Stockholm university

Christine BeckerSenior Lecturer, Vice head of department

About me

I am a senior lecture at the Department of Slavic and Baltic Languages, Finnish, Dutch, and German. I am also the deputy head of the department.

I studied literary translation and German as a foreign language at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf. Between 2007 and 2017, I was a junior lecturer in German at Stockholm University. In 2017, I obtained my doctorate at the German section and at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen with a dissertation on cultural learning in computer-mediated asynchronous communication. Since 2018, I have been a senior lecturer in German. I was appointed as Associate Professor in 2024.


I primarily teach courses on German culture, seminars in the first three semesters of German studies, master's seminars, and the course "Teaching German."  I also supervise theses on didactic topics.


My research interests include cultural learning, cultural historical learning, the use of digital media in foreign language teaching, and subject-specific didactics in higher education. 

Together with Nina Simon (Universität Leipzig), I founded the international network HolDaF/Z (Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust: Migration Pedagogical and Postcolonial Perspectives in the Context of German as a Second and Foreign Language).

Research projects


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

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