Stockholm university

Danielle DrozdzewskiSenior Lecturer, Docent

About me

I am an Associate Professor in Human Geography. I specialise in the interactions of people and place, with specific expertise in memory, identity and migration. My overarching research theme is the examination of the geographies of remembrance. I investigate how memories of culture and of place are integral to the formation and maintenance of identities, from the personal to the supranational. Allied to these investigations is the study of migration, through which I have focused on what motivates people to move, the outcomes of such mobilities, to better understand interactions between people and places.  I investigate these themes using qualititative methods.

I moved to the Department of Human Geography at Stockholm University in July 2018. Previously, I was employed as a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

PhD in Human Geography (UNSW), BEnvSc (Hons Class 1 in Geography) (UNSW), BA (Science and Technology Studies) (UNSW).


QualNotes a digital research tool for the social sciences and humanities.

Editorial Appointments

I am Editor-in-Chief of Emotions, Space and Society, Impact Factor: 1.983, ISI Journal Citation Reports © ISSN: 1755-4586.

I am also held the post of Associate Editor for Geographical Research, from 2017-2021.

I am on the editorial board for:

'Miscellanea Geographica Regional Studies on Development',$002fmgrsd$002fmgrsd-overview.xml



Undergraduate (First Cycle)

KG2307 Place, Migration and Identity, Course Convener, 7.5 HECs (2020-)

KG1220 Vetenskapliga förhållningssätt, källor och metoder PLII, moment 4, Lecturer, 7.5 HECs (2019)

KG1302 Befolkning, miljö och landskap i förändring, Lecturer, 7.5 HECs (2019 -)

KG2304 Methods 1, Lecturer, 7.5HECs (2020-2021)

KG2311 Gender and Geography (Genus och geografi) Lecturer, 7.5 HECs (2021-)


Postgraduate Masters (Second Cycle)

KG7243 Space & Society: Theory & Method in Human Geography, Course Convenor, 15 HECs (2018 -)

KG9209-11 Master Thesis Course, Course Convenor, 30 HECs (2019 -)

KG7244 Cultural Landscapes & Society, Course Convenor, 15 HEC (2019 - )  

KG7206 Migration and Social Change: A life course perspective,  Lecturer, 15 HECs (2020)                            

KG7232 Advanced Method in Human Geography & Urban & Regional Planning, Lecturer, 15 HECs (2019-2021)

KG7234 Field Project in Urban and Regional Planning, Lecturer (‘Warsaw’) – 15 HECs (2019)                            


Postgraduate PhD (Third Cycle)

HI1SPA2 Rumslighet, minnet och det förflutna (Space, place, memory), Lecturer (2020, 2023)                        

Memory, Heritage and Geography: Methods (PhD course, 5/7.5hp), 2022, jointly administered through Uppsala University, Department of Social and Economic Geography, and Stockholm University, Department of Human Geography         


Research Students 

Current Doctoral Students (PhD)


Sofi Johnssson (PhD) Fear of crime/feelings of unsafety; feminist geography; spatialization of exclusion (Joint Supervisor with Assocaite Professor Lukas Smas)

Lorena Arias Solano (PhD) Deathscapes and Emotional Geographies (Main Supervisor, Co-Supervisor Professor Anders Wästerfelt)


Björn Nordvall (PhD) Digital Geographies (Joint Supervisor with Professor Dominic Power)

Ida Säfström (PhD) Farm work: a survey of work processes, segmentation   patterns and sustainability visions in Swedish farm-based production (Co-supervisor, Supervisors Associate Professor Lowe Börjeson (SU) and Dr Brian Kuns (SLU)).

Completed Doctoral Students (PhD)


Caitlin Buckle (PhD) – ‘Mapping mobile lives: Explorations of migrants’ lived experience through narratives, visual imagery and virtual visitation, (Supervisor, Co-Supervised by Dr C Brennan-Horley, UoW), Awarded without amendment.

