Stockholm university

Chen Hsi Tsai

About me

I am a PhD student in Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University. I also have a background in Health Informatics (MSc from Karolinska Institutet, Sweden) and Nursing (BSc from National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan). My research experience and interests are Information Systems research with a focus on Digital Business Ecosystems,  eHealth Strategy in Sweden and the Nordic countries, Health Informatics, and Healthcare Information Technology (HIT).

Research projects


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Capability Management of Digital Business Ecosystems – A Case of Resilience Modeling in the Healthcare Domain

    2020. Chen Hsi Tsai, Jelena Zdravkovic, Janis Stirna. Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 126-137


    Significant amount of business collaboration takes place online which supports efficient and dynamic business partnerships. Once such partnerships reach a critical mass, a digital business ecosystem (DBE) forms. While it is beneficial to its actors, it is also complex and more difficult to manage. A key management concern is resilience, especially in the context of digitalization. The relevant goals influencing the DBE resilience are diversity, efficiency, adaptability, and cohesion, which need to be aligned with business goals of a specific DBE and managed accordingly. To this end, the paper investigates the suitability of capability management for the purpose of analyzing DBEs to support resilience and demonstrates capability models for a digital health use case in the healthcare sector.

    Read more about Capability Management of Digital Business Ecosystems – A Case of Resilience Modeling in the Healthcare Domain
  • A Survey of Roles and Responsibilities in Digital Business Ecosystems

    2020. Chen Hsi Tsai, Jelena Zdravkovic. Proceedings of the Forum at Practice of Enterprise Modeling 2020 co-located with the 13th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modeling (PoEM 2020), 44-53


    Digital Business Ecosystem is an emerging phenomenon aimed to reflect the behavior of natural ecosystems as a networked and online business model involving heterogeneous actors being engaged in a shared business vision and its implementation. Such as in an ecosystem, in a DBE, the actors are highly dependent on each other in terms of their capabilities and resources. It is, therefore, one of the essential needs for the research on DBEs to advance in understanding of which roles and responsibilities are entailed in enabling a DBE to function and sustain on a long-term basis. We have, in this study, performed a survey on the existing scientific studies related to the roles within DBEs, classified the collected results, and integrated them to a unified proposal. Using a recently developed and functioning DBE concerning the improvement of preventive healthcare by provisioning, exchanging, and using of a set of relevant resources, we have presented an initial validation of the correctness and fit of the proposal for the roles of actors and their responsibilities.

    Read more about A Survey of Roles and Responsibilities in Digital Business Ecosystems
  • Requirements for a Digital Business Ecosystem Modelling Method

    2021. Chen Hsi Tsai, Jelena Zdravkovic, Janis Stirna. Perspectives in Business Informatics Research, 236-252


    Digital Business Ecosystem (DBE) supports organizations to collaborate and combine their expertise to stay competitive through ICTs. Being beneficial to the organizations, DBEs are also complex and more difficult to manage. Through visual analysis and knowledge explication, modelling can increase the transparency of DBEs and improve the understanding of DBEs through multiple perspectives. However, current scientific literature suggests a lack of methodological guidance for modelling in support of the analysis, design, and management of DBEs. The purpose of this interview study was to elicit requirements and needs for developing a holistic method of modelling DBEs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore and understand DBEs from an industrial and experts’ viewpoints with 11 participants from different business domains. The empirical data was analyzed using Thematic Analysis, which lead to 30 requirements, categorized into four classes, namely, requirements for model creation, analysis, management of DBE, as well as cross cutting requirements addressing the overall establishment and use of the modelling method.

    Read more about Requirements for a Digital Business Ecosystem Modelling Method
  • A Foundation for Design, Analysis, and Management of Digital Business Ecosystem through Situational Method Engineering

    2021. Chen Hsi Tsai, Jelena Zdravkovic. The Practice of Enterprise Modeling, 134-149


    Digital Business Ecosystem (DBE) supports organizations to combine their expertise in a novel collaborative network through information and communications technology. Despite its beneficial aspects, a DBE is intricate and difficult to manage due to the dependent interactions and interrelationships among actors. Modelling, as a proven way to deal with complex problems in organisational settings, can support the capturing and documenting of a DBE. This can enhance the level of abstraction of the DBE to aid the analysis and decision-making. However, current scientific literature shows a lack of methodological guidance for modelling in support of the analysis, design, and management of DBEs. Hence, in this study, we have proposed a foundation for a DBE design, analysis, and management method based on Situational Method Engineering (SME). Using the requirements empirically collected from a number of industrial practitioners and experts, the main concepts and intentions relevant to DBE design, analysis and management were defined. Based on them, using the SME approach, we modelled and presented several method process parts that layout fulfilment of the intentions for the concepts’ development using different, situation-related, strategies (i.e. method chunks).

    Read more about A Foundation for Design, Analysis, and Management of Digital Business Ecosystem through Situational Method Engineering

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