Stockholm university

Biswanath DasResearcher

About me

Dr. Biswanath Das is the group leader of the SusChemRes team which focuses on finding Sustainable Solutions for Renewable Energy, Carbon Capture-Conversion, and PFAS remediation.

I started my research activity as a master's student (M.Sc with Chemistry major) at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur in the group of Prof. V Chandrasekhar in 2008. After finishing my master's project on organometallic synthesis, I came to Sweden as an Erasmus Mundus Ph.D. student and conducted Ph.D. studies (2010-2014) from Lund University under the supervision of Prof. E Nordlander on bioinorganic chemistry (phosphoester hydrolysis and C-H activation). 

Soon after, I joined Uppsala University as a postdoctoral fellow (2014-2016) and worked on photo and electrocatalytic water splitting in the group of Prof. S Ott and A/Prof. A Thapper. In 2016, I got selected for a prestigious postdoctoral fellowship (ARC affiliated) from the School of Chemistry, UNSW, Australia. During 2016-2020, I worked on carbon dioxide electroreduction and PFAS (Per and Poly-Fluoro Alkanes) degradation in the groups of A/Prof. S B Colbran, A/Prof. G E Ball and Prof. N Kumar before joining Stockholm University as a researcher in the group of Prof. Björn Åkermark in June 2020.

Currently, I am employed as a permanent (senior) researcher (from August 2023) and group leader at the Organic Chemistry Department, Stockholm University.

I am an electrochemist with experience in organic-inorganic synthesis, investigation of reaction mechanisms (by spectroscopic techniques and DFT), electrodes' design, development, and testing.  

Our major research interest centers around finding efficient and sustainable ways to utilize carbon dioxide as a C1 feedstock, produce green hydrogen through water electrolysis. We are also interested in projects related to water purification through PFAS remediation

We are working closely with the groups of Prof. Belen Martin-Matute (at SU, Sweden) on carbon capture and utilization, Prof. Björn Åkermark (at SU, Sweden) on water splitting and hydrogen production, and of Prof. Naresh Kumar (at UNSW, Australia) on PFAS remediation.

We usually advertise the open positions on the Stockholm University webpage. Motivated bachelors, masters (local and Erasmus funded) project students, and postdoctoral candidates (with external fundings) are always encouraged to join our SusChemRes team at Stockholm University. Please feel free to send an email with your CV and interest to

The SusChemRes group is also collaborating with:

(i) Prof. Ivan Rivalta (Università di Bologna, Italy)

(ii) Assoc. Prof. Oscar Verho (BMC, Uppsala Unibversity)

(iii) Prof. Joydeep Dutta (Materials and Nanophysics department, KTH, Sweden)

(iv) Assoc. Prof. Priyank Kumar (School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW-Sydney, Australia).


Ongoing and previous teaching/supervision responsibilities:

Organic Chemistry – Reactivity and Structure KO5001 (from 2022) (as a lecturer) at Stockholm University

Organic Chemistry – Basic Principles KO2003 (from 2023) (as a lecturer) at Stockholm University

Coordination Chemistry KEMM22 (2010-2014) (as lab instructor) at Lund University

Supervising/co-supervising bachelor, master, PhD students, and postdoctoral candidates (from 2016, in Australia and Sweden)