Cecilia LundholmProfessor
About me
My interests concern conceptual change and instruction in the social sciences (civics, economics and political science) and climate, environmental and geography education (Davies, 2023; Davies & Lundholm, 2023; Lundholm, 2018; Lundholm et al., 2024).
I am also interested in climate change education and the role of social science knowledge for environmental policy support in relation to climate change - that is, large scale collective action problems - and for developing agency and hope among students.
My interest in research on teaching and learning subjects (ämnesdidaktik) concerns the focus on both the subject and its transformation and the students (their pre-conceptions, interest, attitudes) when designing instruction, the Model of Educational Reconstruction (Duit et al., 2012).
I am professor in Educational Science with a specialisation in Teaching and Learning in the Social Sciences. From 2011 to 2015 I was Director at the Centre for Teaching and Learning in the Social Sciences where research and education was being advanced.
I was a member of the executive committee of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) in 2017-2019. EARLI is the largest European educational research organisation, established in 1984.
I am a member of EARLI's Special Interest Group Conceptual Change which organises a conference every second year.
I was on sabbatical at UCLA funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond from August 1, 2019 to January 31, 2020.
Climate change - developing social science teaching for advancing knowledge, action and hope
funded by the Swedish Research Council, Committee for Educational Sciences, 2022-2026.
This project seeks to meet three educational challenges on climate change: i) education has privileged natural science subjects; ii) has not focused on understanding of interconnectedness between society and nature, and iii) has not addressed action and hope.
We acknowledge that economic literacy enables students to evaluate alternative possibilities, and the assumptions necessary for the acceptance of proposals on economic polices (e.g. flight taxation) (Mansbridge 2004). This is the rationale for looking to social science education in compulsory schooling year 9, and develop teaching in economic, political and legislative domains, that builds students’ knowledge concerning which choices merit action and hope. In the inital phase a survey was conducted (Lundholm, Bendz & Ignell, 2023, see below). Comparative interventions are designed together with teachers and implemented using a Design Research approach. The first cycle was completed in 2022, and two more cycles have been conducted and results have been presented (Lundholm, Ignell, Bendz & Bergh, 2024, see below) and as Lecture at Researchers Desk - Cecilia Lundholm on values and beliefs regarding policy responses to climate change (18 min). Theoretically, and in qualitative and quantitative analyses, we draw on conceptual change research (Davies, 2023; Lundholm, 2018).
The project includes professor Peter Davies, Dep of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University, senior lecturer Caroline Ignell, Dep of Education, Stockholm University, associate professor Anna Bendz, Dep of Political Science, University of Gothenburg and associate professor Andreas Bergh, Dep of Economics, Lund University. Advisory board; professor William Bosshardt, Florida Atlantic University, professor Jonas Ebbesson, Dep of law and professor Alasdair Skelton, Dep of geological sciences, Stockholm University. For more information, clic here!
- Lecture at Researchers Desk - Cecilia Lundholm on values and beliefs regarding policy responses to climate change (18 min). The lecture summarises my and colleagues work on knowledge of policy and economic knowledge and pro-climate action among students and the public. This focus is based on research showing that students who know about solutions to climate change feel hope (Li & Monroe, 2019).
- Symposium 'Conceptual change in economics – researching students’ conceptions in times of societal challenges', 13th Conceptual Change Conference 27-30 August, 2024, Munich.
- Climate change challenge - developing students’ conceptual understanding of policies to mitigate climate change, Cecilia Lundholm, Caroline Ignell, Anna Bendz & Andreas Bergh
- Lay conceptions of the German pension system, Ronja Baginski & Carmela Aprea, University of Mannheim
- Students’ conceptions regarding ethical issues in economics, Taiga Brahm, Victoria Vochatzer & Malte Ring, University of Tübingen
- Discussant Prof. Nicole Anckermann, Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
- Symposium at the Nordic Conference in Social Science Education, Odense, Denmark. Presentation of conference paper Climate change - developing social science teaching for advancing knowledge and action. Other participants were Magnus Borre Bragdo, University of Agder, Norway and Ilona Södervik, University of Helsinki.
