Stockholm university

Research group Swedish network for empirical research in German as a foreign language

The aim of this network is to connect doctoral students, researchers and other experts in the field of German as a foreign language working in Sweden and to create a forum for professional exchange on empirical research.


The network meets online approximately two to three times per semester to discuss research projects, third-party funding applications, and draft articles. Furthermore, the network is dedicated to questions of teacher training, the transfer of research results into teaching practice and the discussion of questions concerning GFL in Sweden.

If you have any questions, please contact Christine Becker.

Group description

Information in German: Netzwerk Empirische DaF-Forschung in Schweden

Ziel dieser Netzwerkes ist es, in Schweden tätige Doktorand*innen, Wissenschaftler*innen und andere Fachexpert*innen aus dem Bereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache besser zu vernetzen und ein Forum für den fachlichen Austausch zu schaffen.

Das Netzwerk trifft sich ca. zwei bis drei Mal pro Semester online, um Forschungsprojekte, Drittmittelanträge und Artikelentwürfe zu diskutieren. Des Weiteren widmet sich das Netzwerk Fragen der Lehrer*innenaus- und Fortbildung, des Transfers von Forschungsergebnissen in die Unterrichtspraxis sowie der Diskussionen von weiteren Fragen, die DaF in Schweden betreffen.

Bei Fragen können Sie sich wenden an Christine Becker.

Group members


Angela Marx Åberg

Department of Languages

Anneli Fjordevik

School of Language, Literatures and Learning

Anta Kursiša


Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German
Anta Kursiša

Christine Becker

Senior Lecturer, Vice head of department

Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German
Christine Becker

Christine Fredriksson

Department of Languages and Literatures

Corinne Imboden Hedlund

Department of Modern Languages

Elisabeth Wåghäll Nivre


Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German
Elisabeth Wåghäll Nivre

Inga Gieramm-Springer

Department of Languages

Lina Schulte

Doctoral Student

Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German

Maren Eckart

School of Language, Literatures and Learning

Maria Ramberg Håkansson

Department of Languages

Martin Hansen

Department of Languages and Literatures

Vera Leier

Senior Lecturer

Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German
Vera Leier