Claes Granmar
About me
Researcher and associate professor (docent) specialised in European Law (EU law and the ECHR system); alumni at Oxford University, the UK (visiting fellow at the Institute for European and Comparative Law 2017/2018 and member of the SCR at the college Lady Margret Hall); Honorary Fellow at Melbourne Law School, Australia, 2019; former fellow at the Houser Global Law School Program, New York University (NYU), USA, and at the Max Planck Institute in Munich, Germany. Claes wrote his dissertation on trade mark rights and brand competition at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy, and at Stockholm University, and he has worked at the EFTA Court in Luxembourg. Gradually the field of research has been extended into more aspects of EU internal market law and external trade relations in the context of constitutional pluralism. Claes is the founder of the Nordic forum for ECHR-studies and he is currently focusing on digital globalisation and fundamental rights.
- Teacher (and recurrent course director): The undergraduate course in European law.
- Course director of advanced course: EU external trade relation law and policy.
- Course director of advanced course: European procedural law.
- Course director of advanced course: EU internal market law (on hold 2024-2025).
- Since 2009 teacher at various courses in intellectual property law, EU internal market law, EU external trade relations law, competition law, constitutional law and legal theory, at the law program and the master programs.
- Teaching experiences from Lund University, Karlstad University and IECL in Oxford.
- Supervisor and examiner of master theses in European law and public law.
- Supervisor of the doctoral candidates Karolis Kubilevicus och Giorgi Parulava.
- Head of the renowned Nordic moot court competition in human rights law.
- Member of the board of the SU law school. He was director of studies 2015-2017 and is a union representative since 2016.
- Member of the Stockholm University, School of Law, management board (and director of studies for the master programs in law at Stockholm University 2015-2017).
- Board member of the Stockholm University, Institute for European legal studies.
- Board member of Europarättslig tidskrift (leading Nordic journal in European law).
- Board member of the Swedish section of the Pan-Europa NGO.
- Board member of the national Swedish university teacher's trade union.
- Board member of the local university teacher's trade union, Stockholm university.
- Board member of the Nordic Forum for ECHR-studies that is organising the Nordic moot court competition in human rights law.
- Board member of the Institute for european and public law (IOIR).
- Appointed as expert in public investigations, national reports and as legal consult.
Monographs: Varumärkesskydd - en handbok om varumärken och domännamn, Jure (2003); Trade mark paradoxes and european brand competition, Jure on demand (2014).
Editor for anthologies: Data Rights in Transition (forthcomming), Cambridge Elements Series, 2024; AI and Fundamental Rights, Jure and e-pub., 2018.
Chapters in anthologies: Europeanisation, in Scandinavian Studies in Law Vol. 70, 2024; Sweden, Fundamental Rights and the EU Charter, in On the relation between the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and National Fundamental Rights, Springer, 2024; Investmentment protection and the European unification process, in The EU Law of Investment, Hart Publishing 2024 (forthcomming); Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Rights from a European Perspective, in AI & Fundamental Rights, Jure and e-pub, 2018; Vad legitimererar rättskällorna inom Unionsrätten? in kritiskt tänkande inom unionsrätten 2018; A New Public in the Old World!? in Liber Amicorum Jan Rosén, 2016; Intellectual Property Rights and the Single Market, in European Intellectual Proerty Law, Edward Elgar 2016.
Author of a great number of articles and reports.
European PI for a joint EU sponsored project with the University in Milan, Italy, and Pune, India, on the use of AI in the health care sector (SPARC).
Research projects
For further information see the DiVA database. See also most recently:
Comparative study för the public investigation SOU 2023:05
Europeanisation, in Scandinavian Studies in Law Volume 70, 2024
A reality check of the Schrems saga, Nordic Journal of European Law, Vol. 4 No. 2 2021 (2022 listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for: LSN: Other Regulation of Information & Privacy Issues Involving Consumers).