Symposium 'Climate change - addressing knowledge, action and hope ' at EARLI 2023. Presentations by Doug Lombardi and colleagues, Maryland University, Alan Reid and Karen Marangio, Monash University and Cecilia Lundholm and colleagues. Discussant professor Gale Sinatra.
The Climate Change Challenge. Solutions among students in economics, law and political science
funded by the Swedish Research Council, Committee for Educational Sciences (2012-2017).
The research programme addressed questions concerning the environmental policy instruments students choose regarding climate change and environmental problems and the effect of knowledge as well as values on such choices.
The project was carried out in collaboration with: Prof. Peter Davies, Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University; PhD Linda Ekström, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Luleå University of Technology (now at Södertörn University); PhD Niklas Harring, Department of Political science, Göteborg University; PhD student (now lecturer) Caroline Ignell, Department of Education, Stockholm University, and PhD Tomas Torbjörnsson at the Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University.
Publications from the the project (see all publications below)
Ekström L. and Lundholm, C. (2020). 'How Much Politics Is There'? Exploring Students' Experiences of Values and Impartiality from an Epistemic Perspective. Journal of Political Science Education. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15512169.2020.1730863
Ekström, L. & C. Lundholm (2018). 'What's positive about positive rights?' Students’ everyday understandings and the challenges of teaching political science. Journal of Political Science Education, 14(1), 1-16. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15512169.2017.1370378.
Harring, N. (2018). Trust and state intervention: Results from a Swedish survey on environmental policy support. Environmental Science & Policy, 82: 1-8.
Harring, N. & S. C. Jagers (2017). Why do people accept environmental policies? The prospects of higher education and changes in norms, beliefs and policy preferences. Environmental Education Research. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13504622.2017.1343281
Harring, N. & C. Lundholm (2018, August 30 - September 2). Does knowledge about social dilemmas generate cynical citizens? American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Boston, USA.
Harring, N. & J. Sohlberg (2016). The varying effects of left-right ideology on support for the environment: Evidence from a Swedish survey experiment. Environmental Politics, 26(2), 278-300. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09644016.2016.1244965.
Harring, N., Davies, P. & C. Lundholm (2017). Learning economics and attitudes to market solutions to environmental problems. Education Sciences, 7, 36. Special issue on Sustainability, Environment and Education. http://www.mdpi.com/2227-7102/7/1/36/pdf
Harring, N., Jagers, S. & S. Matti (2019) Higher education, norm development, and environmental protection. Higher Education. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10734-019-00410-7
Harring, N., Jagers, S. & S. Matti (2017). Public support for pro-environmental measures. Examining the impact of personal values and ideology. Sustainability, 9(5), 659. http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/9/5/679
Harring, N., Lundholm, C. & T. Torbjörnsson (2017). The Effects of Higher Education in Economics, Law and Political Science on Perceptions of Responsibility and Sustainability. In Leal Filho, W., Brandli, L., Castro, P., Newman, J. (Eds.) Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education. (pp. 159-170). Volume 1. Berlin: Springer. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Cecilia Lundholm2/contributions
Harring, N., Lundholm, C., & T. Torbjörnsson (2017). Högre utbildning och miljöattityder/Higher education and environmental attitudes i U. Andersson, J. Ohlsson, H. Oscarsson & M. Oskarson (Red). Larmar och gör sig till. (pp. 505-514). Göteborgs universitet: SOM-institutet. http://som.gu.se/digitalAssets/1649/1649037_505-514-harring--lundholm-o-torbj--rnsson.pdf
Harring, N., Torbjörnsson, T., & Lundholm, C. (2018). Solving environmental problems together? The roles of value orientations and trust in the state in environmental policy support among Swedish undergraduate students. Education Sciences, 8(3), 124; https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci8030124.www.mdpi.com/2227-7102/8/3/124/pdf
Ignell, C., Davies, P. & C. Lundholm (2019). A longitudinal study of upper secondary school students´ values and beliefs regarding policy responses to climate change. Environmental Education Research, 25(5), 615-631. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13504622.2018.1523369
Ignell, C., Davies, P. & C. Lundholm. (2019, April 5–9). Students’ personal epistemological beliefs and climate change solutions. American Education Research Association, Toronto. In symposium Epistemic Cognition and Food-Energy-Water (FEW), organiser Cecilia Lundholm, discussant professor Justin Dillon, Exeter University, UK.
