David ThorsénSenior lecturer/Director of Studies
About me
My research focuses on the history of medicine, curriculum studies, and visual/material culture in science and health education. I am currently working together with Eva Insulander (SU) on the research project "Collections and education: A historical study of the relation between schools and museums 1880-1980”, funded by the Swedish research council. My latest publications include articles on the use of objects and artifacts in education, female "teacher-scientists" in late 19th and early 20th century, and animal dissections in science education and vocational training of Swedish teachers c. 1900-1920.
Eva Insulander & David Thorsén (2024). From museum to school and back again: tracing the biographies of natural history objects, 1866–2024. Paedagogica Historica, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1080/00309230.2024.2421368
David Thorsén & Eva Insulander (2024). Skola På Museum: Ernst Klein Och Nordiska Museets Undervisningsavdelning 1929–1938”. Nordic Journal of Educational History 11 (1):103-31. https://doi.org/10.36368/njedh.v11i1.474
Selected publications
Eva Insulander & David Thorsén (2023). Teaching through objects and collections: The case of Strängnäs Secondary Grammar School and school museum 1830-1960. Multimodality & Society, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/26349795231185957
"The First Report - June 5, 1981", on faceofaids.ki.se (2021)
"Karolina Widerström och skolans dissektionsundervisning 1900-1920". Nordic Journal of Educational History. Vol 8, nr 1 (2021), 3-30.
Albertina Carlsson (1884-1930), Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon (2021)
Augusta Christie-Linde (1870-1953), Svensk kvinnobiografiskt lexikon (2021)
"Dissektioner i svensk skolundervisning under tidigt 1900-tal". In Eklöf, M. (Ed.). Humanimalt. (Malmköping: Exempla förlag 2020), 49-55.
"Hiv-blivandets känslolandskap", lambda nordica. Nr 3-4 (2018), 200-3.
"AIDS – Metaphor and Reality", on faceofaids.ki.se (2017)
”Studentengagemang och aktiverande gruppuppgifter – ett exempel”. Högre utbildning. Vol. 6, Nr 2 (2016), 157-163.
”Epidemins aktörer. Patentkollektiv som maktfaktor: exemplet hiv/aids”. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift: Etik och politik i epidemibekämpning. Vol. 92, Nr 6 (2015), 717-25.
”Rädd för AIDS Lasse?”. In Anderberg, K., Laskar, P., Sundevall F., (ed.). Sexualpolitiska nyckeltexter. (Stockholm: Leopold förlag 2015), 462-75.
Den svenska aidsepidemin. Ankomst, bemötande, innebörd (Uppsala: Uppsala universitet 2013).
”AIDS i Sverige”. In Gustavsson Chorel, T. & Bondestam, M. (ed.). In på bara huden. Medicinhistoriska studier tillägnade Karin Johannisson. (Nora: Nya Doxa 2010), 211-238.
”Epidemic times. A brief history of HIV/AIDS in Sweden”. In Follér M-L. & Thörn H. (ed.). No name fever. Aids in the time of Globalization. (Studentlitteratur: Lund 2005), 307-30.