A selection from Stockholm University publication database
Sweden, Fundamental Rights and the EU Charter
2024. Claes Granmar. On the Relation between the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and National Fundamental Rights
Chapter -
AI-Based Decision-Making and the Human Oversight Requirement Under the AI Act
2023. Claes Granmar. YSEC Yearbook of Socio-Economic Constitutions 2023, 1-29
Chapter -
AstraZenecas tilläggsskydd och skyldigheten att begära förhandsavgörande
2023. Claes Granmar. Juridisk Tidskrift 2022/23 (4), 854-863
Article -
Minnesord över Jacob W. F. Sundberg
2023. Claes Granmar, Karin Åhman. Europarättslig tidskrift 2023 (4), 637-639
Article -
Data transfers and enforcement of EU privacy rights
2022. Claes Granmar.
ConferenceData transfers and enforcement of EU privacy rightsSeminarium den 25 januari 2022, kl. 12:00
At the seminar, three main aspects of the enforcement of EU privacy rights in the light of the Schrems rulings regarding the EU-US “Safe Harbour” and “Privacy Shield” will be addressed.
Much has been said about the annulment of the two adequacy decisions issued by the European Commission on the US system for data protection and overseas legal remedies for EU data subjects. However, the discussion that is centred on concerns with a perceived overreach of EU data protection standards has often been somewhat siloed and artificially abstracted from its legal context. At the seminar, three main aspects of the enforcement of EU privacy rights in the light of the preliminary rulings regarding the EU-US “Safe Harbour” and “Privacy Shield” will be addressed. First of all, why should a data protection authority in an EU Member State assess the validity of an adequacy decision when an EU data subject lodges a complaint against an EU establishment? Secondly, what competence does the Commission have to take measures to prevent onward transfers and unwarranted interceptions of data for primarily national security purposes? Thirdly, can an EU data subject rely on her or his procedural rights as a consumer in the Member State in which he or she is domiciled instead of filing a complaint with one or more data protection authorities in the Member State(s) where the controller or processor has an establishment?
Claes Granmar is associate professor in European Law at Stockholm University and the talk is based on his article ‘A reality check of the Schrems saga’ that was published 2021-12-30 in the Nordic Journal of European Law (Vol. 4 No. 2, 2021). It forms part of the project ‘Global e-commerce and EU privacy safeguards’ that he commenced as a research fellow at the IECL, Oxford University.
Ex-ante measures regarding data transfers and ex-post enforcement of rights
2022. Claes Granmar.
Other -
A Reality Check of the Schrems Saga
2021. Claes G. Granmar. Nordic Journal of European Law 4 (2), 48-65
Article -
Global applicability of the GDPR in context
2021. Claes Granmar. International Data Privacy Law 11 (3), 225-244
Article -
Global applicability of the GDPR in context
Claes G. Granmar.
In the absence of international standards for the processing of personal data, the European Union (EU) is seeking to create an effective system for data protection within its sphere of interest. As a first step, the relevant national provisions in the legal systems of the EU Member States were approximated at some level by the 1995 Data Protection Directive (DPD). It paved the way for the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that became directly applicable as law at both a national and supranational level on 25 May 2018. Much has been said about the territorial scope of the Union legal framework for data protection. Indeed, there seems to be a widespread fear of a claim for “extraterritorial applicability”. However, the concept of “extraterritoriality” is utterly vague and the discourse has in most instances been conspicuously abstracted from its technical, economic and legal context. In this article, the territorial scope of the GDPR is explored in the light of emerging technologies, online trade and constitutional EU law comprising methodological starting points.
EU law and investment tribunals
2020. Claes Granmar.
Conference -
Europakonventionen 70 år
2020. Claes Granmar.
Other -
Comments on the EDPB's draft guidelines on the territorial scope of the GDPR
2019. Claes G. Granmar.
Other -
Data protection and EU competition law intervention
2019. Claes Granmar.
Conference -
AI and the right to data protection
2018. Claes Granmar.
Conference -
Are CETA Tribunals Compatible with EU law in the light of Case C-284/16 Achmea?