Jagers, S., Harring, N. & S. Matti. (2017). Environmental management from left to right - on ideology, policy-specific beliefs and pro-environmental support. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09640568.2017.1289902
Lundholm, C. (2019). Where to look and what to do? Blank and bright spots in research on environmental and climate change education. Editorial. Environmental Education Research. 25(10):1427-1437. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13504622.2019.1700066
Lundholm, C. (2018). Klimatet som utmaning. Studenters lösningar på klimatproblem i ämnena ekonomi, statsvetenskap och juridik/The climate change challenge. Solutions among students in economics, law and political science. Resultatdialog 2018/Dialogue on results 2018. (pp. 80-83). Project report. Swedish Research Council. https://www.vr.se/download/18.ad27632166e0b1efab112b/1543831610155/Resultatdialog_VR_2018.pdf
Torbjörnsson, T. & Lundholm, C. (2019). Potential conflicts between ownership rights and environmental protection: Swedish undergraduate students’ views. Environmental Education Research, 25:12, 1790-1803, DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2019.1677860. https://www-tandfonline-com.ezp.sub.su.se/doi/full/10.1080/13504622.2019.1677860
Torbjörnsson, T., Harring, N. & C. Lundholm (2018). Environmental sustainability and legal education: Swedish law students' value orientations. Retfærd - Nordic Journal of Law and Justice, 3-4,99-115.
For all Publications see below or top of the page, to the right.
Key notes, films and interviews
- Lecture at Researchers Desk - Cecilia Lundholm on values and beliefs regarding policy responses to climate change (18 min). The lecture summarises my and colleagues work on knowledge of policy and economic knowledge and pro-climate action among students and the public. September 11, 2024.
Invited speaker at King's College London och University College of London, Conceptual change and teaching - focusing on social science and climate change education, March 14, 2023.
Key note speaker at the Conceptual Change Conference, 24th to 27th of August 2022, Zwolle, the Netherlands. Read more about EARLI's Special Interest Group Conceptual Change.
Key note at the Finnish Association for Educational Research, Climate change, knowledge and action - a focus on the role of education and why, December 15-16, 2020.
Education and Sustainability at Stockholm University, Sustainability Forum 2021 – presentations and panel discussion, moderator Cecilia Lundholm
Samhällskunskapslärare viktiga för att lösa klimatfrågan - Lärarutbildningarnas nyhetsbrev, 2019
Forskare & femteklassare möttes i Levande Frågelådan, 2019
Vad händer när vi lär oss saker? Intervju i Stockholm universitets utbildningskatalog, 2018
Research grants
2021-11-29 Climate change, action and hope among youth - the role of social science education. Visiting University of Southern California, 2022, professor Gale Sinatra. Åke Wiberg foundation.
2021-11-04 Climate change - developing social science teaching for advancing knowledge, action and hope. Swedish Research Council, Committee for Educational Sciences. 5.8 million SEK.
2016-06-09 Sabbatical, UCLA. The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond). 1 million SEK.
2011-10-28 The climate change challenge. Solutions among students in economics, law and political science. Research council/ Committee for educational science. 7.9 million SEK.
2011-10-28 Stakeholder participation, learning and ecosystem management: A global study of 146 Biosphere Reserves in 55 countries. PI associate professor Andreas Duit, Department of political science and co-applicant PhD Lisen Schultz, SRC. Research council/Social science research. 7.2 million SEK.