Charishma Ratnam (PhD) – ‘(Re)creating Sri Lankan Refugee Homes: How memory and identity influence resettling in the home’, (Supervisor, Co-Supervisor Dr Marilu De Melo, UNSW).


Nerida Godfrey (PhD) – ‘Becoming-with movement: Life course mobilities and alternative cartographies of independent contemporary dancers', (Supervisor).


Peta Wolifson (PhD) – ‘Sydney at night: People, places, and policies of the neoliberal city’, (Supervisor, Co-Supervised by Prof. Chris Gibson, UoW and Dr Phillip Wadds, UNSW).


Helen Karathomas (PhD) – ‘Social mixing and urban redevelopment in Millers and Dawes Point’ (with A/Prof Wendy Shaw).


Current Masters Students


Sarah Nagel

Guðni Þórsson                

Completed Masters Students


Sanda Bruzaite - (Master Thesis) (Re)imagining Home: Co-living Residents' Perceptions and Experiences: A case study in Allihoop, Bromma, Stockholm (Supervisor).

Sebastian Blomberg - (Master Thesis) Commemorating the Terror Attack at Drottninggatan: Commemorative Atmosphere, National Identity and Everyday Space (Supervisor).


Saga Li Strålberg - (Master Thesis) Graffiti and street art in mobile landscapes (Supervisor)

Yildiz Gülce Demirer - (Master Thesis) Culture, Gender and Emtoions in Urban Green Sapces: Migrant Women's encounters of urban green spaces ain Istanbul and Stockholm (Supervisor)


Aviva Blomquist (Master Thesis) – Understanding Community Sense of Place and Social Sustainability Through Instagram: A case study of Snösätra Graffiti Wall of Fame and Rågsved nature reserve (Supervisor).


Nicolina Ewards Öberg (Masters Thesis) – ‘“People would say this was the bad side!”: An ethnography of everyday strategies for managing place stigma"(Supervisor).

Sara Amatoul Sabooh (Masters Thesis in Planning) – ‘Exploring neighbourhood composition and associated neighbourhood effects – a case study of (a neighbourhood in Stockholm region)’ (Joint Supervisor with Eva Andersson).

Dayana Indira Hernandez Vivas (Masters Thesis in Planning) – ‘Emotional dimensions of climate change’ (Supervisor).

Karin Thalberg (Masters in Environment and Social Sciences) – ‘Gender and Green Space’, (Joint Supervisor with Sara Borgström (KTH)).


Esben Larsen (Masters in Human Geography) – ‘Familiar Flavors: Sensorial Experiences of Familiarity and Transnational Food Practices Amongst International Students’ (Joint Supervision with Dr Natasha Webster, SU).

Jonna Lidmark (Masters in Environment and Social Sciences) – ‘The (un)forbidden fruit: A case study on barriers and motivations for local fruit and berry harvesting in Skarpnäck’ (Supervisor).


Gail Broadbent (Masters of Philosphy, 2 yr thesis by research program) – ‘Speeding the uptake of electric vehicles in Australia: social attitudes to electric vehicle purchase and recommendations for government intervention to address market failures’, (Joint Supervision with Prof Graciela Metternicht), Awarded without amendment.





Cultural memory and memorialisation:

Politics of memory and memorialisation; Public memory and the role of museums and monuments in national memory; Everyday memorialisation; Anzac Memory and War Commemoration; Genealogies of memory and post-memory

Identity, multiculturalism, cultural diversity:

Politics of identity; Nationalism; Everyday multiculturalism; Cultural infrastructure

Migration and Mobility:

Treechange and seachange migration; Youth migration; Regional demographics

Parenting and Caring:

Parenting in academia; Gender and Geography

Methodological and analytical approaches:

Mixed methodologies; Semi-structured and unstructured interviews; Social surveying; Discourse and text analysis; Archival research; Landscape observation and participation observation; Ethnography (visual, sound) and auto-ethnography; Qualitative data analysis programs (NVIVO) & Quantitative data analysis programs (SPSS, Microsoft Excel).



