deterioration from within?” at ARENA, University of Oslo. From 2021-2023 I worked at the University of Graz as a Postdoctoral Research Associate and 2017-2020, as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at PluriCourts, University of Oslo. Before joining PluriCourts I was a Research Fellow & Permanent Member of the Board of Directors at the Centre for Advanced Studies “Justitia Amplificata” at the Goethe University Frankfurt. I obtained my PhD in Philosophy from the University of Zurich where I worked as a Research Fellow at the Swiss National Competence Centre for Excellence in Research “Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century”.

I hold a MA in Philosophy, Social Psychology and International Law in from the University of Zurich and held visiting and guest positions the Center for Human Values at Princeton and at McGill University.