2008-03-20 National graduate school on education and sustainable development. PI Prof. Leif Östman, Uppsala University. Research council. 12 million SEK.
2007-11-20 Ecological knowledge and sustainable resource management: The role of knowledge acquisition in enhancing the adaptive capacity of co-management arrangements. Research council/Committee for sustainable development. 3.5 million SEK.
2007-06-05 Postdoctoral fellowship. Scholarship received by the Leverhulme foundation, University of Staffordshire. Project with Professor Peter Davies on students’ understanding of pricing public natural and private goods. 18 000 £.
2002-10-28 Learning about environmental issues in an untraditional environmental program. Exploring the process of learning among students of economics and business administration. Research council/Committee for educational science. 2.5 million SEK.
Research group on Conceptual Change
I lead a research group on Conceptual Change which focuses on environmental, geography and social science education - civics, economics, political science and psychology. Research group Conceptual Change
The group consists of Prof Gabriel Bladh, Karlstad University, Prof. Peter Davies, Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University, senior lecturer Caroline Ignell, Department of Education, Stockholm University, senior lecturer Adam Jacobsson, Department of Economics, Stockholm University, senior lecturer Ann-Sofie Jägerskog and PhD student Mattias Arrhenius, Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University and senior lecturer Linda Ekström, Södertörn University.
Download publications (articles, chapters and conference papers) at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Cecilia_Lundholm2
Krasny, M., Lundholm, C. & Plummer, P. (Eds.)(2011). Resilience in social-ecological systems: the roles of learning and education. London: Routledge. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415552530
Lundholm, C. Petersson, G. & I. Wistedt (Eds.)(2010). Begreppsbildning i ett intentionellt perspektiv/ Conceptual development from an intentional perspective. Stockholm: Stockholm universitets förlag.
Rickinson, M., Lundholm, C. & Hopwood, N. (2009). Environmental Learning. Insights from research into the student experience. Dordrecht: Springer. http://www.springer.com/education/book/978-90-481-2955-3
Arrhenius, M., Bladh, G. & Lundholm, C. (2024). Causes, processes and consequences of earthquakes. Investigating Swedish 12-13-year old students’ geographical understanding. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10382046.2023.2298555
Davies, P. & Lundholm C. (2023). Se ekonomi som system. Ekonomiundervisning för begreppsbildning. SO-didaktik, nummer 13 (s. 54–59). https://issuu.com/so-didaktik/docs/so-didaktik_nummer_13
Arrhenius, M., Bladh, G. & Lundholm, C. (2022). Swedish 12-13 year-old students’ geographical understanding of the Gulf Stream. Journal of Geography, 121:1, 5-17, DOI: 10.1080/00221341.2021.2001029
Arrhenius, M., Lundholm, C., & Bladh, G. (2021). Swedish 12-13-year old students’ conceptions of the causes and processes forming eskers and erratics. Journal of Geoscience Education, 69(1), 43-54. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10899995.2020.1820838
Ekström L. and Lundholm, C. (2020). 'How Much Politics Is There'? Exploring Students' Experiences of Values and Impartiality from an Epistemic Perspective. Journal of Political Science Education. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15512169.2020.1730863
Lofthouse, R., Greenway, C., Davies, P., Davies, D. & C. Lundholm (2020). Pre-service teachers’ conceptions of their own learning: does context make a difference? Research Papers in Education. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02671522.2020.1767181
Ignell, C., Davies, P. & C. Lundholm (2019). A longitudinal study of upper secondary school students´ values and beliefs regarding policy responses to climate change. Environmental Education Research, 25(5), 615-631. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13504622.2018.1523369
Jägerskog, A-S, Davies, P., & C. Lundholm (2019). Students’ understanding of causation in pricing: a phenomenographic analysis. Journal of Social Science Education. http://www.jsse.org/index.php/jsse/article/view/1421
Lundholm, C. (2019). Where to look and what to do? Blank and bright spots in research on environmental and climate change education. Editorial. Environmental Education Research. 25(10): 1427-1437. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13504622.2019.1700066
Torbjörnsson, T. & Lundholm, C. (2019). Potential conflicts between ownership rights and environmental protection: Swedish undergraduate students’ views. Environmental Education Research, 25:12, 1790-1803, DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2019.1677860. https://www-tandfonline-com.ezp.sub.su.se/doi/full/10.1080/13504622.2019.1677860
Ekström, L. & C. Lundholm (2018). 'What's positive about positive rights'? Students’ everyday understandings and the challenges of teaching political science. Journal of Political Science Education, 14(1), 1-16. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15512169.2017.1370378
Harring, N., Torbjörnsson, T., & Lundholm, C. (2018). Solving environmental problems together? The roles of value orientations and trust in the state in environmental policy support among Swedish undergraduate students. Education Sciences.www.mdpi.com/2227-7102/8/3/124/pdf
Torbjörnsson, T., Harring, N. & C. Lundholm (2018). Environmental sustainability and legal education: Swedish law students' value orientations. Retfærd - Nordic Journal of Law and Justice, 3-4,99-115.