Refereed Publications

Drozdzewski, D., (2024) How memory embeds in the city: Everyday cultural memory in Kraków, Poland, Miscellanea Geographica, Accepted 17 June.

Drozdzewski, D., (2024) Mobile Mapping, Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research, Video Resource, Sage Publications,

Drozdzewski, D., and Berengueres, J.O.L. (2024) Developing QualNotes: A Collaborative and Cross-Disciplinary Ethnography, Digital Geography and Society, accepted 8 March, 2024.

Drozdzewski, D. (2024 forthcoming) Migration and Memory, in L Bietti & M Pogacar (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Memory Studies, Palgrave, accepted 14 December, 2023.

Doughty, K., and Drozdzewski, D. (2022) Sonic Methods, Sonic Affects, Emotion, Space & Society, 42: 100867.

Drozdzewski, D. and Dominey-Howes, D., (2022) Researcher Trauma: Considering the Ethics, Impacts and Outcomes of Research on Researchers, in S Henn, J Miggelbrink & K Hörschelmann (eds) Research Ethics in Human Geography, Abingdon: Routledge, 168-181.

Drozdzewski, D. and Webster, N.A., (2021) (Re)visiting the Neighbourhood, Geography Compass, Geography Compass, e12597.

Ratnam, C. & Drozdzewski, D. (2021) Research ethics with vulnerable groups: Ethics in practice and procedure, Gender, Place & Culture, accepted 22 September, 2021,

Drozdzewski, D., Sumartojo, S., and Waterton, E., (2021) Geographies of Commemoration in a Digital World: Anzac @ 100, Singapore: Palgrave MacMillan.

Robinson, D.F., Drozdzewski, D., and Kaewmahanin Enright, J, (2021) Land territorialisation, contestation and informal place-laws of Indigenous peoples in Phuket and Phang Nga, Thailand, in Bartel, R., and Carter, J. (eds) Handbook on Space, Place and Law, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar, pp. 156-169

Drozdzewski, D., and Matusz, P., (2021) Operationalising memory and identity politics to influence public opinion of refugees: A snapshot from Poland, Political Geography, Vol 86, April 2021, 102366.

Drozdzewski, D., (2021) The ‘post’ as specific powerful vocabulary, Dialogues in Human Geography, accepted 9/1/2021.

Drozdzewski, D., (2021) The role of a politics of memory and the digital, in reframing the commemoration of Polish independence, in Sumartojo, S., (ed) Experiencing 11 November 2018: Commemoration and the First World War Centenary, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 57-70.

Drozdzewski, D., (2021) Locating the embodied interconnections in performative geopolitics, Invited Book Panel Response to ‘The Geopolitics of Memory: A Journey to Bosnia’, Dialogues in Human Geography, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 134-137.

Ratnam, C., and Drozdzewski, D., (2020) Detour: Bodies, memories, and mobilities in and around the home, Mobilities, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 757-775.

Drozdzewski, D., and Monk, J., (2020) Representing Women and Gender in Memory Landscapes, in Datta, A., Hopkins, P., Johnston, L., Olson, E., and Silva, J.M., (eds) Routledge Handbook of Gender and Feminist Geographies, Routledge, pp. 254-270.

Drozdzewski, D., Waterton, E., and Sumartojo, S. (2019) Cultural Memory and Identity in the Context of War: Experiential, Place-based and Political Concerns, International Review of the Red Cross, Vol. 101, No. 910, pp. 251-272.

Drozdzewski, D., and Klocker, N. (2019) ‘Pregnancy, Gender and Career Progression: The Visible Mother in the Workplace’ in Johnson, J.L., and Johnston, K. (eds) Maternal Geographies: Mothering In and Out of Place, Ontario: Demeter Press, pp 117-134.