2018. Claes Granmar.
Conference -
Artificial intellgence and fundamental rights from a European perspective
2018. Claes Granmar. AI & Fundamental Rights, 301
Chapter -
C-284/16 Achmea Precludes Investor-State Dispute Settlements
2018. Claes Granmar.
Other -
Rättskällor: en introduktion i kritiskt tänkande
2018. Christina Ramberg (et al.).
BookDenna bok syftar till att hjälpa studenter som är nya på juristprogrammetatt förhålla sig kritiskt till rättskällor genom att förklaravarje rättskällas styrkor och svagheter samt hur rättskällorna samverkar.Boken behandlar:
• Författningar
• Rättspraxis
• Förarbeten
• Handelsbruk
• Analogier och motsatsslut
• Soft law och vägledande råd
• Juridisk litteratur
• Utländsk rätt
• Grundläggande principer och fria lämplighetsöverväganden
Yttrande ang. det övergripande avtalet om ekonomioch handel mellan EU och Kanada (CETA)
2017. Claes Granmar.
Report -
Effekterna av att inte genomföra direktivet om offentlig upphandling
2016. Claes Granmar. Upphandlingsrättslig Tidskrift (1), 53-64
ArticlePå vindlande kommunikations- och beslutsvägar har Sverige tillsammans med de andra medlemsstaterna i den Europeiska Unionen (EU) genom sina direktvalda representanter i Europaparlamentet och regeringsrepresentanter i Rådet antagit ett nytt direktiv om offentlig upphandling. Unionen har närmare bestämt utövat sina tilldelade befogenheter att i enlighet med artiklarna 4.1 och 5.1 i Fördraget om den Europeiska Unionen (FEU) reglera den inre marknaden. Som följer av artikel 288 i Fördraget om den Europeiska Unionens Funktionssätt (FEUF) riktas direktivet till medlemsstaterna och är bindande med avseende på det resultat som ska uppnås medan den nationella normgivningsmakten avgör hur genomförandet ska gå till. Att inte säkerställa direktivets resultat i den nationella rättsordningen inom föreskriven tid är oförenligt med unionsrättens företräde och med principen om lojalt samarbete i artikel 4.3 FEU.
A New Public in the Old World!?
2016. Claes Granmar. Liber Amicorum Jan Rosén, 357-377
Chapter -
Sustainable Transport Services in the European Union
2014. Claes Granmar. Shipping & Environment
Chapter -
Chronopost: horizontal harmonisation through overlapping national jurisdictions
2012. Claes Granmar. Europarättslig tidskrift 4, 681-687
Article -
In Pursuit of Unity and Coherency of the European Union Legal Order
2012. Claes Granmar. Europarättslig tidskrift 1, 96-121
Article -
Intellectual Property Rights and the Single Market
2011. Claes Granmar. NIR 4, 1-31
Article -
Trade Mark Paradoxes in European Brand Competition
2010. Claes Granmar.
Thesis (Doc) -
Is "image" the same thing as "quality"
2009. Claes Granmar. European Law Reporter (5), 166-173
ArticleThe protection of image against a trade mark licensee
Varumärkesskydd: En handbok om varumärken och domännamn
2003. Claes Granmar.
BookVarför behövs administrativa tvistelösningsförfaranden vad avser domännamn
Digitala plattformars skyldigheter gentemot immaterialrättsinnahavare
2020. Claes Granmar.
ConferencePlattformar och immaterialrätt - vad har Facebook, Instagram och andra för ansvar?
- Plattformars ansvar att förhindra varumärkesintrång
- Plattformars ansvar att förhindra upphovsrättsintrång
- Plattformar och business-to-business
Show all publications by Claes Granmar at Stockholm University