Harring, N., Davies, P., & C. Lundholm (2017). Learning economics and attitudes to market solutions to environmental problems. Education Sciences, 7, 36. Special issue on Sustainability, Environment and Education. http://www.mdpi.com/2227-7102/7/1/36/pdf
Ignell, C., Davies, P. & Lundholm, C. (2017). Understanding ’price’ and the environment: exploring upper secondary students’ conceptual development. Journal of Social Science Education, 16(1), 20-32. https://www.jsse.org/index.php/jsse/article/view/822
Garavito-Bermúdez, D., and C. Lundholm (2016). Exploring interconnections between local ecological knowledge, professional identity and sense of place among Swedish fishers. Environmental Education Research http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13504622.2016.1146662
Garavito-Bermúdez, D., Lundholm., C. and B. Crona. (2016). Systems thinking and resource management: Linking a conceptual framework on systems thinking with experiential knowledge. Environmental Education Research, 22(1), 89-110. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13504622.2014.936307?mobileUi=0
Lundholm, C., and C. Stöhr. (2014). Stakeholder dialogues and shared understanding: the case of co-managing fisheries in Sweden. Sustainability, 6(7): 4525-4536. Special issue on Communication for and about Sustainability. http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/6/7/4525
Stöhr, C., C. Lundholm, B. Crona and I. Chabay. (2014). Stakeholder participation and sustainable fisheries: an integrative framework for assessing adaptive comanagement processes. Ecology and Society, 19 (3): 14. [online] URL: http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol19/iss3/art14/
Ignell, C., Davies, P. & Lundholm, C. (2013). Swedish Upper Secondary School Students’ Conceptions of Negative Environmental Impact and Pricing. Sustainability, 5, 982-996. http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/5/3/982
Davies, P. & Lundholm, C. (2012). Students’ understanding of socio-economic phenomena: conceptions about the free provision of goods and services. Journal of Economic Psychology, 33, 79-89. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167487011001218
Sternäng, L. & Lundholm. C. (2012). Climate Change and Costs: Investigating Chinese Students’ Reasoning on Nature and Economic Development. Conceptions of Nature and Economic Development. Environmental Education Research, 18, 417-436. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13504622.2011.630532
Lundholm, C. (2011). Society’s response to environmental challenges: citizenship and the role of knowledge, In Factis Pax, 5, 80-96. https://openjournals.utoledo.edu/index.php/infactispax/article/view/1094
Sternäng, L. & Lundholm, C. (2011). Climate change and morality: Students’ perspectives on the individual and society. International Journal of Science Education, 33(8), 1131-1148. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09500693.2010.503765
Krasny, M., Lundholm, C. and R. Plummer. (2010). Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems: the Roles of Learning and Education. Editorial. Special issue ‘Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems: the Role of Learning and Education’. Environmental Education Research, 16(5-6) 463-474. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13504622.2010.505416
Krasny, M., Lundholm, C. and R. Plummer. (2010). Environmental Education, Resilience, and Learning: Reflection and Moving Forward. End editorial. Special issue ‘Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems: the Role of Learning and Education’. Environmental Education Research, 16(5-6) 665 – 672. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/13504622.2010.505445.