Broadbent, G., Metternicht, G., & Drozdzewski, D. (2019) An analysis of consumer incentives in support of electric vehicle uptake: an Australian case study, World Electric Vehicle Journal, 10 (11), doi:10.3390/wevj10010011.

Drozdzewski, D., and Birdsall, C.J. (2019) ‘Advancing Memory Methods’, in Drozdzewski, D., and Birdsall, C.J (Eds) Doing Memory Research: New Methods and Approaches, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, pp 1-20.

Drozdzewski, D., and Birdsall, C.J. (2019) ‘Using Emplaced Ethnography, Mobility, and Listening to Research Memory’, in Drozdzewski, D., and Birdsall, C.J (Eds) Doing Memory Research: New Methods and Approaches, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, pp 39-61.

Drozdzewski, D., and Birdsall, C.J. (2019) Doing Memory Research: New Methods and Approaches, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

De Nardi, S., and Drozdzewski, D., (2019) ‘Landscape and Memory’, in P Howard, I Thompson, E Waterton, and M Atha (eds) The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies, 2nd Edition, United Kingdom: Routledge, pp 429-439.

Drozdzewski, D., (2018) Memory, Movement, Mobility: Affect-full Encounters with Memory in Singapore, Special Issue: Geospatial Memory, Media Theory, Vol 2, No. 1, pp. 245-265.

Buckle, C., and Drozdzewski, D., (2018) Urban perceptions of tree-change migration, Rural Society, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 192-207.

Drozdzewski, D., (2018) Stolpersteine and memory in the streetscape, in Muzaini, H., and Minca, C., (eds) After Heritage: Critical Perspectives on Heritage from Below, Edward Elgar: Great Britain, pp. 130-147.

Carretta, M.A, Drozdzewski, D., Jokinen, J. C., and Falconer, E., (2018) “Who can play this game?” The lived experiences of doctoral candidates and early career women in the neoliberal university, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 261-275.

Drozdzewski, D., (2018) ‘Less-than-fluent’ and culturally connected: Language learning and cultural fluency as research methodology, AREA, Vol. 50. No. 1, pp 109-116.

Broadbent, G., Drozdzewski, D., and Metternicht, G., (2018) Electric vehicle adoption: an analysis of best practice and pitfalls for policy making from experiences of Europe and the USA, Geography Compass, Vol .12, No. 2, e12358.

Birdsall, C.J. and Drozdzewski, D., (2018) Capturing commemoration: Using mobile recordings within memory research, Mobile Media & Communication, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 266-284.

Ratnam., C., and Drozdzewski, D., (2017) Assembling attachments to homes under bushfire risk, Geographical Research, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp 42-53.

Drozdzewski, D., (2017) Locating the Geopolitics of Memory in the Polish Streetscape, in Rose-Redwood, R., Alderman, D., and Azaryahu, M. (eds) The Political Life of Urban Streetscapes Naming, Politics, and Place, Abingdon: Routledge, pp 114-131.

Norquay, M., and Drozdzewski, D., (2017) Stereotyping the Shire: Assigning white privilege to place and identity, Journal of Intercultural Studies¸ Vol. 38, No. 1, pp 88-107.

Wolifson, P., and Drozdzewski, D., (2016) Co-opting the night: the entrepreneurial shift and economic imperative in NTE planning, Urban Policy and Research, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 486-504.

Drozdzewski, D., De Nardi, S., and Waterton, E. (2016) Geographies of memory, place and identity: Intersections in remembering war and conflict, Geography Compass, Vol. 10, No. 11, pp 447-456.

Ratnam., C., Drozdzewski, D., and Chappell, R., (2016) ‘Can place attachment mediate perceptions of bushfire risk? A case study of the Blue Mountains, NSW’, Australian Journal of Emergency Management, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp 67-71.