Lundholm, C & Plummer, R. (2010). Resilience and Learning: A Conspectus for Environmental Education. Special issue ‘Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems: the Role of Learning and Education’. Environmental Education Research, 16(5-6) 475-491. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/13504622.2010.505421
Schultz, L & Lundholm, C. (2010). Learning for resilience? Exploring learning opportunities in Biosphere Reserves. Special issue ‘Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems: the Role of Learning and Education’. Environmental Education Research, 16(5-6) 645-663. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/13504622.2010.505442
Rickinson, M. & Lundholm C. (2008). Exploring Students’ Learning Challenges in Environmental Education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 38, 3, 341-353. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03057640802299627
Lundholm, C. (2007). Pricing nature at what price? A study on undergraduate students’ conceptions of economics. South African Journal of Environmental Education. Special issue Learning in a Changing World, 24, 126-140. file:///Users/ceci/Downloads/ajol-file-journals_548_articles_122747_submission_proof_122747-6457-336617-1-10-20150929.pdf
Lundholm, C. (2005). Learning about environmental issues. Undergraduate and postgraduate students’ interpretations of environmental content. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 6, 3, 242-253. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/14676370510607214/full/html
Lundholm, C. (2004). Learning about Environmental Issues in Engineering Programmes. A case study of first-year civil engineering students’ contextualisations of an ecology course. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 5, 3, 295-307. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/14676370410546448/full/html
Lundholm, C. (2004). Case studies – exploring students’ meaning and elaborating learning theories. Environmental Education Research, 10, 1, 115-124. https://doi.org/10.1080/1350462032000173733
Chapters in books
Lundholm, C. (2018). Conceptual change and the complexity of learning. In T. Amin & O. Levrini (Eds.). Converging Perspectives on Conceptual Change. Mapping an Emerging Paradigm in the Learning Sciences. (pp. 34-42). London: Routledge. Converging Perspectives on Conceptual Change
Lundholm, C. (2018). Klimatet som utmaning. Studenters lösningar på klimatproblem i ämnena ekonomi, statsvetenskap och juridik/The climate change challenge. Solutions among students in economics, law and political science. Project report. In Resultatdialog 2018/Dialogue on results. (pp. 80-83). Swedish Research Council. https://www.vr.se/download/18.ad27632166e0b1efab112b/1543831610155/Resultatdialog_VR_2018.pdf
Harring, N., Lundholm, C. and T. Torbjörnsson (2017). The effect of higher education in social science on perceptions of responsibility in the case of sustainability. In L. Filho, W., Brandli, L., Castro, P., & Newman, J. (Eds.) Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education. (pp. 159-170). Volume 1. Springer: Berlin. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319478678
Harring, N., Lundholm, C., & T. Torbjörnsson (2017). Högre utbildning och miljöattityder/Higher education and environmental attitudes i U. Andersson, J. Ohlsson, H. Oscarsson & M. Oskarson (Red). Larmar och gör sig till. (pp. 505-514). Göteborgs universitet: SOM-institutet. http://som.gu.se/digitalAssets/1649/1649037_505-514-harring--lundholm-o-torbj--rnsson.pdf
Lundholm, C. (2014). Ecological knowledge and sustainable resource management. In Resultatdialog 2014/Dialogue on Results 2014. (129-138). Swedish Research Council. Download pdf
Krasny, M., Lundholm, C., Shava, S., Lee, E., and Kobori, H. (2013). Urban Landscapes as Learning Arenas for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Management, in T. Elmqvist, M. Fragkias, J. Goodness, B. Güneralp, P. J. Marcotullio, R. I. McDonald, S. Parnell, M. Schewenius, M. Sendstad, K. C. Seto and C. Wilkinson (Eds). Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities. A Global Assessment. (pp. 629-664). Dordrecht: Springer. http://www.springer.com/life+sciences/ecology/book/978-94-007-7087-4