Drozdzewski, D., De Nardi, S., and Waterton, E., (2016) Memory, Place and Identity: Commemoration and Remembrance of War and Conflict, Abingdon: Routledge.

Drozdzewski, D., De Nardi, S., and Waterton, E., (2016) The Significance of Memory in the Present, in Drozdzewski, D, De Nardi, S., and Waterton, E., (eds) 'Memory, Place and Identity: Commemoration and Remembrance of War and Conflict', Abingdon: Routledge, pp 1-26.

Drozdzewski, D., (2016) Encountering memory in the everyday city, in Drozdzewski, D, De Nardi, S., and Waterton, E., (eds) 'Memory, Place and Identity: Commemoration and Remembrance of War and Conflict', Abingdon: Routledge, pp 27-57.

Drozdzewski, D., (2016) Can Anzac sit comfortably within Australia's multiculturalism?, Australian Geographer, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp 3-10.

Robinson, D., and Drozdzewski, D., (2016) Hybrid Identities: juxtaposing multiple identities against the ‘authentic’ Moken, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp 536-554.

Drozdzewski, D., and Dominey-Howes, D., (2015) Research and trauma: understanding the impact of traumatic content and places on the researcher, Emotions, Space and Society, Special Issue on Researcher Trauma, Vol. 17, pp 17-21.

Drozdzewski, D., (2015) 'Retrospective reflexivity: The residual and subliminal repercussions of researching war', Emotions, Space and Society, Special Issue on Researcher Trauma, Vol. 17, pp 30-36.

Drozdzewski, D., and Robinson, D.F., (2015) ‘Care-work on fieldwork: taking your own children into the field’, Children’s Geographies, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp 372-378.

Drozdzewski, D., (2015) ‘Knowing (or not) about Katyń: the silencing and surfacing of public memory’, in Jones, R.D., Robinson, J., and Turner, J., (eds) The Politics of Hiding, Invisibility, and Silence: Between Absence and Presence, Routledge: London, pp 47-62.

Drozdzewski., D., Roberts, A., Dominey-Howes, D., and Brander, R., (2015) The experiences of weak and non-swimmers caught in rip currents at Australian beaches, Australian Geographer, Vol 46, No. 1, pp 15-32.

Bradstreet, A., Brander, R, McCarroll, J., Brighton, B., Dominey-Howes, D., Drozdzewski, D., Sherker, S., Turner, I., and Roberts, A., (2014) Rip Current Survival Principles: Towards Consistency, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue Vol. 72, pp 85-92.

Drozdzewski, D., (2014) Using history in the streetscape to affirm geopolitics of memory, Political Geography, Vol. 42, pp 66-78.

Brander, R., Drozdzewski., D., and Dominey-Howes, D., (2014) "'Dye in the Water' : a visual approach to communicating the rip current hazard', Science Communication, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp 802-810.

Robinson, D. F, Drozdzewski, D., and Kiddell, L., (2014) “’You can’t change our ancestors without our permission’: Cultural Perspectives on Biopiracy”, in Fredriksson, M and Arvanitakis, J., (eds) Piracy: Leakages of Modernity Litwin, pp 55-74.

Drozdzewski, D., (2014) '‘They have no concept of what a farm is’: Exploring Rural Change through Tree Change Migration, in Dufty-Jones, R. and Connell, J., Rural Change in Australia, Great Britain, Ashgate, pp 83-102.

Drozdzewski, D., (2014) ‘When the everyday and the sacred collide: Positioning Plaszów in the Kraków landscape’, Landscape Research, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp 255-266.

Klocker, N. and Drozdzewski, D., (2012) Survival and Subversion in the Neoliberal University, Invited Response to Symposium on  the Participatory Geographies Research Group's 'Communifesto for Fuller Geographies: Towards Mutual Security',

Drozdzewski, D., (2012) ‘Knowing (or not) about Katyń: the silencing and surfacing of public memory’, Space and Polity, Special Issue 'Between Absence and Presence', Vol. 16, No. 3, pp 303-319.