Lundholm, C. & Davies, P. (2013). Conceptual Change in the Social Sciences. In S. Vosniadou (Ed.). International Handbook of Research on Conceptual Change. (pp. 288-304). New York: Routledge. 2nd edition. www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415898836
Lundholm, C., Hopwood, N. & Rickinson, M. (2013). Environmental learning: Insights from research into the student experience. In Brody, M., Dillon, J., Stevenson, R., & Wals, A. (Eds.). International Handbook of Research on Environmental Education. (pp. 242-251). New York: Routledge. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415892391
Lundholm, C. (2010). Lärandets rationalitet och komplexitet/ The rationality and complexity of learning. I Lundholm, Petersson & Wistedt (Eds). Begreppsbildning i ett intentionellt perspektiv/Conceptual development from an intentional perspective. (13-21). Stockholm: Stockholm universitets förlag. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272679002_Larandets_rationalitet_och_komplexitet_The_rationality_and_complexity_of_learning
Lundholm, C. (2008). Discourse, cause and change: A study on economics students’ conceptions of child labour. In Öhman, J. (Ed.). Ethics and Democracy in Education for Sustainable Development. Contributions from Swedish Research, (pp. 109-122) Stockholm: Liber. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272486456_Discourse_cause_and_change_A_study_on_economics_students'_conceptions_of_child_labour
I teach at all levels at the department.
A multi disciplinary distance course on Climate change and solutions from teaching and learning perspectives is offered for teachers and teacher students. It adresses climate change and and solutions from economic, political and legal perspectives and instruction on solutions and these perspectives.
I also teach in the course Environment, lifestyles, and individuals at the Department of Political Science, Stockholm University, and the master program International Master's Program in Environmental Social Science. Environmental social science is the interdisciplinary study of what governs people’s behaviour, beliefs and ways of organising themselves in relation to the natural environment.
CIVIS Transdisciplinary Master's program on Climate, Environment and Energy
I represent Stockholm University in CIVIS Hub 1 on Climate, environment and energy, and together with colleagues at Stockholm University and other leading European universities we are developping a master program on Climate, Environment and Energy and solutions.
I am leading the development of the module Climate, Environment and Energy - A Social Science Perspective 9 ECTS.
See above.
2021-11-29 Climate change, action and hope among youth - the role of social science education. Visiting University of Southern California, 2022, professor Gale Sinatra. Åke Wiberg foundation.
2021-11-04 Climate change - developing social science teaching for advancing knowledge, action and hope. Swedish Research Council, Committee for Educational Sciences. 5.8 million SEK.
2011-10-28 The climate change challenge. Solutions among students in economics, law and political science. Research council/Committee for educational science. 7.9 million SEK.
2011-10-28 Stakeholder participation, learning and ecosystem management: A global study of 146 Biosphere Reserves in 55 countries. PI associate professor Andreas Duit, Department of political science and co-applicant PhD Lisen Schultz, SRC. Research council/Social science research.
2008-03-20 National graduate school on education and sustainable development. PI Prof. Leif Östman, Uppsala University. Research council/Committee for educational science.
2007-11-20 Ecological knowledge and sustainable resource management: The role of knowledge acquisition in enhancing the adaptive capacity of co-management arrangements. Research council/Committee for sustainable development.
2007-06-05 Postdoctoral fellowship. Scholarship received by the Leverhulme foundation, University of Staffordshire. Project with Professor Peter Davies on students’ understanding of pricing public natural and private goods.
2002-10-28 Learning about environmental issues in an untraditional environmental program. Exploring the process of learning among students of economics and business administration. Research council/Committee for educational science.
Publications - see above
See also link at the top of the page to the right - for all published papers.