Klocker, N., and Drozdzewski, D., (2012) Career progress relative to opportunity: how many papers is a baby ‘worth’? Environment and Planning A, Vol. 44, pp 1271 – 1277.

Drozdzewski, D., Shaw, W., Dominey-Howes, D., Brander, R., Walton, T., Gero, A., Sherker, S.,  Goff, J., and Edwick, B., (2012) ‘Surveying rip current survivors: preliminary insights into the experiences of being caught in rip currents’, Natural Hazards Earth Systems Science, Vol. 12, pp 1-11.

Drozdzewski, D., (2011) ‘Waves of Migration Exclusion and Inclusion: the experiences of Polish Australians’, in Lobo, M., and Mansouri, F., Migration, citizenship and intercultural relations: looking through the lens of social inclusion, Ashgate, pp 59-74.

Drozdzewski, D., (2011) Language Tourism in Poland, Tourism Geographies, Vol .3, No. 2, pp 165-186.

Drozdzewski, D., (2008) ‘‘We’re moving out’ – Youth Movements Out of Coastal Non-Metropolitan New South Wales’, Geographical Research, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp 153-161.

Drozdzewski, D., (2007) ‘A place called ‘Bielany’: Negotiating a diasporic Polish place in Sydney’, Social and Cultural Geography, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp 853-869.

Gibson, C., Dufty, R., and Drozdzewski, D., (2005) ‘Resident attitudes to farmland protection measures in the Northern Rivers region, New South Wales’, Australian Geographer, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp 369-383.


Non-refereed reports and reviews

Drozdzewski, D., and Robinson, D.F., (2021) The hazard of ascribing and spatialising identity narratives, Identities Journal Blog (invited), 28 July,

RJ Project Media Release. (2020) How polarized is Sweden? New research project on segregation, neighbourhoods and life courses, 21 January,

Birdsall, C.J., Drozdzewski, D., and Osborne, T., (2019) Memory Research. New Questions and Approaches to Understanding Memory, SPUI25 with University of Amsterdam Faculty of Humanities and the Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture (AHM), 27 February,

Metternicht, G., Drozdzewski, D., and Broadbent, G. (2017) Negative charge: why is Australia so slow at adopting electric cars? The Conversation, Nov 9,

Sumartojo, S., Drozdzewski, D., Graves, M., Kesteloot, C., Vanneste, D., Vanraepenbusch, K., Van Ypersele, L., Wallis, J., Winter, C., and Wouters, N., (2017) Commemoration reframed: conceptualising commemoration from the perspective of experience, Working Paper from the Commemoration Reframed Workshop, CegesSoma, Brussels, 7 September 2017,

Shaw, W.S., Drozdzewski, D., Cross, R., and Wolifson, P., (2012) A historical geography of cotton farming in NSW and Qld: adaptation and adoption, Report to CRC Cotton Catchment Communities, Project ID 3.02.11.

Drozdzewski, D., (2011) ‘Book Review – “Festival Places: Revitalising Rural Australia” Connell, J., & Gibson C (eds) 2011’, Australian Geographer, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp 455-457.

Drozdzewski, D., Shaw, W.S., and Godfrey, N., (2011) Treechange Migration to the NSW Southern Highlands: Motivations and outcomes of urban to rural migration, Report to the Dept. of Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government.

Drozdzewski, D., Shaw., W.S., Brander, R., Dominey-Howes, D., Goff, J., Walton, T., and Gero, A., (2011) Demographics, surf knowledge and behavioural response of rip current rescue victims, Report to Surf Life Saving Australia, Project ID RM08258.



VOLVO EDUCATION AND RESEARCH FUND: Biosocial Walking: Investigating the emotions of urban walking for migrants from the Global South, 2023, 500 000 SEK

Project Lead: Dr Tess Osborne, University of Leciester

Project Researchers: Associate Professor Danielle Drozdzewski 


QualNotes is digital research tool for the social sciences and humanities.

QualNotes offers an integrated research tool with three key research portals: (1) mobile mapping, (2) interviews and focus groups, and, (3) participant observation and auto- ethnography. Each portal combines and integrates the materials necessary for undertaking common qualitative research methods into one platform.

Functionality includes: image capture; video and audio recording; file repositories for research documentation including ethics consent forms; collaboration and sharing capability; sketch and doodle options; and, GPS-based mobile mapping.

The mobile mapping tool (currently available) tracks your route while walking and allows you to add different media (photos, audio, text notes and documents) at different points along the route. It can be used for walking interviews, go-alongs, mapping transects and for sensory mobile methods.

QualNotes is a collaboration by Danielle Drozdzewski and Jose Berengueres (UAEU); it currently has VFT funding through SU Holdings, 2022-23, 295 000 SEK.


FORTE: Is there consistency in evaluation of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity asylum seeker cases? (Konsekvent asylprövning av asylsökande som åberopar sexuell läggning och könsidentitet som asylskäl?), 2022-2024, 4 900 000 SEK.

Project Lead: Associate Professor Thomas Wimark, Uppsala University

Project Researchers: Associate Professor Danielle Drozdzewski (Stockholm University) and Professor Rebecca Stern (Uppsala University).


Riksbankens Jubileumsfond Program Grant:2019-2024, 40 240 000 SEK.  

Lyckliga gatan? Geografisk polarisering och social sammanhållning i dagens Sverige 

The Neighbourhood Revisited: Spatial polarization and social cohesion in contemporary Sweden.

Program Lead: Professor Bo Malmberg

Subproject 1 Lead: Professor Gunnar Andersson

Subproject 2 Lead: Dr Danielle Drozdzewski

Subproject 3 Lead: Professor Eva Andersson



Digital Human Sciences Grant:2019-2020, 150 000 SEK.

Exploring and writing ‘the digital’ into memory research,
Danielle Drozdzewski (Sole CI).
Included in this project are the following case studies: 

'Poland: How does a politics of Polish memory frame (re)productions cultural memory?'

Dr Danielle Drozdzewski as part of the 'Commemoration Reframed' network:

This project explores the historical and contemporary geopolitics of Polish memory. It considers how Polish cultural memory has been operationalised, with political purpose, to ensure the continuance of Polish cultural memories that (re)affirm certain narratives about the nation.  To do so it draws on field data generated on November 11, 2018, in Poland.  On this day, Armistice Day, Allied countries commemorate the end of the First World War (WWI).  In Poland, this day has extra significance as it marks the (re)creation and restoration of the Second Polish Republic, post-WWI following 123 year-long partition by the Russian, Austrian and Prussian empires. Narodowe Święto Niepodległości (National Independence Day) as a calendar ritual, has both commemorative and celebratory characteristics – its solemnity marks war dead, but it also specifies the triumphant return of the Polish state.  This research examines contested sentiments about November 11 in Poland, placing the happenings of that day amid contexts of remembrance and nation building.

Other Continuing Research 

Migration, memory and national identity - Berlin and Wroclaw 

This project will consider what happens post-settlement, shifting focus to the outcomes of migrations on host societies and to the migrants. By adopting a dual focus on both migrants and host communities, this project seeks to provide insights into whether successful settlement can be predicated on greater understandings and appreciation of the linkages between memory and identity by both migrants and the communities they settle in.

This project has two aims:
1. It will articulate the post-settlement outcomes of migrants in Poland and Germany with an explicit focus on how new identities are negotiated in the host countries and how cultural memories of the homeland are maintained.

2. It will investigate the views of the people in the places where migrants settle – Polish and German. As such, this second aim will address how and what integration looks like from the point of view of the host community.




Research projects